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If the SHTF would we on this forum actually stand a better chance than regular foke???

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posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 08:15 AM
If the SHTF would we on this forum actually stand a better chance than regular foke??? Or even with what we know because many of us are not living off the land full time, we wouldn't actually be able to cope if things went south?

Like I think it's so easy to fool yourself thinking your smart, cool, and tough because you know a few survival skills. But in actuality if the SHTF you'd be just as unprepared and screwed as the next guy. Possibly even worse.

I don't know, what do you think???

edit on 30-9-2013 by spartacus699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 08:26 AM
I think that those people who are gung ho and have a full plan of action in place might not be as safe as some other folks. Why? Because people with those plans will want to follow them as close as possible. I don't think there is any way you can prepare for a huge, earth shattering SHTF scenario and those that can think on their feet and survive on the fly will have a far better chance at survival in the end IMO. Those who have one or two scenarios replaying in their head while preparing may not be planning the way they need to. As with anything though, it depends on the person and what type of personality they have. Are they rigid in their rules? Can they think on their feet? Can they function when everything doesn't fall in line at just the right time? I think these will have more to do with survival than food storage in most cases.

The people here might not be as surprised when a SHTF scenario occurs but I do not think that will be a huge survival factor in the end.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 08:29 AM
Depending on the circumstances of the SHTF situation, yes, in my case.

I have lots of food canned
I live in a rural area
I have actually spoken to neighbors regarding the "protection" of our area, and know many of their "skills"

So yeah, I think I would be better off, then say someone in a metro area that wasn't prepared.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 09:00 AM
I know I stand a very good chance of making it.... I also know that has nothing to do with being a member of ATS.
Sorry ATS, I learned my skills through generations of hunting and gathering passed down from my father, as well as a little trial and error.
edit on 30-9-2013 by GuidedKill because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 09:01 AM
Someone who has incorporated self supporting themselves for years will have a better chance of making it. Learning to live without the conveniences that we are used to is not as easy as reading a book or reading a thread. If the SHTF it is good to have a little experience at it. We have tweeked our food pantry and make sure we have supplies to make everything from cookies to breads and everything we need to survive for a couple of months....Hopefully we are ready.

Even being prepared does not mean we will have it easy. Just flushing the toilet is a lot more work. We have some medical supplies and I have a knowledge of natural medicines but if it is a pandemic of resistant microbes, that will be of no use. Also, if a forest fire comes through, everything will be gone and we will be at square one again. You cannot prepare for everything on a limited income.

I do think coffee is important though, coffee has been on sale a lot and we have nine cans.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

But in actuality if the SHTF you'd be just as unprepared and screwed as the next guy. Possibly even worse.

That may be true with some ...and all the prep work, training and supplies can't save a Navy SEAL who gets hit by a careless bus tomorrow ...or gets the 1:Million shot of shrapnel from some blast far away ...that just had to hit that square inch of 3 dimensional space where a human head happened to be at that nano-second. When our time is up, it's up. No matter how fast we run, how quick we dodge or how smart we are. We all die...100% of us. So I don't worry about that near as much as I once did. Death is just transition to another level of life ...and to truly believe that, makes half the battle for freedom of action in a crisis, IMO.

Having said all that? ATS makes a difference...or has the potential to. Yes.

* A normal person has absolutely no reason to avoid authority at a roadblock or house-to-house grid search. We know better...and we'll act differently. It may make the difference.

* A normal person seeing activity of enormous size and scary new types across the sky may well freeze, mess their clean trousers and die where they stand ...never clearing the confusion enough to act ...but staring right at what killed them. ATS makes a difference...because many if not most of us will know confusion and failure to act in the face of threat (We'll know that to be threat...most won't in the first crucial moments) will likely be fatal.

* A normal person will believe what they are told by the President, a Congressional Leader or local political leader. Why not, a normal person asks? If they were liars, they wouldn't have gotten there, huh? ATS makes a difference because we know better than to think truth in politics is more than a passing exception and absolutely not a rule. If Authority says 'Shelter in Place', we'll know to carefully consider and evaluate that before doing it. Normal folk will grab the duct tape and plastic sheeting, lock the doors and hide.

ATS makes a the extent people care for it to. If things are read with a critical eye and open mind (Not so open as for brains to fall right out, of course), then I think the actions of the opening moments of any major crisis, where life and death is often determined by reaction as much as anything, can be different for that perspective.

Just my two cents...and part of why I spend the time I do here. much as any sharing I try to do.

edit on 30-9-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 10:13 AM
Unfortunately many of us are not using our access to information, instead we still continue to procrastinate, and unfortunately that will only leave us with self loathing...knowing we were aware and still were not prepared. Living in southern New England, along the shore is not the safest place in our country. I can't hunt, fish, or farm (herb gardens certainly don't qualify). Fun dinner parties and a beautiful home will not be required ...being pretty wont really matter...I feel like I am living a lifestyle on borrowed time. I have no function should SHTF. Post catastrophic event dead weight. Although I am informed and I feel the fear and uncertainty (possible lay offs for my husband and myself as of Oct 1) I know that it is no longer kooky or left of center, to prepare for possible events and it is all of our responsibilities to give serious thought to local disasters and survivability ( Gosh Katrina taught us that). To this end I am resolved to make one small effort to better prepare everyday. Small acts add up. I may not be a survivalist (yet)...I am coming around. Being a girly girl just wont cut it. Being informed is not enough. Preparation+Information= survivability. Thanks for reminder!

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 10:48 AM
Nah, cuz most of us are full of # regarding the preparations we have made.

'Cept me of course.....

I am prepared to live at such a low level through actual practice, not preparation.

The only problem I couldn't deal with is if gravity failed.
edit on 30-9-2013 by MyHappyDogShiner because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

I agree

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

I too am not digging those PEPPERS...I like the SIR on the video keep a consealed PEPPER weapon for to use on those annoying PEPPER PESTS!!! I find my best weapons at affordable prices in the sporting good dept. @ WAL MART and HOME DEPOT!!!....LOL...THANKS I NEEDED TO SEE THIS IT HAS CONFIRMED WHAT I ALREADY BELIEVED...PEPPERS BETTER BEWARE!!!

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:15 PM
Well I have a few packs and some basic gear. nothing all that great in all honesty. I don't even really have proper boots. But I think what I'd do is create a bob and I'm just travel by night and by day forgage for water, food, and sleep. The only challenge is there's not a lot of places "to go" near where I am. the way our city it's nothing but farm land for hundreds of miles in every direction outside the city. The only other option might be the river by canoe. But that leaves you so exposed. Anyone with a gun could pick you off if they wanted to. And the river heads north east, when I'd rather go south west. But I suppose that could be an option. I was checking the river not long ago and I realized it actually moves at about 6-8km per hour. So that's not bad. with a good canoe you could probably go about 25km per day without over straining yourself. I'm sure at some point you'd find some kind of place beside the river that you could use as a shelter for a while. I'm pretty sure I know a place where they store canoes beside the river too. But going by night while everyone else is killing each other, you could just slip away on the water. I think as long as you got at least 50kms outside the city you'd stand a bit better chance. 100 or more and you'd likely be even better off. i'm just guessing here but you'd be a lot farther away from all the hords of starving people.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:22 PM
I will be on the side actually hunting down you guys trying to hide lol.

I think I will be ok.

Let the games begin.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:22 PM
Many will welcome a SHTF scenario by raising their eyes blinkingly from their suddenly darkened computer screens and staring blankly as they are led timidly from their parent's basements to their local FEMA camp

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Tinkerpeach

Better be really, really quiet, really quiet, really really really quiet....

Betcha can't.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

* A normal person has absolutely no reason to avoid authority at a roadblock or house-to-house grid search. We know better...and we'll act differently. It may make the difference.

Or it may get you killed depending on what the roadblock or house-to-house search is for.

I think this is what the OP means, you have a pre-conceived idea of what a roadblock or house-to-house search means. So you are going to react based off of that pre-conceived idea instead of based off of the current facts.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by AlienScience

Okay, wow... That's dissecting my words for precise meaning of each one, while missing the entire spirit of the statement. In doing so, you quite literally made my case between those who stop, analyse and consider all aspects of a situation before action ...vs. those who assume, take everything at face value and don't consider the larger meaning to what is being seen beyond the immediate.

I hadn't expected a reply to showcase my point. Thanks tho!

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 06:04 PM

I know I stand a very good chance of making it.... I also know that has nothing to do with being a member of ATS.
Sorry ATS, I learned my skills through generations of hunting and gathering passed down from my father, as well as a little trial and error.
edit on 30-9-2013 by GuidedKill because: (no reason given)

That would be most of us - minus the killing of bambi and all. Generations of bambi killers...shame on you.

This forum is more of sharing knowledge instead of teaching others how to survive. you responding to a thread in this section, the answer would be a yes.


My preps are very minimal - wife thinks it is crazy...
Skills are rusty thanks to years of moving around.
I'll probably be worse off than the regular folk..

But come Dec - I'm going to find out 'what does the fox say' by practicing my trapping skills.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

No we don't stand a better chance, because just like in the real world,
most of us don't agree on ANYTHING. The most immanent threat to us right now is a financial collapse. Is there a plan B in place for us as a whole in case something like that does happen? In fact our government won't even entertain the idea because plan B would quickly become plan A even without a collapse.

Our plan B should be to simply keep working rather than descending into chaos. Money doesn't put groceries on the shelves... people do. Money doesn't drive a truck or a train... people do. So as long as farmers keep farming, drillers keep drilling, and doctors keep saving lives, we won't even miss the money. Instead we'll have a system where our society as a whole will benefit from the elimination of jobs rather than constantly creating them.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

I don't know, what do you think???

After being a member here for a while I can say that yes I would fare better.

These are some things I have learned so far that I feel have given me a head start when TSHTF.

I know now to stay away from electronic devices if I want to keep a secret.

I know to trust nobody if I want to keep a secret.

I know that any form of privacy I think I have, has already been compromised by people who want any information at any cost.

I know that profit and power and fear can trump friendship.

I know that some people do things for lulz. And for no other reason.

I know that propaganda is everywhere and any time I hear information from any corporate news media that runs on any type of profit has ulterior motifs. That motif is profit.

I have also learned that it is A-OK to be a spectator, to not voice an opinion, to not use encryption.

The ones who will survive will be the ones who do not get into anybodies business.

And I want to survive. I think I have a better chance after visiting this forum.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:23 AM
As a society here on ATS it saddens me that so far no body in this thread said anything about the video
Are we as adults getting so blinded by our selves and our fear and our own agenda's that we have forgotten the baby in the cart??? Have we been scaring our own children and other ppl's children that are exposed to our own personal defaults of character???

Dont scream at me just yet...take a day or two and ponder this...dare to enter that RABBIT HOLE...

I will be...



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