These are the areas of Elvis research that I was genuinely interesting in digging deeper on. I am posting this, openly, in the Research Forum, for
your comments and suggests. I had posted some things in my main Nixon's Apollo: Howard Hughes thread which had to do tangentially with relationships
& connections between HH and EP.
But now I am worried about crossing a line the invisible line with Elvis research, and since this is the Research Forum, I am asking for opinions from
fellow Scholars on this.
These are the areas that I was looking at.
1. Elvis and his airplane, a Convair 880 purchased in 1975. Howard Hughes was intimately involved with the production of the Convair 880's..
It's a small production, high class jet, Elvis ended up with one. Howard Hughes' scandalous mistress Terri Moore bought more than 20 of them for
less than $4 million dollars.
2. Elvis 1968 comeback, coincidental with Richard Nixon's 1968 comeback. This could go deep into the analysis of film music politics assassinations
the beatles and Apollo 8. Lot's has already been written but I think ATS could get a real good spin on this... and as a research thread... facts will
be taken at face value. And the readers always decide.
3. Elvis Doubles : Published evidence only! Elvis did in fact star in a Hollywood film called
"Double Trouble" and his record
company did release an album called
"Double Dynamite".
I believe we have some great researchers who could offer some smashing info on the investigation of Elvis Doubles. Research threads are already
restricted from outside post.... I am confident that a smart team of ATS researchers, I believe, could do something outstanding with a new Elvis
You know, author Mark Feeney published the analysis of
"Nixon at the Movie" and it was layers and layers of sources from books. Feeney makes
good connections and that is considered research. We should have that here on ATS.
If not, ATS? Then where else?
4. Elvis message songs. This could be big. In live recordings -in between songs- Elvis had a goofy sense of humor.
Or was it a black, gallows
humor, or a spiritually inclined sense of humor??? Was he giving us hints of a narrative that he had been trying to portray, a story about his
life, maybe a spiritual direction, or a movie script including secret missions? Could he have predicted his own death or disappearance?
5. Cotnergate, anything resembling Cotnergate, will not be tolerated.
Also, looking for comrades in the above research efforts.