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If Pres. Obama acted like the Tea Party…

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posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 05:31 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

Funny. My family is new to America, I guess we don't take freedom and personal liberties for granted like you "natives". (lolz)

We can all wish for something different, but reality is going to confirm some suspicions, and is going to punch others right in the face.

Good luck with your version of America.

Mine is something definitely different.

Yah....I can't wish you luck with your version, but appreciate the courtesy.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

"stuff"?? No...Healthcare? Yes. Why? Because it has no place in the free-market. D

Yes being able to shop around, and competition truly has no 'place in a free market'.

Disease isn't a product. Cancer doesn't discriminate between the hard-working and lazy, you can't work your way out of cancer. Kids get cancer...and it doesn't care if that kid's dad is rich or poor.

No one ever said it was, and between the healthcare coverage of anyone under 26 that is covered on their mother and fathers insurance, and those who are not are covered under medicaid, and medicare.

Fail to see any point there.

Was there one?

Healthcare demand is FIXED and INDISCRIMINATE.

Again is there a point there?

Never seen any insurance turn down anyone. Never seen any hospital turn away someone for treatment.

And pretty much anyone gets healthcare under medicaid, and medicare.

hat means when you need a triple get one, you don't wait for a price drop. When you get run over by a car, you go to the hospita

Thanks for proving pretty much what I have been saying all along.

People are crying over money, and getting someone else to pay their hospital bills.

The more people competing to bring goods and services in to the market such as health care the cheaper and better product and CHOICE they have.

OF course that is until government regulates that product making it more expensive, and taking choice away from them.

Still not buying what is being sold here.

Please stop with the BS.

Hell let government take over all the big oil companies.

Hell let the government take over all the bankers.

Hell let government take over all the insurance companies.

It's what the people 'want'.

Only one place to get their healthcare, their money, and their gas.

Makes perfect sense right?

Only one place to shop, and it you don't like the service oh well tough luck.

ACA was an improvement...But Healthcare needs to be socialized, like the other 90% percent of free democracies.


In a free 'democracy' people are not forced to buy corporate products.

ust sick when ideologues compare someone that is struggling to treat their dying family member with someone that is looking for "free stuff".

Have anything than emotional arguments?

Some people think it helps their arguments to pull at peoples heart strings, but that is not paying their bills or this nations.

That created that 17 trillion in debt.

I will be so glad when the Tea Party finally implodes....which looks like a matter of days now.

The only thing imploding is this country, and the only thing people want to do is make emotional 'arguments' increasing the debt burden on everyone.

Because taking money from someone else means they care about others, but they use government to do it.

That is disgusting,

That is SICK.

Healthcare Insurance is a CORPORATE product, that is going to destroy healthcare in this country making it WORSE.

Because that is what they want their 'beloved' single payer that is not a single payer.

Just rob from one group to give to another group.

I have had enough of this BULLSNIP.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by neo96

There talking about if Obama extorted the country like the Tea party did.
You would be crying IMPEACHMENT.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 05:59 PM

reply to post by neo96

There talking about if Obama extorted the country like the Tea party did.
You would be crying IMPEACHMENT.

Obama is extorting the country to continue his asinine spending.

He should be impeached.

Some people just use the standard go to defense of the fascist leader of blame the right.

Obama is never responsible for anything he ever does.

Which is BS.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:03 PM


Of course I don't see the tp/gop straping bomb vests on, and flying planes in to buildings.

Nor do I see them beheading people, or stoning people.

What is pathetic is comparing the right to AQ.

Just because the TP/GOP hasn't resorted to the use of explosives or flying planes into buildings doesn't mean that they aren't guilty of committing economic terrorism and doing great harm to people across this nation and if they keep it up, across the globe as well.

The only real difference is that Al Qaeda at least had balls enough to attack someone they knew was powerful enough to strike back and they welcomed the fight whereas the TP/GOP, being the cowards they are, have chosen to single out the weakest members of our society to vent their rage on. How pathetic is that?

Personally, I would rather be associated with Al Qaeda than the TP/GOP because at least I wouldn't be pretending to be looking out for the very people I intend to screw to the wall.

The fact that the TP/GOP has chosen to indiscriminately punish innocent americans because of their own inability to accept that ObamaCare is the law of the land just goes to prove they are nothing more than a pathetic group of ignorant hypocrites completely devoid of any compassion for the less fortunate.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Flatfish

Yes rolling over and let the US government do whatever the hell it wants is 'punishing innocent people'.

What an effing joke.

IT is no wonder I don't respect leftists when they make asinine comments like comparing the right to AQ.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:15 PM
I could only read past the 3rd page before I had to quit and say this:

Which side of the political spectrum would be more likely to protest and get violent? IMO it's the conservatives. They are pro-gun rights, pro individual rights, "traditional values" and don't take well to change.

The people that seem the most angry, upset, and pissed right off are the conservatives.

Republican, Tea Party and conservative friends -- don't fall for this trap. I get the feeling this entire thing is being orchestrated to spur some of your like-minded people into foolishly taking to arms.

Divide and conquer, oldest trick. It works even better if you have one side a lot more upset and angry. I'd take on a pissed off liberal vs. a pissed off conservative.

The liberal might sue me, the conservative might shoot me.

But seriously, everyone stop arguing and bickering details and "facts". How about actually coming up with .... wait for it.... SOLUTIONS. Wow! What a novel idea!

The more we sit and bicker, fight and bitch at each other the worse the situation gets. There has to be some kind of compromise where both people get a little something they want, and give up a little something they don't. That's how the world actually works. Like that song goes...

"You don't always get what you want...but if you try sometime you might just find you get what you need"

Right now America needs to come together, not be divided. If both sides continue to act the way I've seen both sides in this discussion topic act -- we are all going to loose.

edit on 8-10-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-10-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:28 PM

reply to post by Flatfish

Yes rolling over and let the US government do whatever the hell it wants is 'punishing innocent people'.

What an effing joke.

IT is no wonder I don't respect leftists when they make asinine comments like comparing the right to AQ.

That pretty much describes it!

The progressives aren't angry because the Tea Party is acting like "terrorists".

They are just angry because some group is actually standing up against their religion/dear leader/ideology.

They are shocked that someone, anyone would actually defy their dear leader and ideology.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:29 PM

I could only read past the 3rd page before I had to quit and say this:

Which side of the political spectrum would be more likely to protest and get violent? IMO it's the conservatives. They are pro-gun rights, pro individual rights, "traditional values" and don't take well to change.

The people that seem the most angry, upset, and pissed right off are the conservatives.

Can you show a historical precedent for this?

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by beezzer

It's called the civil war

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:37 PM


I could only read past the 3rd page before I had to quit and say this:

Which side of the political spectrum would be more likely to protest and get violent? IMO it's the conservatives. They are pro-gun rights, pro individual rights, "traditional values" and don't take well to change.

The people that seem the most angry, upset, and pissed right off are the conservatives.

Can you show a historical precedent for this?

As memory serves its always the lefty protests that get violent. For example:

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Willtell

The southern states were chock full of Democrats, and left the Union when a Republican was elected.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:41 PM


US Adults Are Dumber Than Average Humans

The above link explains how Obama was elected - TWICE. And summarizes how and why this president still has supporters!

It is a well known fact that Democrat voters are much more educated than Republican voters.

Be careful with your may just be incriminating yourself.

I've gotta say, they have REALLY done a job on the sheeple by managing to divide folks into EITHER Democrats OR Republicans....

Nobody EVER considers that you MAY be something else, perhaps...a thinker. Perhaps someone who wants more than the pawltry offerings those two "parties" offer.

Oh, if we had intelligent folks in this country who could see through the thick BS...


posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 07:14 PM

reply to post by Willtell

The southern states were chock full of Democrats, and left the Union when a Republican was elected.

That is because back then, Republicans were the Democrats and the Democrats were the Republicans.

Lincoln was a "Republican" but would align more with today's Democrats.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by BobM88

Ruby Ridge...


OKC Bombing...


When we have a Democrat in the WH, domestic terrorism from conservative-leaning groups goes up.

edit on 8-10-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 07:35 PM

reply to post by BobM88

Ruby Ridge...


OKC Bombing...


When we have a Democrat in the WH, domestic terrorism from conservative-leaning groups goes up.

edit on 8-10-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

According to wikipedia the Unibomber was a leftist:

Randy Weaver was a white seperatist....I don't know of any GOP platform plank with that as a part of it.

I can't find anything about David Koresh's politics. I'd be happy to see what you have.

McVeigh was a registered Republican, but other than that...I know of nothing that makes him a "conservative-leaner". He supposedly voted for a Libertarian in 1996, is that it?

I, personally, am unconvinced you've uncovered a vast web of conservative terrorists, but my mind is open if you have evidence.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 07:59 PM


reply to post by jjkenobi

The politicians who "passed" this bill DID NOT READ IT. Please explain how that is representing the people?

That's cute that you parrot Fox News talking points.

And you have proof for this? Can I predict what you are going to reply with? Might it be Pelosi's quote that is almost always misquoted?


Nope just saying how it was.

But hey who cares though right ?

The church of holy dogma sounds 'cooler'.

"We have to pass the bill so YOU can see what is in it."

She didn't say so SHE can see what's in it...she knew what was in it and she knew people would like it once they experience it..and they will.

This is exactly what I was talking about, this is one of the biggest misquotes or one of the biggest misunderstood quotes of all time.

The sad thing is that the right and the Right Wing Media intentionally mislead you, and you fell for it.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 08:00 PM

reply to post by AlienScience

Poll after poll, survey after survey, all show that Democrats have more college education than Republicans

Yeah facts are facts like:

Spending $100k+ for a job that pays less than $40k doesn't sound to 'smart' to me.

But hey keep on thinking the left is 'better','smarter' than the right.



Yes, college educated people do so poorly in the world.


posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 08:17 PM


reply to post by Willtell

The southern states were chock full of Democrats, and left the Union when a Republican was elected.

That is because back then, Republicans were the Democrats and the Democrats were the Republicans.

Lincoln was a "Republican" but would align more with today's Democrats.

The famous the left and right 'switched' sides Bull SNIP.

No they didn't.

They are the same as they ever was.

The left is as racist today as they were then.

African American
Asian American
Hispanic American.

And the list goes on.

Never an issue where they try to silence any opposing argument as 'They're racist'.

Always perpetuating the differences.

What a absolute load of horse snip.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 08:17 PM
John Boehner should be arrested for treason. In psychology, they call it "regression" when adults start pouting like babies. If not arrest for treason, perhaps we can detain Boehner on a 51/50. Is he not a danger to others? We're talking about millions and millions. He does not understand democracy and his duty.

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