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Does the Tea party want to deliberately crash the U.S. economy?+

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posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:19 PM

reply to post by solomons path

Its Ironic that those who say that Universal Healthcare for all is "free". That "they" didnt pay a thing.

Really, how can ANYONE say that?

EVERYTHING comes with a price. EVERYONE gets paid. Doctors don't treat people for their aches and pains, and expect to be paid with a hug.

I agree. TANSTAAFL (there ain't no such thing as a free lunch)!

Unfortunately, too many people fall for the free ride rhetoric. If more people understood the concept of TANSTAAFL, they wouldn't fall for the government propaganda and emotional pleas. And, they might get to keep more of their earned income.

I think personal responsibility and self-determination (or lack there of) have a lot to do with it, as well.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

I'd rather have constitutional tea party candidate, than a French Republican Party.
Most of the Republican Party might as well join the democrat party. Ain't much difference.
Bunch of cowards.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Text"The Tea Party and the Republican Party in general has made it their mission in life to oppose everything that Obama proposes."

Good,thank the good lord.

The man is a Marxist hack who wishes destroy this once great constitutional republic.

The Republican Party hasn't done jack to oppose Obama.
They just get on their knees and beg not to be lumped in with the tea party.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:45 PM
I think the OP is giving the Tea Party to much credit at having any sort of long term goals or idea what they are doing. Mostly I see this a bit of a screw you America because you turned against us sort of thing. They also get to screw the GOP by costing them the house in 2014. The Tea Party knows its on its way out next election so they have nothing to lose by punishing people for not following them.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:52 PM

reply to post by bjax9er

The Tea Party and the Republican Party in general has made it their mission in life to oppose everything that Obama proposes. They've been acting in a dangerous and highly irresponsible manner against the best interests of the USA - out of spite, or stupidity or whatever the hell is running through the fetid mind of people like Michelle Bachmann. Obama was re-elected last year and all of a sudden the Tea Party is making their mission in life to defund and destroy Obamacare. And that's not undemocratic? For god's sake, they're dragging the Republican Party off a cliff! They'll have to gerrymander their electoral districts into the shape of pretzels to avoid being defeated in the '14 Congressional elections!

You're ding dang right they're against Obama 100%.

Obama stands for everything against anything normal.

Look how many people are on continuous assistance.

Look at all the foreign interest economics going on.


posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by openminded2011

In answer to the title of your thread: "Does the Tea party want to deliberately crash the U.S. economy?"

In my opinion...the answer is...YES. They are not concerned about us (we the people)...I do not believe they care about us at all.

As long as they are getting their paychecks...have their food...their clothing...their transportation etc. they will argue and continue to block those in congress that are for us (we the people).

They have some (hidden agendas)...obviously.

The majority of (we the people) are very good thing that has come out of all of this so my opinion is...that (we the people) are not blinded anymore on who many of the politicians are...their true colors are showing...and one word comes to my mind...about what we are seeing...ugly.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 04:20 PM

reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Text"The Tea Party and the Republican Party in general has made it their mission in life to oppose everything that Obama proposes."

Good,thank the good lord.

The man is a Marxist hack who wishes destroy this once great constitutional republic.

The Republican Party hasn't done jack to oppose Obama.
They just get on their knees and beg not to be lumped in with the tea party.

Erm, sorry, but say what again? The Republicans have opposed virtually everything he's done. And apparently not out of principle, but because they seem to be descended from Violet Elizabeth Bott. They're going to thcream and thcream and thcream until they're sick. By the way please stop throwing words like 'Marxist' about. Obama's no Marxist, he's a Democrat. There is a massive difference. I should know, I used to fight Marxists in student council in Swansea University. Good grief you'll be accusing him of being a sooper seekrit mooslim commie next.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 04:21 PM


reply to post by bjax9er

The Tea Party and the Republican Party in general has made it their mission in life to oppose everything that Obama proposes. They've been acting in a dangerous and highly irresponsible manner against the best interests of the USA - out of spite, or stupidity or whatever the hell is running through the fetid mind of people like Michelle Bachmann. Obama was re-elected last year and all of a sudden the Tea Party is making their mission in life to defund and destroy Obamacare. And that's not undemocratic? For god's sake, they're dragging the Republican Party off a cliff! They'll have to gerrymander their electoral districts into the shape of pretzels to avoid being defeated in the '14 Congressional elections!

You're ding dang right they're against Obama 100%.

Obama stands for everything against anything normal.

Look how many people are on continuous assistance.

Look at all the foreign interest economics going on.


(Grins and shakes head) Stop stirring you old fox you!

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by solomons path

So, the absolute number one core belief of the tea party is that they believe that illegal aliens are here illegally? That's hilarious.

While there are some good points and beliefs that the TEA party hold, some seem like they are thrown in there just to get support from good ol' boy conservatives and the religious, namely #1, #14, #15. "This is 'Murica! Speak 'Murican!" English is already the core language, we don't need a law to make it legal. Define "traditional" family values. Is it, "We don't want them gays to marry!" or "No divorce,' or "Women stay in the kitchen!" or whatever else religion-infused INTRUSION in people's lives they believe, said intrusion which the TEA party doesn't want.

Oh, they don't want intrusion unless it's acceptable to them and supports their way of thinking. No government intrusion, but gays can't marry!

Otherwise, they have core beliefs with which I agree. How they wish to uphold some of those beliefs is something with which I also take issue.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Liquesence

If you read the entirety of my post, you would see I agree with you.

Also, I don't think the order their core beliefs are listed in imply importance, but I could be wrong.

I did say that I was not a Tea Party member, I believe. My point was about everyone's misconception of the movement based on media manipulation and opposing rhetoric.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

ObamaCare is garbage. This is America and it shouldn't be forced upon us. ObamaCare is way to expensive. For example I make about $1100 every two weeks and in order for my fiancé who just got over cancer and has health issues, my son and myself to have ObamaCare which is forced up on us is $681 every two weeks unless we het a $2000 deductible policy which is $480 every two weeks and doesn't cover s**t. My fiancé works and makes about $900 a month so with my monthly income of $2200 plus her $900 we have $3100. Then you take out our rent of $900 and car payment of $250, auto insurance of $225, phones of $180 and our utility bills which are about $150, then we got gas for the vehicles about $300 a month, credit card payment of $50 and at least $400 a month for food that only leaves about $645 a month left over. That doesn't leave much for luxuries and trying to save for our future. Also my fiancé has racked up some pretty big medical bills that we used to try and pay on and we used to be able to put away $300 to $500 a month for our future but not anymore. Thanks to ObamaCare we have no more disposable income.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by openminded2011

So is Swiss cheese. Absolutely we want to crash the economy, lose our jobs, so on.

Yep, millionaires and billionaires ran the election....and they got their man, except it's Obama.

The A.C.A. has to go. Us evil Tea Party types would LOVE a catastrophic type national insurance, private accounts. Maybe even some better coverage for those that can't pay for it.

ObamaCare is NOT the way to get it done. Period.

You will not deflect us with "economic collapse" fear-mongering and if you really feared that from happening you'd be on the horn to Obama.

Nice try, but we're on to your methods...finally!

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 06:43 PM
Here is where OP's idea fails:

On March 4, Forbes released its list of the world’s richest people. While the top 10 billionaires come from across the globe, 4 of the top 10 billionaires are from the United States with 3 of the top 5 being wealthy Democratic supporters: Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Larry Ellison. The only “right” leaning successful businessmen are the Koch brothers further down the list.


It's a lie that is often repeated and supported by the media. Don't listen to what they say watch what they do.... follow the money.

To make this even more interesting let's look at Congress.

Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, who began building his fortune 30 years ago by founding the company that makes Viper car alarm systems, tops the list this year with an estimated net worth of $355.4 million. Issa's estimated net worth has more than doubled in the past year, according to the The Hill's 2012 list, in which he ranked third.

Although a Republican tops the new list, Democrats hold seven of the spots in the top 10.
Using financial disclosure forms for the 2012 calendar year, The Hill calculated each amount by subtracting each lawmaker's liabilities from assets. The congressional disclosure forms, however, only require lawmakers to provide ranges instead of exact numbers, so the amounts listed here are "conservative estimates" based on information provided.


posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 07:13 PM

The only “right” leaning successful businessmen are the Koch brothers further down the list

Since they are the ones funding the Tea Party then you are supporting the OP's view, not debunking it. The fact that other people have more money is irrelevant.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by CB328

Selective reading on your part. From the OP:

Since they are the 1 percent, and own almost all the wealth in the country

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 07:28 PM

Here is my hypothesis:

So they decide if they cannot rule over the country by political means, more strident action is needed. By instructing their bought and paid for politicians, largely tea party politicians, but admittedly people they own on both side of the isle, to stonewall and to not resolve the crisis,they trigger a default on the debt which crashes the economy. What effect will it have? Yes it would throw the country into chaos, people will lose life savings, most of corporate America would go off the proverbial cliff, the dollar is likely to crash, and world financial markets will be thrown into complete chaos. Our unemployment would skyrocket even worse than it is now, with almost NO hope of improvement, because the currency is crashed. People who were starting to feel politically empowered now just focus shelter food and water. Yes there will be rioting and angry mobs but they will be short lived because people will be too obscessed with just survival. How many paychecks is the average person away from disaster? You get the picture. We are probably looking at a severe economic depression, worse than the Great depression, that will be global in scope.

We had some of this and almost all of this under the democrats. Seems they were forced to "bail" out the 1%. There's the scheme for you.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 07:39 PM


reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Text"The Tea Party and the Republican Party in general has made it their mission in life to oppose everything that Obama proposes."

Good,thank the good lord.

The man is a Marxist hack who wishes destroy this once great constitutional republic.

The Republican Party hasn't done jack to oppose Obama.
They just get on their knees and beg not to be lumped in with the tea party.

Erm, sorry, but say what again? The Republicans have opposed virtually everything he's done. And apparently not out of principle, but because they seem to be descended from Violet Elizabeth Bott. They're going to thcream and thcream and thcream until they're sick. By the way please stop throwing words like 'Marxist' about. Obama's no Marxist, he's a Democrat. There is a massive difference. I should know, I used to fight Marxists in student council in Swansea University. Good grief you'll be accusing him of being a sooper seekrit mooslim commie next.

Didn't anyone tell you that the Marxist over here just changed their name and took over the democratic party. That's not just some talk. I had set and listen to the professors down at the university, who were openly communist, talk about it. That's back when they first called themselves "progressives" long before the term became commonly used.
edit on 12-10-2013 by Logarock because: n

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Q33323

The Tea Party is really the "anti-fascist" party which the minions of the power parties have tried to co-op and take over but this party is not comprised of the money grubbing asshole at the national level of politics ....

what do you still think that was government tea which was dumped over board.......

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Round objects. Sorry, but that's total bunk. The Democrats are not Marxist and anyone who told you so is delusional.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 04:58 AM

The Supreme Court has undone its decisions 192 times. Did you know this? Just because it has made a bad decision doesn't mean it cant be rectified.

Link to all 192 times the supreme court has done this in the last year and a half please, as it was only June of 2012 that they said the ACA was a tax.

I've tried the following google combinations and haven't found anything - not even on right-wing blogs/papers.

supreme court 192 times ACA
supreme court 192 time ACA
supreme court 192 times ObamaCare
supreme court 192 times "affordable care act"
supreme court "one hundred ninety" times "affordable care act"
supreme court "one hundred ninety two" times "affordable care act"
supreme court "one hundred ninety two" "affordable care act"
supreme court "one hundred ninety two" ObamaCare
supreme court "one hundred ninety" ObamaCare

Methinks that you just picked a random number out and tried stating it as fact.
edit on 13-10-2013 by Evil_Santa because: (no reason given)

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