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The Indonesian Revival and Turning Water Into Wine

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posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 02:37 PM
So I have a pretty good feeling I'm going to get hammered for writing this thread (then again people get hammered on here no matter what they write about), but I felt compelled to share some of this story.

I was talking to a good friend of mine and he brought up the "Indonesian Revival" that took place during the '60's. Shortly after the time all this took place, he went over seas in the Peace Core and became good friends with some of the people that witnessed the events that took place in Indonesia.

Many miracles were reported to happen there such as people turning water into wine, the sick being healed, people having there sight given back, food being multiplied, and the most controversial.....the dead being raised to life.

7.4.1 Water Turned into Wine
This phenomenon is recorded by Don Crawford in his book,
Miracles in Indonesia. He is a trained reporter sent by Tyndale House
Publisher to verify the objectivity of signs, wonders and miracles. This is
what he wrote,
Another team, desiring to celebrate the Lord’s supper but having no
wine, was in similar fashion instructed to use water from a nearby spring. As at the wedding Christ attended in Cana, the water, when drunk for the communion celebration, had become wine.

Kurt Koch, a German scholar, was given a report that on October 5, 1967 the congregation in SoE had experienced a miracle as water turned into wine. Later on, the miracle was repeated seven times. Koch also
claimed that he himself experienced the miracle water turned into wine while he was visiting Timor.6

7.4.2 The Blind Received Their Sight
The Holy Spirit uses an illiterate girl, called Anna, to perform this
wonderful miracle. One day she entered a house and met a blind woman.
After Anna had shown her the way of the Lord, the Spirit commanded her
to pour some water into the woman’s eyes that she might see. Anna
followed this instruction. The result was that the woman received her
sight. According to Kurt Koch through the ministry of Anna, ten blind
people received their sight. It is amazing (cf. John 9). And all of those
events took place after the blind people confessed and repented of their

Rev. Benjamin Manuain testified of a similar miracle. Someone who was physically blind (proven by the absence of pupil and iris in his eyeballs) was brought into his house. Amazingly, he could see as clear as one
who had normal eyes. He was one of those who received their sight
during the Timor revival.63

7.4.3 The Food Multiplied

God has never forsaken those who work for His glory. Kurt Koch reported how God met the need of one of the Timor evangelistic teams by multiplying food they had (cf. Matt 14:14-21).

Once when the team was working in the village, just as they were about
to leave, they were given nine bananas to eat on their journey. The
team, though, consisted of 15 members. When they stopped later to rest
and the bananas were distributed, everyone received a whole banana.

7.4.4 The Dead Being Raised

This is the most controversial issue in the publication of the Timor
revival. On one hand, George W. Peters argued that people being raised
from the dead, were not really dead. He said they had experienced
resuscitation. Thus, no such miracles happened.65 On the other hand, Kurt
Koch seemed to be defending the truth of the miracles.66 On one specific
occasion, he wrote,

Another instance was confirmed by the missionary Mr. Klein. A child
had been dead for two days. Ants were already crawling about over its
eyes and body. The parents, however, instead of burying the child on
the first day, as is the usual custom in the tropics, called for mother
Sharon. Two days later she arrived. After a time of prayer the child was
restored to life.67

Now having shared this, I do not claim that these things happen, but I also can't say they did not happen. My friend suggests it has something to do with quantum theory. Several books have been written on the so called "revival" that can be found in the source I used here.

Since the revival, to the best of my understanding, Islam has taken over the region. In a sense, the Christian revival was short lived. I can honestly say I don't know what happened during the Indonesian Revival, but I do have a feeling that something great did take place there.

My friend went on to say, that he understood that shortly after many of these miracles took place, such as turning the water into wine, people from other faiths were also able to preform these miracles. I have no sources or information to back that up, I'm just sayin'.

So there you have it. If anyone has more information on these happenings please feel free to share whether it is good or bad.
edit on 7-10-2013 by solongandgoodnight because: spell

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 03:25 PM
Was Benny Hinn over there with his religious wizardry? Sounds like his style. My daughter drove my mother over to see Benny in Minnesota and was sitting outside chatting with the protesters when my mother was inside. My daughter actually had a great time there talking to those protestors.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 03:35 PM

Was Benny Hinn over there with his religious wizardry?
reply to post by rickymouse

I'm not sure. I just thought these stories were interesting to say the least, so I had to share them. I had a little trouble finding information for this once I heard about it. I'm hoping more people will come along that know more about it. I hated to put this in this forum since it doesn't get a whole lot of traffic but it seemed like the only appropriate place.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by solongandgoodnight

Amen, in the last days God will pour his Spirit upon the earth, a lot of miraculous things will start happening before people eyes. Good post.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by solongandgoodnight

During the early 1900's the Welsh revival occurred, there many healing and such as you said many of other faith did the same miracles that prompted Jessie-Pen Lewis to write War on the Saints about spiritual counterfeits. If you buy her book War on the Saints get the unabridged version it is longer and contains more information. To read about healing ministries check out Smith Wigglesworth he had several confirmed rising of the dead during his life time.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:47 AM
Hi everyone,

The thread title stopped me ~

The Indonesian Revival and Turning Water Into Wine

A thousand, 100 thousand times better no a million times better...with the help of God, Catholic priests turn wine into the blood of Christ, Our Lord and Savior! The consecrated bread and wine are now the risen Lord, His body, blood, soul and divinity!

Have faith, the Eucharist is supernatural. Why? You do not see a change in the consecrated host and wine. God loves when you show faith so believe. Amen and Alleluia!!!

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