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Report: U.S. Spent $3.7 Trillion on Welfare Over Last 5 Years

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:36 PM



The graph is worthless without the information used to create the graph. I could simply say that my independent research concludes that the US only spent about $3.50 on Welfare in the last 5 years.

Doesn't make it true, and I'm not saying that this isn't true, but where can I read the report and decide for myself whether the merit of this graph is worth bothering to talk about?

Did you follow the link I provided ?

Had you done that, you'd have found supporting information for the graph. I merely posted it here as I thought it was an interesting visual aid for the class.

You linked a news story, I'm not looking for information filtered through a news source, but rather the actual report. This news agency seems to have had access to the Congressional report, and I think it's pretty telling that the news agency has decided against providing a link to the report themselves.

You can look at the offical numbers here Budget but, they come out at about 2 trillion for those 5 years. The article adds in almost 2 trillion more from somewhere. I think they are playing with the numbers a bit and for Welfare adding in Federal, State and Local that would get them to the 3.7 Trillion number I think but, if they did that with Education that number alone is higher than Welfare spending. Perhaps they are using the combined federal/state/local numbers for Welfare to inflate it and using only federal spending on the others to deflate those numbers. Whatever they are doing it is not kosher.
edit on 24-10-2013 by MrSpad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:42 PM

reply to post by catfishjoe

It is your job to report fraud, if you care about your tax money. You still can report the fraud, though I doubt you will. Here is the information to get you started.

Please, the American gov't has been doing worse for Decades, and your telling someone to sell out there friend who might legitamatly need that extra money for whatever reason to sell him out???

Gooberment bails out everyone accept there own people, screw over law abiding, tax paying citizens daily and you want to turn them in!!!?

I've been paying taxes since I was 15 years old! I'm by no means "well off" lately, signing up for snap or whatever else I can get my hands on sounds like a "Good" idea! Will I? HELL NO! BUT it sure does sound good! HELL YES!

Sell out a friend.... WOW~ Way to judge without knowing a persons circumstances.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Thanks for the info. Youre right, I won't read it. Its the thought that counts right? Our country needs more moral citizens such as yourself. I'm sure our once great country wouldn't be in the #ter if we had more people like you reporting fraud. You, good sir, are a true american!!!!! No sarcasm. I'm dead serious. Thank you good sir.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

This is what scares me. People are living in completely different realities based on what political identity they choose to side with and, therefore, where they get their news from. If I follow liberal news, the debt is caused by millitary spending and bailouts and welfare is a tiny fraction of overall debt. If I follow conservative news, the debt is primarily from welfare. If the truth were known, a massive chunk of it is probably from black-ops, like Haarp, chemtrails, surveillence, underground base construction, or stuff nobodies even talking about. Everyone assumes their news is accurate and the other side is false, but the truth is both sides probably contain equal ammounts of truth and deception. I have to come back to the false dialectic. They're just trying to pit people against one another and make them angry. I still have to reconcile the fact that Fox News and MSNBC are controlled by the same people (The CFR), but yet they dissiminate two separate realities. This is by design.
edit on 25-10-2013 by JNathanK because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:55 AM
If they cured type 1 and type 2 diabetes it would get a lot of disabled people back to work. Diabetes costs the American taxpayer at least $100 billion a year. That's just a start, let's cure cancer then. Oh wait, the pharmaceutical companies won't make their money from insuilin, test strips, glucose tabs, ambulance trips, hospital trips, doctor visits, blood tests at the hospital. And that's just for diabtes.

Cancer could be cured, but all these companies want to make money off of cut and burn chemo radiation and the cutting off body parts in surgery. There are millions of examples to show that cures have been suppressed by big-pharma.

I wanted to join the military as a figther pilot. I was diagnosed at the age of 2 years old of diabetes. That destroyed my dreams of ever being what I always wanted. With today's technology, you would see a lot of cures and other things to help the smaller people if they really wanted to save the economy! Big-pharma doesn't generate the tax dollars that cures would with getting people back to work.
edit on 10/25/2013 by InFriNiTee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:38 AM

How much was spent abroad in a failed war?

The total cost of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, including all postwar benefits and medical expenses is between $4 and $6 trillion. In the same timeframe we will spend $7.5 trillion on welfare.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:36 AM


How much was spent abroad in a failed war?

The total cost of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, including all postwar benefits and medical expenses is between $4 and $6 trillion. In the same timeframe we will spend $7.5 trillion on welfare.

If you look at the actual budget and not the number the article made up Federal spending on welfare is a little over 400 billion a year. The cost of the wars would fund welfare spending for 15 years.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:17 PM



The graph is worthless without the information used to create the graph. I could simply say that my independent research concludes that the US only spent about $3.50 on Welfare in the last 5 years.

Doesn't make it true, and I'm not saying that this isn't true, but where can I read the report and decide for myself whether the merit of this graph is worth bothering to talk about?

Did you follow the link I provided ?

Had you done that, you'd have found supporting information for the graph. I merely posted it here as I thought it was an interesting visual aid for the class.

You linked a news story, I'm not looking for information filtered through a news source, but rather the actual report. This news agency seems to have had access to the Congressional report, and I think it's pretty telling that the news agency has decided against providing a link to the report themselves.

Hola, Senor Muckity-muck!

Might I suggest that if you feel the posting of the article I found was such a waste of time.....

..............rather than snub it about....going and finding what YOU feel would be either sufficient proof, or what surmounts to an insufficient amount of proof.....

That way, rather than snarky I-know-it-all-ness-and-you-clearly-aren;t-worthy-of-my-time-dness, you could actually have something to CONTRIBUTE to the damned conversation.

How about that, Senor Muckity-muck ?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:20 PM




The graph is worthless without the information used to create the graph. I could simply say that my independent research concludes that the US only spent about $3.50 on Welfare in the last 5 years.

Doesn't make it true, and I'm not saying that this isn't true, but where can I read the report and decide for myself whether the merit of this graph is worth bothering to talk about?

Did you follow the link I provided ?

Had you done that, you'd have found supporting information for the graph. I merely posted it here as I thought it was an interesting visual aid for the class.

You linked a news story, I'm not looking for information filtered through a news source, but rather the actual report. This news agency seems to have had access to the Congressional report, and I think it's pretty telling that the news agency has decided against providing a link to the report themselves.

You can look at the offical numbers here Budget but, they come out at about 2 trillion for those 5 years. The article adds in almost 2 trillion more from somewhere. I think they are playing with the numbers a bit and for Welfare adding in Federal, State and Local that would get them to the 3.7 Trillion number I think but, if they did that with Education that number alone is higher than Welfare spending. Perhaps they are using the combined federal/state/local numbers for Welfare to inflate it and using only federal spending on the others to deflate those numbers. Whatever they are doing it is not kosher.
edit on 24-10-2013 by MrSpad because: (no reason given)

Hey, fair enough, 100%.

If their numbers are cooked, they're cooked.

But even as you state in a later post to this thread, if we simply changed our spending from senseless things like killing and expansionary wars, we could actually do something good for once.

I'm no altruist, but I am sick of how things are working in this world.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:22 PM

reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Thanks for the info. Youre right, I won't read it. Its the thought that counts right? Our country needs more moral citizens such as yourself. I'm sure our once great country wouldn't be in the #ter if we had more people like you reporting fraud. You, good sir, are a true american!!!!! No sarcasm. I'm dead serious. Thank you good sir.

Oh, wow. Just plain Wow.


Wow, just plain Wow.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:24 PM
And the problem is... what, exactly?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:38 PM

reply to post by SadistNocturne

a society dependent on government to exist..

what did you expect to see happen when NAFTA GAT & all the other trade agreements took

away manufacturing jobs from US shores...

Detroit used to be the Motor Capital of the world..

now look at it..

What chance does America have when big business is in bed with big government squashing the average Americans ability to create & innovate?

Americans have been shifted from producers to service class debt based money slaves..

You're the Preacher and I'm the choir, my friend.

What we've allowed collectively, and we're ALL at fault, each and every one of us, to happen is our own fault.

We need to do *something* sincere and reckless to turn things around. Nothing short of that will change the path that we're on.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:47 PM


New research from the Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee shows that over the last 5 years, the U.S. has spent about $3.7 trillion on welfare. Here's a chart, showing that spending versus transportation, education, and NASA spending:

Maybe, we need to re-evaluate? Maybe, we need to look at putting some of our welfare recipients into some sort of work situation for welfare. Perhaps a minimum of part time? That way they could repay society, AND look for gainful employment?

Think of it...caregivers...laborers...cooks....guards....just about *anything* society needs. Why should you just be PAID to not work ? I certainly don't get paid to NOT work....

That's right, you get paid to work, so why do you want others to be forced to work for benefits instead of wages?

If there's any forcing to be done, why not force the companies who are using these 'free workers' to pay them a wage instead? If they want any work doing they should pay for it, shouldn't they? Isn't this how it's supposed to be? This way the workers will be able to get off benefits, and they'll be supporting themselves and PAYING taxes instead of claiming.

You do know that the majority of people claiming ARE working, don't you? They have to claim because they aren't paid enough. So, why not force employers to pay a living wage? Then the majority would be off benefits and the spending on welfare assistance would be drastically reduced.

Everyone will be happy. Well, everyone except the tight-arsed companies who think it's acceptable for people to do the work they need doing, and not pay them for it.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:53 PM



New research from the Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee shows that over the last 5 years, the U.S. has spent about $3.7 trillion on welfare. Here's a chart, showing that spending versus transportation, education, and NASA spending:

Maybe, we need to re-evaluate? Maybe, we need to look at putting some of our welfare recipients into some sort of work situation for welfare. Perhaps a minimum of part time? That way they could repay society, AND look for gainful employment?

Think of it...caregivers...laborers...cooks....guards....just about *anything* society needs. Why should you just be PAID to not work ? I certainly don't get paid to NOT work....

That's right, you get paid to work, so why do you want others to be forced to work for benefits instead of wages?

If there's any forcing to be done, why not force the companies who are using these 'free workers' to pay them a wage instead? If they want any work doing they should pay for it, shouldn't they? Isn't this how it's supposed to be? This way the workers will be able to get off benefits, and they'll be supporting themselves and PAYING taxes instead of claiming.

You do know that the majority of people claiming ARE working, don't you? They have to claim because they aren't paid enough. So, why not force employers to pay a living wage? Then the majority would be off benefits and the spending on welfare assistance would be drastically reduced.

Everyone will be happy. Well, everyone except the tight-arsed companies who think it's acceptable for people to do the work they need doing, and not pay them for it.

Ok, ok....

First of all, here in the US, if you work and get paid anything at all, it lowers your welfare benefits.

Second, if you are working and receiving welfare, chances are you're being paid "under the table".

Third, yes, I agree that companies are paying their employees substandard wages. However, I also believe that a person is ultimately in control of their career and how much they are paid.

I happen to be a High School dropout, and only have 45 college credits, nowhere near enough to have a diploma. Yet, I work along side folks with Masters degrees on a day in day out basis...and I earn a good six figure income. Why? Because I made my own luck and opportunities, I grabbed on, and wouldn't let go. Never have, never will.

Now, I am well aware that it is a slightly different scenario in the UK. I know that you do what you went to school or apprenticed to do. I think it is horrible in the UK how a good friend of mine who would love to work with computers like I do, and is well talented in it, cannot do what would be available to him here in the states and take an entry level position and work his way up. I know that this is relatively unheard of in the UK, and that you basically have to go to University and get "certified" or get an entire diploma to be even considered for that new career.

Life is rough, I'll give you that. But I do believe in setting yourself up for success. I know plenty who refuse to accept that, and they're scraping by on welfare and or disability. Some even in my very own family (not immediate).

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:00 PM

charts and data

Welfare --- $ billion
2006) 334.41
2007) 336.85
2008) 409.67
2009) 535.07
2010) 686.95
2011) 649.01
2012) 586.54
2013) 574.94
2014) 529.12

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:06 PM
Math was messed up.. I was smoking crack or something..
edit on 10/25/2013 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:20 PM


reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Thanks for the info. Youre right, I won't 0read it. Its the thought that counts right? Our country needs more moral citizens such as yourself. I'm sure our once great country wouldn't be in the #ter if we had more people like you reporting fraud. You, good sir, are a true american!!!!! No sarcasm. I'm dead serious. Thank you good sir.

Oh, wow. Just plain Wow.


Wow, just plain Wow.

Its cool bro. Be happy. Dont waste no sweat for me. I love you no matter what you think of me. I'm happy no matter what. You should be as well. Don't hate. That's negative energy. Turn that frown upside down!!!

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

Do not expect any thing to be done about it, as you know, that keeping the poor on welfare is how the democrats get their votes, and now that they are in the crap list, they are to give more welfare to gain votes to the millions of illegals with an immigration bill.

yeah, we can not let those votes go to waste.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:42 PM



reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Thanks for the info. Youre right, I won't 0read it. Its the thought that counts right? Our country needs more moral citizens such as yourself. I'm sure our once great country wouldn't be in the #ter if we had more people like you reporting fraud. You, good sir, are a true american!!!!! No sarcasm. I'm dead serious. Thank you good sir.

Oh, wow. Just plain Wow.


Wow, just plain Wow.

Its cool bro. Be happy. Dont waste no sweat for me. I love you no matter what you think of me. I'm happy no matter what. You should be as well. Don't hate. That's negative energy. Turn that frown upside down!!!

Put down the PHISH branded MP3 player, stop hitting the pipe, and come back to reality, "bro". It's cool here too.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 01:10 PM




reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Thanks for the info. Youre right, I won't 0read it. Its the thought that counts right? Our country needs more moral citizens such as yourself. I'm sure our once great country wouldn't be in the #ter if we had more people like you reporting fraud. You, good sir, are a true american!!!!! No sarcasm. I'm dead serious. Thank you good sir.

Oh, wow. Just plain Wow.


Wow, just plain Wow.

Its cool bro. Be happy. Dont waste no sweat for me. I love you no matter what you think of me. I'm happy no matter what. You should be as well. Don't hate. That's negative energy. Turn that frown upside down!!!

Put down the PHISH branded MP3 player, stop hitting the pipe, and come back to reality, "bro". It's cool here too.

So now I'm a druggie?? Nope. Drug free and worry free. Never smoked or drank my entire life. That's what you get for assuming. Its cool tho. I love when people assume. You make yourself look bad. I still love you tho. Good blessings to you and your loved ones. Coming from a "pipe" using fool such as myself might not mean crap to you but it's cool. Nothing but love bro.


PS. I don't own a mp3.

edit on 26-10-2013 by catfishjoe because: bad spelling. must be the pipe talking.

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