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hope is wishful thinking, love is selfLESSness/slavery

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posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:31 PM
people believe whatever they are told. If they are taught "love" is best then even if they leave religion most still hold this as their moral. It seems to be do deeply trained into each human mind.

People are taught to believe in hope and prayer but if it doesnt turn out as they wish they make up excuses and continue to believe anyway.

Those who hurt others do it because they love something else more.

Love is attachment, attachment to something may make one go insane even hurt others just to keep tbat bond with the other.

Unconditional love is even worse, sacrifice your preferences and personality to love all like a perfecy slave.

All for the hope of endless happiness. Then they claim love isn't selfish. ..

The only selfless thing abour love is its servitude and surrendering like a perfect slave.

Most are scared of the dark so they run to light...

People just go along with love, attachment, servitude, slavery because they are taught to do so
edit on 19-10-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:52 PM
Here is my point in a shorter post....

Love is a way to get people to be attached/chained. It tells people to serve and give and to OBEY...

Love is the way to force all to be in service and agree, because of course if you don't agree with a view some see as love then YOU are evil /sarcasm

Oneness not agree ing with the reality seen as bad

The messagrh? Be a slave

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by arpgme

The dark experiences that some may have gained to 1 can also cause a use of LOVE.
Not necessary a use of love like a slave to it, to love all, but more so an attempt at alerting some to consider dark experiences (experienced) that may cause the consciousness of its experiencer to SEE.
SEE that thru personal dark experiences that the end result for non love actions was not a wanted outcome for the unaware...

This 1 sees as another drive for LOVE all based on an experiencers experiences without it.

More less like experienced there so don't think non experienced want to go there so share to LIGHT the conscious that perhaps that end result from going there which may = a beginning elsewhere may not be the ending-beginning considered by the non aware of that potential next level of experiences.

With 1 its more out of CARE then NEED. A care for others that may not wish to find unwanted end-beginnings from going there results...


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:46 PM
Listen love ain't all bad. We've all been hurt by it.The People I loved and trusted were brilliant
and I trusted them, but they used me, they twisted and tortued me, used me to further their own purposes and for what?

But i'm stronger for loving and trusting these people.
Love is what gives these people purpose in their short lives.
Perhaps love isn't always what it seems but too take away the illusion is far more painful than
any broken heart.

Love is what you make of it. It's part of your life. You cant tell me that you love nothing, no motive of your own.

Just hope that the love hasn't been extingushed or you'll be left a bitterly psychotic person always trying to reignite that spark in your heart.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Love is slavery. The difference is it is your choice to be indentured.

Think about it.

The Bot

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:01 PM
I love science.

All are slaves to biology.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Oneness is symbiosis where 2 parts become like one. Symbiosis is mutual servitude that benefits both parts. No humans would be alive without the symbiosis between the child and someone taking care of that child and the child gives normally emotional benefits to the caretakers.

If you do not wanna be one with something then that is your choice but do not complain when you do not get the positive benefits when disconnected by your own choice. You cannot both have your cake and eat it.
edit on 19-10-2013 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 11:15 PM
Unconditional Love does not mean sacrifice your joy. Its supposed to be a win/win and the understanding you should be extending to others, you also extend to self, loving self and everyone, like a really good happy non dysfunctional family with positive self esteem and unless you can value yourself and have self esteem you really don't value others. Bullies have their cores crushed inside. you're not supposed to play small. Be yourself and seek to heal, to be whole, to refine, to be the best you can be.

But unconditional love means understanding and caring for others, not judging them. Like a mother who has 4 children and one is a black sheep, into a seedy life style and addictions. Does she give up? On the other hand, not giving up doesnt mean she hands him all of her scrap metal, aluminun laddres, lawn mowers, and valuables to pawn or scrap out, she should be somewhat self protective if it comes to that, while sending lots of good energy. With some people, that unconditional love needs to be done from a distance for safeties sake.

Ho onoponopono, letting go and seeing the light in someone and seeing them whole. Sorry for seeing the distortion here, and their shadow seeing past that mask, unmasking them....!!!

Selflessness is used as opposite selfish, but, thats due to lots of alternative words, I'm well aware they code everything.

But the coding is pathetic attempts at entrapment, whereas we can just speak our language, or write it, with our intentions of heart, hand them back their nasty little gifts , for they're just insane in the membrane group and need alot of prayers and intercessions being done on their behalf.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 12:25 AM
I've always felt like there's something wrong about this life or this reality, but since I don't know what's on the other side of death, I can't come to a conclusion. Perhaps this world is the best of all worlds? Maybe death is worse than life? Either way, war and conflict and suffering will go on, so long as things live. I believe conflict and evil are physics, just as peace and good. It's like gravity. It's not supernatural.

I keep waiting to see if death and conflict and suffering will look better to me. Kind of like how a rainy day seems uninviting, but it waters the plants. Sometimes we just have to see things with new eyes. I know many before me have witnessed this life and found a somewhat positive judgment, despite all of the madness.

On the one hand there's war and murder and disaster and on the other there's kindness and sacrifice and beautiful sunsets. This universe gives us everything, it seems. Maybe we're not in a position to truly understand it yet.

Sometimes I wonder if this universe is some kind of factory or test. What's it producing, intelligence? Is it testing something, like social theory or evolution? Consequences engender me to think something is overseeing the outcomes. Without consequences, the data would be useless. With them, judgments can be made.
edit on 20-10-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 03:30 AM

Here is my point in a shorter post....

Love is a way to get people to be attached/chained. It tells people to serve and give and to OBEY...

Love is the way to force all to be in service and agree, because of course if you don't agree with a view some see as love then YOU are evil /sarcasm

Oneness not agree ing with the reality seen as bad

The messagrh? Be a slave

One must be selfish and love oneself. Until one loves oneself one will be looking for love from others who know nothing of love. When love is known one will not have to hope or beg for it.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 09:04 AM
[]post by dlbott[/url]

Love is slavery. The difference is it is your choice to be indentured. Think about it. The Bot

I did think about it. They are brainwashed into it for servitude, just like most religions.

Even atheists hang on to this when leaving religion because it's so deeply put in society.

Seek love and romance, don't cause a scene by being angry, you are supposed to just seek love and smile and supposed to suppress all negativity.

Happiness, love, and materialism is taught on media and society.

Happiness and love to get people addict to get people addicted/bonded to each other so that they will easily comform like sheep instead of being different

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 09:08 AM


Sometimes I wonder if this universe is some kind of factory or test. What's it producing, intelligence? Is it testing something, like social theory or evolution? Consequences engender me to think something is overseeing the outcomes. Without consequences, the data would be useless. With them, judgments can be made.

edit on 20-10-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

Earth is both a factory and a test to see that the product is ready for the next stage of spiritual evolution. I do not know if there is worse places but I know there is a place that is better.

The sevenfold spirit in revelation is the chakra system. Now go seek and find if you want to truelly know/understand. Nothing is supernatural just unknown by humankind. Even advanced healing and synchronicity is only tools to understand and use and depending on where you lay your efforts you will understand the tools.
edit on 20-10-2013 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:05 AM
Sometimes I really wonder what is going on in your life. Even if you choose to be celebate, as I have, given up on true love here, knowing its all waiting anyway, once you get out of this lower level primtive planet, something far more wonderful than anything here for you are plugged into each other and everyone with the universal understanding/telepathy. This is nothing by comparison and these are memories, in a sense knowing I've had all my life. So even if you choose to celebate, you stlil LOVE. Love is expanded consciousness, ie. soul growth. Anything that increase your understanding of others, your ability to control your own vehicle/body suit, and override programming, anything that enhances your wisdom or knowledge and gives you more choices to deal well, and enhances your abilities to negotiate, communicate, makes you GROW.

When your soul grows and is empowered, you are not only closer to the walls breaking down between the deeper and infinite pools of yourself, ie your Higher or Infinite Self, but you yourself expand consciousness hundred of thousands of times the size it currently is.

In the opposite system of self protection, which is what I'm beginning to think maybe you're in, attempting to protect yourself. And I'm going to send some prayers and intercessions your way because I feel as if something is blocking you, and your ultimate wholeness and I care about you, you post alot of metaphysics threads, and thats the area I'm the most interested in, ufology aside for a moment. Its the jackpot basically, innerworks.

Anyway, the other is regression. The universe has large numbers of so called empowered, regressed consciousness beings. They are in a pyramid system with power to the few, empires, or confederations, like the old empire, darth vader ,and AI enhanced robotics, more machine than man, don't think for yourself. Even they have Light within and under the mask and if you can get one of them aside from the group, try to communicate self growth and free thinking to them, because they all count too.

But that is regression of your mind and consciousness, its a shrinking and beehive, control, rank and file, and less understanding of others. They need to free their minds....!!!!

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:08 AM
Now the reason why Love is entrenched in religions, is a dual edged sword. TPTB know that if they include enough Love and Unconditional Love into religions, ie, the message of Christ for example, that they will draw spirit children forward. We recognize the truth in our hearts. And they draw souls forth by putting enough truth in, to draw them forward, and then they through the pay taxes to Rome, obey your masters, subjegate women and children and slaves, smiting and wars, to TWIST what people know inside as true already.

Its not because the Love is wrong, its the right thing, and that is what they manipulate people with. They can't pull anyone with things that don't resonate with your soul knowledge under the veil.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I think what you said about love may be what my soul wanted me to be aware of, they are definitely using the idea of love to bring people into conformity, fear of being different , and obedient.

Imagine a bully telling you that you should be kind to others then the teacher will like you, it's true, but imagine the bully is telling you that so you can be "kind" enough to keep giving him your money and if not, then the bully gets mad at you out of "righteousness" because of YOUR "unkindness" and "selfishness"

Unfortunately "love" will continue to be used by bullies (priests, etc) to control

edit on 20-10-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by arpgme

I agree they manipulate us, but they created a menace to themselves. For instead of simply having well behaved slaves, that required less policing, Christian principles espounded equality and democracies. So they seem to dislike their own creation. Because Higher Ups and Goodness flow in when people give up their time, and resources for others, and start to share and care. That gives Goodness and the many who serve Love in the multiverse access.

So they've lost their own game.

Not realizing that there is always something Beyond, their concept of a Dog Eat Dog universe with a neutral god and ruthless overseers. There is a always a Beyond in infinity, and a Beyond beyond the beyonds, and greater consciousness, growth and understanding certainly makes lower mind concepts of rank and file and dog eat dog vanish. So they're losing, the only way they can try to control people is by depopulating, thinning the herd, using poisons and nano technology and frequencies to try and dim people down.

But that creates a whole other opposition force, that they haven't even begun to address yet. For the one let Love Forces in, and the other lets Love Forces in to balance the school out, for its not legal to take away free will.

They will always lose. Its their fate.

Now, its up to us to start to create pockets of equality and happiness and find good solutions in our own communities and families. Thats we're really being called to do. Make everyone happy and empowered around us.
edit on 20-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 12:09 PM
LOVE can be as simple as a Draconz falling away from the Origin,
and recognizing... SEEing (granted experience) what its like, being away from Origin.

And perhaps Draconaz SEEs others on their way there (WHERE ID...
ALREADY, is & has BEEN), away further away (lower ascension).
And DRACONAZ has gained from experiences what is interpreted as LOVE by some as it ALERTS, others who may be on their way, there...

Alert that perhaps going there Objectively is not what "the" wants? or maybe the does? hmmm

Its odd that this LOVE interpretation can be confused as manipulation or slavery or a need and not sensed as STO Service To Others in attempt to help some avoid where Dracon may have be (en).

Subjectively speaking

edit on 10/20/13 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 12:19 PM
Draconz are always called to Love too. Those who overcome a different kind of wiring to let the warmth of others in end up growing up very tall indeed. I've been told that many reptilians are purer than humans. Was pulled to seeing a noble knight, well more like white bortherhood type andromedan knight with white hair, and his dragon, except he kind of was the dragon. And he seemed to have memories of Atlantis.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

This post is for both ophiuchus13 and unity_99

I know Draco is considered evil to many but to me they are very interesting. Reptilians look cool but some are really mean to others, and controling.

I heard that Reptilians are supposed to be ancient soul teachers and healers but now most are mean.

I like teaching people things especially on spiritual topics and I was practicing energy healing before, they told me they felt in a washing machine of rainbow energy lol

I don't like all of the control and sometimes I blame love and kindness because it seems the nicest people get walked on, but regardless of what I say and how I feel at times my soul still wants happiness for all beings.

edit on 20-10-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 12:39 PM

reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

I don't like all of the control and sometimes I blame love and kindness because it seems the nicest people get walked on, but regardless of what I say and how I feel at times my soul still wants happiness for all beings.

As ALL* our Metaphysical-Physical paths cross, no matter form manifested within, they all lead to the same point of construction eventually arpgme.
So our thought may not be exactly the same @ times...

But "WE" seem all in seek of the same happiness/outcomes.


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