Step Right Up!
And Pick A Side!
Any Side!!
Out of these random people, some will have clashing views, opinions, religions, ideologies. Each holding on tightly to their personal realities.
Some may resort to violence or other means of attack to display their disgust at someone's views on whatever subject may be involved. Too many people
have died over the years because of this part of being a social organism. Human Beings seem to really enjoy joining a side. Perhaps a safety mechanism
passed down from ancient times through our DNA.
For me, I have grown tired of sides. I do not want to be affiliated with any organization, religion, ideology, opinion. This is not a rant, I have
just always wondered why there are "sides" to so many ideas and why the heck do I have to pick one?? With religions, each one is dead set they are
right and all others are wrong. Same goes for politics, social norms, ect. Johnny is right and Jimmy is wrong. Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb.
Why do we feel the need to Pick A Side??
I think with the advent of the internet we have been able to start to break free somewhat of this strange game we love to play. I for one have to
thank ATS quite a bit for "waking" me up more than I thought I was a little less than a year ago when I joined.
I personally think much of it is where, who and how we are raised. Events that occurred in each person's life, creating what view point they are at
now at this moment in time. But is there more to it?
Also, do you think animals/insects/sea life, ect. have decisive sides? Besides feed or be fed on, of course lol.
I enjoy not being on a side.
p.s. after typing this, I have sides of beef and sides of fries in my head every time I read the word "sides" lol.