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The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind

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posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 07:12 AM
None of what has been claimed to be the biggest scam so far actually is. The biggest scam in human history is our current social structure in general. Devised to keep the rich above the law and the rest poor and powerless.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 08:13 AM
I remember in August '08 sitting under a shade tree w/ my son, on the D.C. capital lawn waiting to hear Ron Paul speak.

G. Edward Griffin - 'Creature of Jekyll Island' fame was handed the microphone.
He said he was asked to sum up his book.
He said - I finally got it down to this sentence..."can you say the biggest scam in the history of the U.S."
Woodrow 'the treasonous' Wilson gave up the family jewels to gold collar scum that have been responsible for debt, taxes, inflation, wars, vaccines, gmo, core curriculum - in other words most of the evil in the world.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 09:08 AM

Actually the biggest scam, of which yours is a part of, was the drafting of the US Constitution.

Imagine that if today, all the States got together and decided they wanted to do something about the economic difficulties they are facing. They put together the top CEO's and wealthy individuals and send them to a convention in Las Vegas to come up with a new economic model.

Low and behold, these men come out and say that they've decided to abolish the Constitution and have rewritten it and the States just need to sign onto it. No bother reading it, just sign the dotted line. A few States take some issue with it but through brow beating, political pressure, and overt threats, all of them but one ratify it.

Change some names there and you have the beginning of our political system. Devised by the 1% to benefit the 1%. Sure they tossed in a few bones for us bottom feeders but there is a reason that most of the founding fathers saw their personal fortunes increase exponentially after the Constitution was adopted.
edit on 17-10-2013 by Spookybelle because: (no reason given)

the constitution is a scam.. Jefferson Davis figured it out..

The King's agents were behind replacing the Confederation..

US vs England.. Who won?.... Oh really? WHo was STILL RICH, and who was not really so?

The KING still had ALL the GOLD.. the whole, the USA has been a SCAM.. Get the poor, usually illiterate, desperate SUCKERS from around the world.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by InTheFlesh1980

He mentioned a part one do you have a link to that one? as I have not been able to find it.
never mind I found them...thanks

edit on 17-10-2013 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by TWILITE22

He mentioned a part one do you have a link to that one? as I have not been able to find it.

Yes, the video in the OP is part 4 in a series. I posted part 4 in particular because it was just recently released and was very clear and easy to understand.

The maker of the video is tied to a "buy gold" type website, but I wanted the focus to stay on the truths about the economic system rather than any other stuff. If the dollar collapses, I'm not so sure the farmer up the road is going to sell me $1400 worth of vegetables for a 1-ounce gold collector's coin. He would be more inclined to give me 2 months worth of produce for a cow or some ammunition.

Here are the other videos:

Part 1 - Currency vs. Money

Part 2 - Seven Stages of Empire

Part 3 - Dollar Crisis to Golden Opportunity

edit on 10/17/2013 by InTheFlesh1980 because: clarity

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by InTheFlesh1980

Thanks again the video's are very interesting I sent a link to my son-in-law he just graduated from George Mason(accounting and financing) also my spouse whom is a finance officer. I can bet they were not taught this, lol

I knew the Federal Reserve was a scam but these video's lay it out so it's more understandable to myself as I am not good with numbers so I'll have to watch them a few times to really understand just how corrupt it is.

If everyone in the nation watched them things would change real quick...

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by andy06shake

You'd have to bankrupt the USA, England and Germany to get even w/Organized ®eligion™...

This is just $$$ and $$$ is NOT the "key" in fact let us type that the "avg. age of ATS™" to be 25 For the last 8+ yrs. NOT One day has gone by where the 'thought of' or 'the pursuit of' $$$ didn't ruin the day, why would One want even more?

Andy- | don't mean You as in You but replied to Your post because | concur that Organized ®eligion™ is by far the greatest scam EVER. God/Adonai/Allah whichever name One uses, is FREE, and the essence of Same is ALREADY in You...


posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 01:02 PM
The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind is partially unmasked for the biggest deception in the history of mankind, a necessary step for the human evolution, the meeting with Ahriman, under the Black Sun - Sorath impulse.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

I wouldn't be a bit surprised it the Vatican rules it all.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:01 PM
These videos should be shown in schools. probably never happen ...

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by The only 1 who knows the

The Vatican like America rotates "leaders" so empowerment changes.

Those who really control the world never lose their empowerment.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:51 PM
This is the best video presentation I have EVER seen on the subject.

If you understand it fully, then you know that our economy and financial system are inherently unsustainable. Not opinion, strictly mathematics.

So, what now?

Look to moving somewhere else until the inevitable crash comes and the dust settles:

A review of alternatives to 'the greatest country in the world':

Let’s Do a Tour Around the World

Orwell's Nightmare – the Darker Side of Modern Technology

Both written by Doug Casey - a name I never knew until a few days ago. His Wiki

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by SquirrelNutz

The 'Merican Dream isn't dead, One just needs to go abroad to obtain it...

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by LewisStulePhD

"You'd have to bankrupt the USA, England and Germany to get even w/Organized ®eligion™..."

That may happen sooner than you think, crap keeps transpiring the way its going!

"This is just $$$ and $$$ is NOT the "key" in fact let us type that the "avg. age of ATS™" to be 25 For the last 8+ yrs. NOT One day has gone by where the 'thought of' or 'the pursuit of' $$$ didn't ruin the day, why would One want even more? "

The answer is simply power and absolute power, absolutely corrupts.

"Andy- | don't mean You as in You but replied to Your post because | concur that Organized ®eligion™ is by far the greatest scam EVER. God/Adonai/Allah whichever name One uses, is FREE, and the essence of Same is ALREADY in You..."

Freedom is simply a perspective, everything in this verse follows and/or is constrained by physically laws, then we have compassion, the ability to empathise, where did that come from??? That's where God resides, just don't add organised religion or we are back to square one.

Namaste to you also!

edit on 17-10-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 06:14 PM

Most folk are simply far too afraid of the reality of what this
means, so much so that they will allow our representatives borrow
money with no real limit to fuel the delusion that things are
A ok, truth is, you cant bury your head in debt forever.

I am frankly ashamed that so many of our sitting representatives
get away with the things they do. Every person should be held
equally accountable for their actions.

And that's the bottom line.

Even though our economic system and technologies are changing as medical services and treatment become better, there is one major problem that just won't let up.


Most people run away from accountability. At work, in daily life, in government and all. Most often want someone else to be responsible and most will stop at nothing to keep things this way, entering denial, selling out their congress and laws and all.

It disgusts me when I see people traveling to other towns and littering out the window of their cars, can't you hold your # in your pockets until you reach the next garbage disposal area? Somehow, private insurance companies managed to make it illegal in so many areas to own things that may be absolutely necessary in most American locations like cars, homes etc without endlessly purchasing insurance.

The fact that Liability is required by law as well shows how much of a mandated pampered state we live in here in U.S., and the fact that so many think they are entitled to freebies, comfort and luxuries when we don't even have the infrastructure yet, or the technology abandon economy is just a shame. When you step out your front door and enter your car in the morning, aren't you acknowledging the inherent dangers of leaving your home? Anything could happen, right? Meteor strikes, earthquakes etc. But today at least in my state, it's gotta be everyone's fault. Risk must always be tied to blame.

This is reality, it's perfect. And in that, we came to exist. People need to get out of fairy land and acknowledge that reality functions the way it functions. Guarantees are hard to come by. Letting for profit organizations force monthly subscriptions on insurance policies on your citizens won't change that. And yet they want to act like they can construct a mathematical formula to everything and that reality has to follow their models. When something "unforseen" happens, everyone is on a witch hunt for whose fault it is, all with absolute faith in these models with ACCEPTED failure rates.

What's sad about it is that although many of us want to see local, national and worldwide improvements, MANY of these said people don't even want to be accountable for themselves or the negative influences their careers/jobs/activities may have on these hopeful ambitions.
edit on 17-10-2013 by BlubberyConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 06:14 PM

"The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind"

Second biggest scam, i'm afraid that particular title is currently held by Organised religion!

third biggest scam, making yours the second.
the title is really held by the Theory of Evolution (combined with
(the acceptance of) the heliocentric model of our solar system!).

have a read of this opening essay. probably one of the best you will have read in a long time.

The 'cold' of space and our Universe that isn't

not to mind the rest of the thread!

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 08:30 PM
OK I'm going to shut up now. An ex GF worked with Robert Shiller. I'm silent. Want to say
stuff but I wont. Frustrating, yes.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 10:05 PM

reply to post by SquirrelNutz

The 'Merican Dream isn't dead, One just needs to go abroad to obtain it...

Immigrants ruin everything for the indigenous people, and I HATE that. Why?
1. job competition lowers compensation
2. public facilities being more crowded (more people
3. now, there are groups to pit against each other
4. cost of housing is higher due to competition for a house
5. refusal to fully integrate and adapt the culture 100%

WHy did the western world allow the ELites to flood our lands (we built it, we won the wars for the land) with poor people more willing to take the lazy coward rout of MOOCHING off others instead of the sacrifices needed to make your home a better place.

Unless immigration truly IS like in the past? I wish that the case, America would still be like the 80's.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:16 AM
"Secret"? Since when? The fact that money is not backed by gold (yes it's a ponzi scheme) is ancient news. This is all just economics 101. It's great that technology allows for easy learning videos but the propaganda sprinkled throughout the facts is just lame.

You want to go back to trading gold coins? Good luck with that! We had all the problems of inflation and debt with the gold standard.

In fact, who says gold is worth anything except by the same mutual agreement that an IOU piece of paper is worth anything? Why not a wood coins? No difference. Just because it's shiny and hard? Seriously? Rare? Rarity limits growth... can't have that.

So what's the real problem? Inequality. Unequal access to value... power and greed. If we all simply agreed to share our made up money, then no problems, but that's not how king of the hill mentality works.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by LewisStulePhD

When a collapse occurs it will certainly be more damage to the prominent economic center and the nations that are most involved in the scheme but it will also be global since the system itself in now globalized by armed imposition of its rules, There is no place to escape just places that will suffer less than others as they retain some form of independent structure/resources outside of this economic systems.

Note also that the video is partial to the use of gold and silver, one should note also that those have also problems, in fact those problem were the promoters of the crazy system we are now in. Myself I don't think that simply going back will solve things, it will be an improvement but not the solution...

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