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It's time that states take control over Federal land

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posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:15 PM
Every park should be a state park, we need to encourage our governors to grow a pair.

I went to a national park this summer when kids were out of school, and the museum was closed at 3 PM on a Saturday.

These parks are ran with no common sense leadership, no private sector park would close it doors at 3 PM on a Saturday during the height of tourist season.

But the worst part is that the Federal government forgets that "we the people", are supposed to actually own that land. This proves how they view land as theirs, not ours.

So many rules on our own parks that we can only view them if we stay on the trails or stay in designated area, or do what we are allowed.

Prime example, I brought my metal detector on a beach park. Metal detecting is allowed by law between the low tide and high tide cut. I was detecting between them, and confirmed I was hunting legally with a park ranger. And hour later another park ranger comes and tells me the rules are "detect between low tide and high tide mark, not the high tide cut." This left me with an area 10 feet wide to detect. Then she said, if she caught me wondering near the cut again I'd be arrested (which is a felony). They don't even agree on their own rules. I just went home, because it wasn't worth dealing with those idiots for a few modern coins I was finding.

Now they shut down privately funded parks on federal land, and closing businesses that are privately funded like the Pisgah Inn.

They hold OUR land over OUR head just so we "feel the pain". This is it, our states need to take our land, so it can never be held over us and used as leverage again.

Write your governors, and encourage your local sheriffs to arrest NPS for closing private businesses, and kicking home owners off their land.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by xstealth

X I feel your pain! AGREE and often wondered how the H___! Did the government get control of ALL the land! We may need an entire different post for that subject alone! WE the People need to seek a huge adjustment and take back what is ours. We do pay their dumba___! TAXES


posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by xstealth


The US government has already handed over US parts to the United Nations. WE THE PEOPLE no longer 'Own' our parks.

Many Americans have been disturbed to find that there are 22 areas in this nation that have been designated as United Nations’ World Heritage Sites. These sights are natural places such as parks or cultural monuments like Tom Jefferson’s home, Monticello.

As a result of a UN treaty called “The Convention Concerning Protection of the World Cultural and NaturalHeritage,” these sites come under the jurisdiction of the United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Such designations have been the source of major debate as to whether the UN has infringed on sovereign American territory.

However, the debate may be about to rage even hotter. Because InteriorSecretary Dirk Kempthorne has just announced his selections of 14 more sites to be considered for nomination by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites.

Today, of the original 22 UN Heritage Sites that are located on American soil, fully 68 percent of American national parks, preserves and monuments are included in the UN designations....

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:25 PM
The problem is, a lot of states wouldn't be able to fund these parks. Even state parks are partially funded with government grants.

States are very reliant on the federal government, and until that changes ...

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by xstealth

I wanted to say is I 100% agree! And if they get the land back they need to make sure the people vote on how it is used - not a bunch of suits making this decision for us. I put this map on another thread but I am so astounded by it I'll include it here as well.

We no longer own our government - somewhere along the way they gained ownership and full control of us. Don't know how this happened exactly but it is clear it has. It will only get worse when they own our healthcare system too - but lets just keep giving them control over absolutely "everything"- since so few see the bigger picture. It isn't enough to own the land, to own nature (forests, beaches, oceans, volcanoes, etc), or to even own access to the most basic needs for some. They have now figured out a way to take our privacy and even more of our income. We first need to stop this craziness before we can hope to reverse it. Only then can we begin to regain what was ours to begin with. How will letters help with this? I really want to know so I can make a difference - contribute to stopping this.

And I do want to add that is is really important to do away with labels - right wing, left, democrat, republican. These are distractions. If anyone is ok with the federal government not being controlled by the people anymore, but rather having those roles reversed please let's give a different label.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:34 PM
The problem with the states taking over the parks is they can't afford to. A lot of states are bankrupt and many more are close to it. Just look at how much Federal aid all states are receiving how much more will it be if they take over the parks?

As far as the businesses that can't open because they are on federal land this sounds cold but they knew they were getting into dealing with federal land. If they didn't they should have read the contract.
edit on 7-10-2013 by buster2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:35 PM

reply to post by xstealth


The US government has already handed over US parts to the United Nations. WE THE PEOPLE no longer 'Own' our parks.

This is horrible. Just wait, eventually when you go on picnic instead of running into a park ranger you'll be met by blue helmeted UN peacekeepers with machine guns.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:36 PM

The problem is, a lot of states wouldn't be able to fund these parks. Even state parks are partially funded with government grants.

States are very reliant on the federal government, and until that changes ...

And where does that grant money come from? Most of it is from our taxes, redistributed to the states. Some is by private industry but most - our taxes. We act as if the government is taking this out of their own pockets to help all of us poor saps out.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by xstealth

Write your governors, and encourage your local sheriffs

I find that laughable.
I agree with you OP but these people have no power over the Federal Reserve.
Do you really think the Fed will take any orders seriously when they already own your government??

Even Obama would never get anything done regarding the Federal Reserve no matter how hard he tries.
He is powerless like the rest of your Government when it comes to the Federal Reserve.
Keep writing might work.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by xstealth

But the worst part is that the Federal government forgets that "we the people", are supposed to actually own that land.

Where is that declared in the Constitution?

Also, States can't afford to operate most National Parks.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Dianec

I wanted to say is I 100% agree! And if they get the land back they need to make sure the people vote on how it is used - not a bunch of suits making this decision for us.

Either way there will be suits making the decisions. And this is what will happen. Say good bye to the wilderness that you love because it will soon be gone. There are corporations that will pay politicians anything to get their environment killing hands on our National Parks.

How does this sound. Sorry but Yellowstone Park is no longer open to the public because BP bought it.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by buster2010

I know - I see this future where there are only the very wealthy and the peasants and it terrifies me. I was looking for land once upon a time and realized that you don't even necesarily get mineral rights - need to make sure those are included. I see where this is all going and these sorts of threads help us to get to the bottom line. It just feels hopeless.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:59 PM
A big reason for the park system is preservation, keeping it out of local and private interest on the state level helps with preservation.

It could easily come down to a state not having funds, or seeking extra funds could exploit said parks.

That being said this is what happens when bloated government overreach infiltrates every aspect of our lives, government expands where it shouldn't and than takes it away when we complain about cost (taxes). Much like a spoiled child taking all his toys home when he doesn't get its way.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by trinityalways

The whole idea is for Americans to be herded into cities, now known as Transit Villages.

The original try was via the Biodiversity Treaty but was killed just before ratification. This is the MAP. We get to live in the green areas. WHAT you cant see them? just get out a magnifying glass and you can find them.... maybe.

As usual the Elite did not let the non-ratification stop them. A listing of the piecemeal bills and laws is HERE.

You might want to look at these papers: Federal Constitutions, Global Governance, and the Role of Forests in Regulating Climate Change and POST-NORMAL SCIENCE - Environmental Policy under Conditions of Complexity to see how the suck ups are spinning this. (Post-Normal Science is hated by real scientists because it is NOT SCIENCE and like sewage added to wine has contaminated the whole field of science. Wanted for Premeditated Murder: How Post-Normal Science Stabbed Real Science in the Back on the Way to the Illusion of “Scientific Consensus” )

You can see the other attacks by the globalists on our right to the land in the USA and the rest of the world if you bother to look. Here is a short random listing from my collection:

A MUST READ for background: From Carroll Quigley to the UN Millennium Summit: Thoughts on the New World Order

Apartments are the core of any sustainability strategy.

ICLEI: Local Governments for Sustainability USA This is the local branch of the United Nations that is going to see that UN recommended laws are passed in YOUR TOWN!

Wall Street Journal: California Declares War on Suburbia: Planners want to herd millions into densely packed urban corridors. It won't save the planet but will make traffic even worse.

Metropolitan area governments are adopting plans that would require most new housing to be built at 20 or more to the acre, which is at least five times the traditional quarter acre per house. State and regional planners also seek to radically restructure urban areas, forcing much of the new hyperdensity development into narrowly confined corridors.

San Francisco considers allowing nation's tiniest micro-apartments: A proposal would reduce the minimum size for a residence from 290 square feet to 220.

Feds buying up farmland they flooded

SCI ENTIFIC AMERICAN: Effective World Government Will Be Needed to Stave Off Climate Catastrophe

Obama’s Science Czar Wants to “De-Develop” the United States


Mini-Prisons & Micro-Apartments Built Across America in the Name of Sustainability - links to many news articles.

The Australian: THE world should be ruled by a new "global parliament" under the auspices of the United Nations, according to Bob Brown

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 02:07 PM

reply to post by xstealth


The US government has already handed over US parts to the United Nations. WE THE PEOPLE no longer 'Own' our parks.

Many Americans have been disturbed to find that there are 22 areas in this nation that have been designated as United Nations’ World Heritage Sites. These sights are natural places such as parks or cultural monuments like Tom Jefferson’s home, Monticello.

As a result of a UN treaty called “The Convention Concerning Protection of the World Cultural and NaturalHeritage,” these sites come under the jurisdiction of the United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Such designations have been the source of major debate as to whether the UN has infringed on sovereign American territory.

However, the debate may be about to rage even hotter. Because InteriorSecretary Dirk Kempthorne has just announced his selections of 14 more sites to be considered for nomination by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites.

Today, of the original 22 UN Heritage Sites that are located on American soil, fully 68 percent of American national parks, preserves and monuments are included in the UN designations....

This is so silly. The list of World Heritage sites is a tool to attract turist. The UN does not own the or control them in anyway. And when they are damaged or destroyed they can do nothing about but, make a public statement saying how sad it is. Serioulsy how could anybody believe this stuff.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Dianec

We lost our control of the government when the Federal Reserve Act 0f 1913 was passed. With the 16th Amendment adopted on February 3, 1913 allowing the Federal government direct taxation of the people of the USA. AND with a little known change, the Seventeenth Amendment adoption on May 31, 1913 establishing direct election of United States Senators by popular vote instead of as directed by the Constitution, under which senators were elected by state legislatures.

These three changes moved power and control from the states TO the Federal Government and gave control of the Federal Government TO the Bankers who use the money they rip-off everyone via the Fractional Reserve Fraud to buy up the news media (which JP Morgan did in 1917) and to buy their tame politicians.

Top Senate Democrat: bankers “own” the U.S. Congress: Dick Durbin's confession ought to be major news, yet it won't be.

Sen. Dick Durbin, on a local Chicago radio station this week, blurted out an obvious truth about Congress that, despite being blindingly obvious, is rarely spoken: “And the banks — hard to believe in a time when we’re facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created — are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place.” The blunt acknowledgment that the same banks that caused the financial crisis “own” the U.S. Congress — according to one of that institution’s most powerful members — demonstrates just how extreme this institutional corruption is.

The ownership of the federal government by banks and other large corporations is effectuated in literally countless ways, none more effective than the endless and increasingly sleazy overlap between government and corporate officials. Her e is just one random item this week announcing a couple of standard personnel moves:

Former Barney Frank staffer now top Goldman Sachs lobbyist.....

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

Don't forget Canada is in the same boat (Fractional Reserve banking wise)

Best explanation is actually by a Canadian banker!

“Some of the most frank evidence on banking practices was given by Graham F. Towers, Governor of the Central Bank of Canada (from 1934 to 1955), before the Canadian Government’s Committee on Banking and Commerce, in 1939.

Q. But there is no question about it that banks create the medium of exchange?

Mr. Towers: That is right. That is what they are for… That is the Banking business, just in the same way that a steel plant makes steel. (p. 287) The manufacturing process consists of making a pen-and-ink or typewriter entry on a card in a book. That is all. (pp. 76 and 238) Each and every time a bank makes a loan (or purchases securities), new bank credit is created — new deposits — brand new money. (pp. 113 and 238) Broadly speaking, all new money comes out of a Bank in the form of loans. As loans are debts, then under the present system all money is debt. (p. 459)

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Dianec

I see this future where there are only the very wealthy and the peasants and it terrifies me.

That in a nutshell is the goal.

The Elite HATE the middle class because they are a threat to them. If you look at everything that is happening, from the intentional trashing of our education system, the export of US jobs, the bankrupting of US owned corporations to the labeling and DRUGING* of little boys at the tender age of six. It is clear the elite want a race of sheep.

*PAPER: ADHD among American Schoolchildren

... data indicating that from the early to mid-1990s the rate of ADHD treatment (i.e., school-administered Ritalin) among white boys in Baltimore County elementary schools was over 15%....

Evidence of ADHD Overdiagnosis

In response to high rates of clinic referrals for ADHD, LeFever and colleagues (1999) examined the rate of medication administered (daily) during the 1995-96 school year to students in two school districts in southeastern Virginia (LeFever et al., 1999). ADHD was defined by medication administered in school during regular hours and physician diagnosis. To guard against inflation of estimated drug treatment rates, children enrolled in self-contained special education classes, a group known to have a very high rate of treatment, were excluded. Using this conservative method of assessing ADHD treatment among nearly 30,000 students in grades two through five, 8% to 10% of the students were treated with stimulants for ADHD. ....

.... findings suggest that as of 1998, school-based studies of ADHD prevalence captured approximately half of the cases treated in the community....

So EXCLUDING the special education kids and doubling the number since the studies only capture 1/2 the kids on drugs you have at least 20% of the 'Normal' kids drugged!

The target is the gifted child. Gifted or ADD? Parents, if your child seems bright then please, please, PLEASE have a qualified psychologist evaluate him or her for giftedness BEFORE you accept a diagnosis of ADD and medication.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 03:09 PM
Some of you say that the states can't afford it. Neither can the federal government in all reality, they are all broke.

But the states can afford it. Run it at real world costs, everyone knows that the federal government costs are way higher than reality. $500,000 outhouses, $200,000 to clear an acre of trees, it's ridiculous.

States can bid to local contractors for real world competitive prices and we will see the costs of running these parks plummet. Community service issued to petty offenders can be used to get stuff done around the park.

Most of these parks are acres and acres of trees anyway, only the federal government could find a way to justify cost in natural tree growth.

States can afford it, most of these parks are ran off donations and volunteers anyway.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 03:16 PM

reply to post by xstealth

But the worst part is that the Federal government forgets that "we the people", are supposed to actually own that land.

Where is that declared in the Constitution?

Also, States can't afford to operate most National Parks.

Such a sick liberal statement. It has to be declared in the Constitution that we the people, who pay the taxes, are the rightful owners of Federal Land?

You Liberals truly hate America, and you never care about the Constitution anyway.

It's our land period!

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