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Are Republicans still the party of Lincoln?

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posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:37 AM
I think Ironically, yes, and it is ironic because for a time Republicans became a progressive party of wealthy elitists.

But, Lincoln spoke and wrote for decades about his economic and moral arguments, he really was a party founder not just a spokesman or a "right man at right time" figure in history. He made an argument since the 1840s, articulated it ceaselessly, and won his case for the Presidency upon it.

What was it in a nutshell?

That the labor market, not just the economic market, should be free. This means that at his very core Lincoln was anti-Union, even tho he never had to really confront the issue of unions. Lincoln believed in that the self-interest pursued by each man, led to the overall greatness of all of man.

He saw slavery and didn't just see a moral travesty, he saw a system that degraded labor, that distorted the labor market and depressed wages for all even free workers.

He knew that whenever the labor market was distorted, it would inevitably distort prices and wages and reduce prosperity, for he saw it happening in the slave states. But he had faith that freedom, from everything, freedom from servitude as well as freedom from unions, a free labor market, where workers competed for work, would lead to increased wages and increased prosperity.

And he was right. The greatest economic growth of the United States occurred before unionization.

Lincoln believed in and cherished private ownership.

Lincoln believed that unproductive work was just as idle as not working or being lazy. That is to say he would have been against Welfare and a "social security" net that promoted laziness and idleness.

Lincoln was a tireless worker, he would often write his speeches and rewrite them, well into the late hours of the night, only to wake up early to start all over again.

Lincoln believed in the individual, and believed that individual could do more with himself than be a government teat sucker.

And Lincoln was moral, Bible centered he fought against rampant unchecked consumerism. He believed that material wealth had to have some higher Christian purpose. He was no deist, he was not shy in his faith in Christ, and advocated it ceaselessly.

Lincoln said when the South accused him of being a "Sectional Party", Someday, the Republicans will be winning in your section.

The Northern Republicans became progressives, and abandoned Lincoln, but by a twist of fate, or perhaps by divine providence which works often in foreshadowing irony, the South has truly picked up the mantle of Lincoln and as a party of moralist individualists find themselves fighting closely for the goals of Lincoln's ill-begotten attempt as President.

And so fulfilling an unintended but perhaps divinely inspired statement that the Republicans would win in the south.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:42 AM
I believe they are more the party of Lenin. They sure as hell act like it! And who cares, after 2014, there won't be a republicommie party anyway. There will only be the Democommies left. By then there will be civil war, so who cares. At least we'll have a front seat to one hell of a show, and all the collateral casualties can use there BarryCare cards at local field hospitals and mass graves !
It's gonna be fun, fun fun ! ! ! ! ! !
edit on 17-10-2013 by tencap77 because: the quality of mercy is not strained, my ass! spelling

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:21 AM
Don't single out Lincoln. You have to also include Martin Luther King Junior and the myriad of others who fought the likes of the Gore's and others for civil rights.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:53 AM
Lincoln also said government should be the one to issue the nation's currency.

As per the Constitution.

That means NO BANKS.
edit on 2013/10/17 by Pejeu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 05:10 AM
Lincoln was a megalomaniac and suffering from severe bouts of depression and paranoia. He was, for all intents and purposes, going insane and suicidal.

He had absolutely zero respect for the Constitution and simply disregarded it whenever it suited him. He literally ruled the country by presidential decree, exercised dictatorial powers over a free people, and proceeded to wage war without a declaration from Congress.

In Sherman's march through Georgia he authorized the maiming of innocent civilians and the destruction of their property to "prove a point".

He thoroughly believed in an inequality that existed between the races and believed that a position of superiority should be given to those of white skin.

Anyone who sympathized with the South or pushed for a peaceful resolution he simply threw in prison.

Why history gives this man the status of being a great American simply confounds me. He was what Nixon wished he could be.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 05:25 AM
Republicans or Democrats, what does it matter there just different sides to the same coin! A two party system makes a mockery of any democracy by the very definition of the word.

Its just as bad in my home nation of the United Kingdom, over here we have what amounts to a three party system, Tory, Conservative and Liberal Democrats. However the reality of the situation is that there is only really one political party and that's the Tory scum currently at the helm of our nation. There rest of them amount to nothing more than wanna be Tory lap dogs!

In the end we are all slaves because we are stupid enough to listen to their lies and false promises which very seldom come to fruition.

Rant over.
edit on 17-10-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 02:09 PM

Lincoln was a megalomaniac and suffering from severe bouts of depression and paranoia. He was, for all intents and purposes, going insane and suicidal.

He had absolutely zero respect for the Constitution and simply disregarded it whenever it suited him. He literally ruled the country by presidential decree, exercised dictatorial powers over a free people, and proceeded to wage war without a declaration from Congress.

In Sherman's march through Georgia he authorized the maiming of innocent civilians and the destruction of their property to "prove a point".

He thoroughly believed in an inequality that existed between the races and believed that a position of superiority should be given to those of white skin.

Anyone who sympathized with the South or pushed for a peaceful resolution he simply threw in prison.

Why history gives this man the status of being a great American simply confounds me. He was what Nixon wished he could be.

Well since you know so little of "The Art of War" (no not sun tzu's made up Art of War), the actual book by the same title written by the French General for Napoleon, Jomini.

His "defense-offense" strategy which was an early form of mobilizing an entire nation for a war of attrition in an age of industrialization meant that Sherman was left with no recourse other than to burn the entire state of Georgia to the ground. The constant retreat of the Confederate forces, their refusal to face Sherman in open battle of annihilation one side takes all, forced Sherman to wreak havoc on their civilians in order to crush and destroy any ability to supply the Confederates to continue the war.

Hate to say it but it was their own faults.

The reason history gives Lincoln such prominence is because like your military history, you have less understanding of political history as well.

Lincoln was an avid Constitutionalist and supported it fully and understood it well. It were the secessionists who were destroying the Constitution.

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