posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 10:18 AM
I agree, the problem is we have poor people blaming poor people.
Lets look at the facts.
You have people working in resteraunts that make the food but could never afford to eat there, you have people building cars who could never afford
the car they are building.
Take me for instance, I have built houses, community centres, telephone exchanges etc.
I live in a rented house as I was never paid enough to buy the thing I was building, I had an Industrial Accident but had Disability Insurance, the
bank refuse to pay out knowing I never had enough cash to take them to court.
So now Im in rented housing disabled on benefit.
I have to get checked by a french company who get £Millions a year.
I am checked by job centre workers to see if I am fit for work.
A bricklayer building a house in London would have to work a thousand years in order to purchase the same house.
And thats the problem, when a man can't afford to own the thing he has made with his own hands then he is a slave.
In the press im called a layabout , benefit cheat or similar.
Everyone of these people that rubbish my name in my book are the real cheats and layabouts,
They produce and have never produced anything for society and yet they get the most wealth from it.
Politicians, Atos, The Royals, Solicitors, Bankers Atos, benefit workers have all produced nothing, and I was paid so little because a large chunk of
my wages went to keeping them in a better lifestyle than I ever enjoyed.
They sit at a keyboard and look at me as though im dirt; if it was not for me and people like me these Fckers would be living in caves, So you keep
your welfare and give me back everything I built.
So for all those that think disabled people live of the backs of other , from where Im sitting the ones that judge me live of the backs of us all.
I don't mind building houses for nurses doctors, sewer worker, manufacturers etc but it stick in my throat that David Cameron and the Royals live in
large mansions and none of them have laid one brick their whole lifes, yet I have built houses and building for decades and live in a 2 bedroom small
I did one thing wrong that I regret, I worked thinking the world was a great place and that if I got injured in that work then the taxes and NI i paid
would take care of me "what a mug"
If I had my time over again I would just steal and be a crook because that is what has been done to me.
I am not fit to work anymore but they will force me back no matter how much pain Im in, but that does not matter because any job Im in I will just
steal and if they catch me and imprison me I will steal out of the prison kitchen and I will just steal steal steal,
Because there is one thing Ive noticed if you work all your life and have an accident and need benefit you are seen as dirt, even by the people not
much better off than yourself, who would need benefit if they lost their job through injury or unemployment.
Poor attack the poor but the rich never attack the rich and that is the difference.
And if you steal steal and steal enough you gain more respect than an honest person who has worked all his life who now requires handouts as the wages
he got were to little.
So my advice would be Steal and get respected.