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Saudi Black OP Team Behind Damascus Chem Weapons Attack – Diplomatic Sources

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posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 04:24 PM

reply to post by PuterMan

True and in this case we are discussing RT as a source...

What I do is check BBC, RT and if American news, CNN and The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times usually. I think it is definitely not a bad idea to get both perspectives (from the RT and U.S. MSM).

The Wall Street Journal has had some really interesting articles in it at times with a lot of credibility behind them.

The BBC seems to write about stuff without as much bias - although it also isn't privy to as much, I don't think.
edit on 4-10-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by darkbake

I appreciate the feedback. I have issues with ALL "News" outlet/sources. They ALL spin it this way or that. I too view a variety to get a better handle on any given situation but honestly sometimes I just toss my hands in the air and give up.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 05:51 PM

reply to post by Merlin Lawndart

I just don't get it.

First it was a black op by US Special Forces.

Then it was a British SAS op.

Then it was an Israeli op.

Now it's a Saudi op?

What gives?

What gives ? It wasnt the Syrian government, that's what gives. But whoever did do it aint gonna make it that obvious to us.

Might be the umpa lumplas, but it wasnt Assad.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 05:54 PM

Wobbly Anomaly
Might be the umpa lumplas, but it wasnt Assad.

Here, this should help.

Don't mention it.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 06:21 PM

reply to post by Merlin Lawndart

I just don't get it.

First it was a black op by US Special Forces.

Then it was a British SAS op.

Then it was an Israeli op.

Now it's a Saudi op?

What gives?

Oh please.....don't act dumb, its unbecoming.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 06:33 PM
I posted this video in another thread and now came across this one and I thought the info would be good to share here to.

UN report on the chemicals used in the Syria Chemical Aattack. I didn't think I would be shocked by it, but I am. They're saying they cannot find samples of the gas used in the environment... Wait until you hear what they say about the victims.

edit on 4-10-2013 by tracehd1 because: Fix

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 10:12 AM

reply to post by Merlin Lawndart

I just don't get it.

First it was a black op by US Special Forces.

Then it was a British SAS op.

Then it was an Israeli op.

Now it's a Saudi op?

What gives?

Videos all over Liveleak show islamic extremists firing the propane cans with sarin from home made artillery.
Also videos of the same people testing sarin on live rabits in Syria.
Only Americans think Assad launched the chemical attack.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 03:33 PM


Videos all over Liveleak show islamic extremists firing the propane cans with sarin from home made artillery.

If you are referring to the DIY propane gas bottle DIY weapon then that is simply people posting videos of the hell cannon with their own interpretation of it. It is simply an improvised weapon utilizing propane tanks. The rebels even made a promotional video of the hell cannon design. See following link for videos and images. There is even a portion of the video where the home-made explosives are mixed and loaded into the propane can body.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:07 PM


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

The Russian Times does add spin, yeah, I think ?

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 12:47 AM

reply to post by Merlin Lawndart

I just don't get it.
First it was a black op by US Special Forces.
Then it was a British SAS op.
Then it was an Israeli op.
Now it's a Saudi op?

What gives?

What gives is some people like to just make any crap up, and post it on the internet. Some have a agenda, like blame the USA or Blame the Jews, others just post crap. And the gullible fall for it every single time.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Merlin Lawndart

Wouldnt be very shocking. The Saudi Prince is deep in supporting the Syriam insurgents. Could explain those guys turkey caught with Sarin. This whole thing has been a lie from the weapons tonthe body count to the perps.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 02:38 PM
There is a thread HERE on ATS, that states the gas canisters were delivered by saudi special forces, and while they were being stored on off them leaked....

- The interviews were conducted by Ababneh of residents, rebels and their families in Damascus and Ghouta are putting together a different picture of what happened. Many believe that rebels received chemical weapons provided through the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan. It's being reported that these weapons are responsible for last week's gas attack. The father of a rebel who was killed in what's now being called an accident by many in Ghouta and Damascus said: "My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” said Abu Abdel-Moneim. The father said at least 12 rebels including his son were killed by the chemical weapons. Allegedly they were killed in the tunnel that was used to store the chemicals. These were provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha. He is said to be leading a fighting battalion in the effort to unseat Assad. The weapon was described as a "tube-like structure" by Abdel-Moneim.

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