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Obama Administration Reportedly Halts Aid to Syrian Rebels

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posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 10:33 PM

I have been hearing for a few weeks, and the Turkish Newspaper Hurriyet is reporting, that the Obama Administration has stopped providing aid to the 'moderate' Syrian rebels.

This is reportedly in response to radical rebel groups expanding their control over areas in northern Syria, especially the border crossing and routes which had been being used to supply the 'moderate' rebels in Syria.

This year the Syrian armed opposition has essentially fallen apart.

- Public support for them among the people of Syria has evaporated.

- Their numbers have decreased due to casualties, desertions, and a lack of people joining their ranks.

- That the Syrian armed opposition essentially consists of fragmented radical groups supported by other countries has become more and more well known in the West.

- These groups now devote most of their efforts to fighting each other and the Kurdish groups in northern Syria, and Syrian government forces have retaken control of most of western and southern Syria.

The Turkish military has also begun to prevent groups of rebels from crossing into Turkey, and to arrest, disarm, and immediately deport back to Syria rebels who are able to cross the border into Turkey, and to respond with tank and cannon fire on rebel positions in Syria when mortars or shells from rebel controlled areas land in Turkey.

The Western-recognized Syrian political opposition is also disintegrating. There are plans for a Geneva II conference to be held in about a month but there is now no opposition group available to attend it.

The SOC made some noises about attending it but the SNC, the largest group in the SOC, has stated that they will leave the SOC if a decision to attend the conference is made.

Most of the rebel groups in Syria have also stated that they no longer recognize the SOC or SNC.

Today the leader of the Western-recognized Syrian opposition stated that they will not attend talks in Geneva next month unless their preconditions are met, the primary one being the removal of President al-Assad.

Interesting...Basically the Syrian Rebels are no more and they are nothing more than a bunch of radical terror groups operating on their own .... Would it be safe to assume that Syrian Army has won ? and all it has to do is carry out a clear up operation for the next few months as rebels are too busy fighting themselves ? Looks like Russian diplomacy has won ....

Looks like even turkey has started confrontations with Syrian Rebels who are aligned with Al-Quida .

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by maddy21

All I can add is that I hope Syria continues stabilization, with cooler heads and diplomacy prevailing.
edit on 22-10-2013 by 1Providence1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 11:02 PM
Wow... The US leadership is cold as ice and determined as ever to see this war happen. Who they burn and who dies in the process seems irrelevant to the bigger picture.

I think the logic is best summed up from one of the odder sources you may ever see me draw a quote from ...but I really have meant it when I say I'm regularly checking sources from all directions. Even these ones..

The simple fact is that if no aid is given to moderate groups then there will be no good news from them. They will become increasingly irrelevant and Syria will be given over to a struggle between al-Qaeda and associated groups against Assad, Hezbollah and Iran.

Source of the logic aside, I couldn't have summed that up better. You reward what you want and starve or penalize what you don't. This is what we'd do if we didn't want moderates to survive the in-fighting and wanted the Al Qaeda dominant forces to come to the front.

If that is the path this thing takes, then the timing will be different ..but eventually, something will happen that's big enough and atrocious enough to give them all another bite at the world's opinion apple for intervention by force. That's my take. No false flags. None needed. It's just a question of time if AQ is the faction left standing as Syrian opposition, IMO.

It's a mixed field tho...and far far from falling apart, IMO. They just formed a new structure a month ago, in fact.

The Islamic Alliance Emerges

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 11:28 PM
Nothing new, we pulled out support for Afghanistan when it was no longer useful, we saw how that all supposedly worked out.

We shouldn't get involved in the first place.

We create our own enemies, it almost seems purposeful.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by benrl

You're sure right there. It's nothing new. You'd just think we'd have done something for the chronic case of insanity our old Uncle Sam seems to be suffering from.

That is what we call it when the old coot tries the same mistake over and over and over, expecting better results right? Insanity?

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 11:46 PM

Nothing new, we pulled out support for Afghanistan when it was no longer useful, we saw how that all supposedly worked out.

We shouldn't get involved in the first place.

We create our own enemies, it almost seems purposeful.

I just woke up my wife by shouting, "Amen!".

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 11:54 PM
Excellent. This is why Obama was so determined to strike Syria with missiles, but in the end he wasn't able to because there was just too much circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact that the rebels actually committed the chemical attack. He would have faced too much controversy had he striked Syria. But since he didn't the rebels are now at a very bad disadvantage, especially if the US is no longer going to send them aid. What this indicates to me is that the US now has another target in its cross hairs and Syria has become another irrelevant war ravaged nation lacking any further political usefulness.
edit on 22/10/2013 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 11:56 PM

reply to post by benrl

You're sure right there. It's nothing new. You'd just think we'd have done something for the chronic case of insanity our old Uncle Sam seems to be suffering from.

That is what we call it when the old coot tries the same mistake over and over and over, expecting better results right? Insanity?

Honestly if I didn't know better I would think someone was massively benefiting from the US's misadventures abroad...

People need to take a breath, and think about the dollar amounts involved in defense contracting, and remember we are talking Corporations that sole purpose is to make weapons.

How morally flexible do you think that would make said companies.

Lobby for a war for profits? Sure.

But wheres the line?

These companies also sell to foreign nations abroad all the time, what kinda of resource chest do you suppose these companies have.

And then, all it would take is ONE of them to decide to cross that line.

Just one, even a division, just one like Tyco, Ratheon, Boeing.

Im being silly, probably on ATS for far to long...

Controlled Impact demonstration
edit on 23-10-2013 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 01:06 AM
Maybe they should send McCain to talk with them?

Or Hillary?

I don't believe theres a stoppage of anything. A pause maybe or change of direction. There is way to much treasure vested by the people behind the drive to conquer the Middle East. They aren't going to give up now. So things are slow, it'll just take longer.

Although anxious for there to be a solution Libya style, if it takes longer and is bloodier, so be it. That will upset people in the long run, so they fabricate a "stop funding maybe" announcement so attention wains and is diverted somewhere else.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the slow bleed by attrition will continue.

Just observing...

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by maddy21

So, this is why they were so eager to get into a Syrian war now. They knew if they didn't they were going to miss their chance. they = our government (the parties are a charade, but that's for other threads)

They couldn't maneuver an outcome they wanted in time, before the terrorist groups they had organized collapsed. Don't be fooled though, this isn't over. In fact, probably the more dangerous phase is about to begin.

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