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The "Nail In The Stone" or "Excalibur on Mars". Curiosity Sol 365.

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posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:50 AM
"Nailed"(!) as solid proof of some Ancient Civilization on Mars? However this anomaly is really Amazing.
The "Nail" cast its own shadow and it seem of (metallic?) stuff totally different from the stones nearby.
WTH It Is? In my opinion this anomaly deserve a more deep analisys from JPL/Curiosity Team.
Edit: Hemmm. No. Not in these days. NASA Shutdown!

edit on 2-10-2013 by Arken because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:56 AM
Maybe this is the real origin of the Arthurian legend of Excalibur.
edit on 2-10-2013 by Broom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:58 AM

Maybe this is the real origin of the Athurian legend of Excalibur.

My first Title of this thread was "Excalibur on Mars"...

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 12:09 PM
That thing is gonna waddle on by tens of thousands of rocks.

Some of them, by default, are going to look like rodents, ducks, nails, gramma waving goodbye in front of a Christmas tree, etc and so forth.

I'll be surprised if they don't find some that look like a crucifixion, your childhood teddy bear and the Easter Bunny.

Let me know when you find a book in Martian, a road sign or someone flipping us the bird.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Arken

Keep looking Arken! I like seeing your "finds". I admire your persistence and hope that one day you'll find something that blows everyone's socks off!

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 12:33 PM

That thing is gonna waddle on by tens of thousands of rocks.

Some of them, by default, are going to look like rodents, ducks, nails, gramma waving goodbye in front of a Christmas tree, etc and so forth.

I'll be surprised if they don't find some that look like a crucifixion, your childhood teddy bear and the Easter Bunny.

Let me know when you find a book in Martian, a road sign or someone flipping us the bird.

You can't see it... but I'm flipping you off right now!

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Arken

Keep looking mate, but I am sorry to say, that all I am seeing here.. is a rock :p

Good luck though.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 12:43 PM

You can't see it... but I'm flipping you off right now!

Same to you, dear.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 12:48 PM


You can't see it... but I'm flipping you off right now!

Same to you, dear.

Pic or it didn't happen!!

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 02:16 PM
Its a recess in the rock. No nail im afraid.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 02:28 PM
Always enjoy your posts. when we finally discover signs of life on Mars and some Nasa labcoat gets the credit, I am sure that you will have been there on ATS with proof before them.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 02:34 PM
That is a common sight in Mars rocks, NASA themselves comment on it. The honeycombed rock often have a protusion of harder different material inside a hole, some of the examples are seen in closeup in the Curiosity gallery, but they don't consider them nails, just a different rocky material.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 02:56 PM
Jerk mode, ON!

I saw god in the clouds today!


I also saw a puppy dog, and a pentagram, as well as William Shatner!

Jerk mode, OFF!

Sorry, you're seeing what you want to see. It's not at all unfeasible that such a shape could have occurred naturally.

- SN

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 04:27 PM
It almost like if it's concrete rebar ? Good find Arken ...

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Arken

Congratulations, you found a shadow.

Right beneath your yellow arrow you can see a nice shaded portion of the rock, which means the sunlight is coming from the right-hand side of the picture.

The "nail" is a vertical piece of the rock, which is not getting any direct sunlight.

If you look closely you can even see the elevated portion of the rock casting it's own shadow, that meets up perfectly with your "nail".

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:49 PM

Wandering Scribe
reply to post by Arken

Congratulations, you found a shadow.

Right beneath your yellow arrow you can see a nice shaded portion of the rock, which means the sunlight is coming from the right-hand side of the picture.

The "nail" is a vertical piece of the rock, which is not getting any direct sunlight.

If you look closely you can even see the elevated portion of the rock casting it's own shadow, that meets up perfectly with your "nail".

~ Wandering Scribe

Bizarre fantasy.


posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 04:33 PM

Wandering Scribe
reply to post by Arken

Congratulations, you found a shadow.

Right beneath your yellow arrow you can see a nice shaded portion of the rock, which means the sunlight is coming from the right-hand side of the picture.

The "nail" is a vertical piece of the rock, which is not getting any direct sunlight.

If you look closely you can even see the elevated portion of the rock casting it's own shadow, that meets up perfectly with your "nail".

~ Wandering Scribe

That's what I was talking about. Unfortunately to the right of what you and I mean is also what at first glance appears to be a straight up piece of rock in shadow and that's what you are saying, that portion is also about the width of the streaming or banding in the picture making it look more anomalous, but just at where the point of the arrow is what I was talking about in my first post, and A small 'uplifting' is visible there and, is something typical, and common on Mars rocks amd a subject that NASA is working on. But it does seem that Arken's object is meant to be that bit further right.
edit on 3-10-2013 by smurfy because: (no reason given)


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