posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by spartacus699
But in actuality if the SHTF you'd be just as unprepared and screwed as the next guy. Possibly even worse.
That may be true with some ...and all the prep work, training and supplies can't save a Navy SEAL who gets hit by a careless bus tomorrow ...or gets
the 1:Million shot of shrapnel from some blast far away ...that just had to hit that square inch of 3 dimensional space where a human head happened to
be at that nano-second. When our time is up, it's up. No matter how fast we run, how quick we dodge or how smart we are. We all die...100% of us. So I
don't worry about that near as much as I once did. Death is just transition to another level of life ...and to truly believe that, makes half the
battle for freedom of action in a crisis, IMO.
Having said all that? ATS makes a difference...or has the potential to. Yes.
* A normal person has absolutely no reason to avoid authority at a roadblock or house-to-house grid search. We know better...and we'll act
differently. It may make the difference.
* A normal person seeing activity of enormous size and scary new types across the sky may well freeze, mess their clean trousers and die where they
stand ...never clearing the confusion enough to act ...but staring right at what killed them. ATS makes a difference...because many if not most of us
will know confusion and failure to act in the face of threat (We'll know that to be threat...most won't in the first crucial moments) will likely be
* A normal person will believe what they are told by the President, a Congressional Leader or local political leader. Why not, a normal person asks?
If they were liars, they wouldn't have gotten there, huh? ATS makes a difference because we know better than to think truth in politics is more than a
passing exception and absolutely not a rule. If Authority says 'Shelter in Place', we'll know to carefully consider and evaluate that before doing it.
Normal folk will grab the duct tape and plastic sheeting, lock the doors and hide.
ATS makes a the extent people care for it to. If things are read with a critical eye and open mind (Not so open as for brains to fall
right out, of course), then I think the actions of the opening moments of any major crisis, where life and death is often determined by reaction as
much as anything, can be different for that perspective.
Just my two cents...and part of why I spend the time I do here. much as any sharing I try to do.
edit on 30-9-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)