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It is time to expose the secret societies

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posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Saurus

I get a good laugh about Cutting Edge who are trying to do "gods" work and expose evil yet sell newsletters, books, DVD's and CD's which are completely over priced. You have to even laugh at their anti-catholic rhetoric which is completely false (this is coming from someone who has huge disagreements with them), the funny thing is I've seen some Catholic's use that site to bash Freemasonry.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

Interesting, the colledge fraternity, well as one whom also went to colledge to study science a long, long time ago in a world not as privaledged as some I do indeed know what it is to love your friend's as brothers but not quite as much as a blood bond now weather that make's me a poor christian is for god to decide as for anti catholic sentiment I feel non though I feel a lot better about the catholic church since this new pope has set about the work god told francis to perform, i.e. God told st francis of assisi to "Rebuild My house" and I thing if he manages to avoid the poison pill's at the side of the bed, the assassins in the crowd and the mafia priests whom hide the causa nostra money in the vatican bank then by God's grace he may yet lay the most important first stone's though I think it will take longer than his lifetime.

The perception of Masonry has not been helped by it's class based membership and the perception of many Masons whom have pulled the innocent down with them and not all the accusations are without merit though I do not expect a cult membership to relinquish there belief because I say so or believe they should as only they can make that decision but there very clever attempt to defend the indefencible and there not so clever use of attempted character assassination has given me both pause for thought and a smile or three.

Anyway how many of you have actually seen the ladder, shall I tell you what I saw.

A dark place almost featureless.
A Ladder that was of silvery grey dry wood with cracking along the grain and very ancient but very solid and strong, reaching up impossibly into the cloud's and the slight brightening above seemingly without end.
The Two stays of the Ladder were single tree's with knot's smooth to the trunk with no bark.
The Rung's were like branches grown between the two trunks' without seem but like the trunk's cracked along the grain with the same ancient solidit and too big to wrap your hand around but small enough to give purchase to your grip, about a foot and half between each rung.
It felt like wood but as hard as stone and on the third rung I fell forward and it seemed the ladder was gone but I knew it was still there though I had been lifted.
A great golden light and a terrible burden that made me not lift my head as though a terrible shame and weight were upon me.
I stepped back but was allowed to step only one rung down before coming out of the vision, just before coming out I saw a figure kneeling and a short staff or rod upright before me.

Now you can laugh and mock but I assure you My God is real and He is not a Mason.

edit on 11-10-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

And of course, all Masons are evil godless little twits that must be revealed for the nefarious agents of corruption they are, right? Pull back the curtain and reveal the sorcerer behind the genial illusion of good will and integrity. It's almost funny - but not quite.
edit on 11-10-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Actually some A great many Masons are good people whom do indeed perform good work's and that is both true in the past and the present, some help underprivaledged kid's and perform charitable feat's.
I have no disagreement with these but my disagreement is a philosophical and religious (my interpretation as each man's religion is unique to him and personal between him and his God) one, I actually do no hate the Masons though I do hate the one's whom were personally responsible for the wrong done to my family, remember the old saying 'no bad blood worse than bad blood in the family', well like I said many of my ancestors were of the masonic tradition, a tradition I personally disaprove of but only god can give judgement as each man must live to his own conscience.

Hatred of Masonry is not my goal but the prevention of the perversion of atheism and anti christian sentiment that should be purged from the masonic fraternity at all costs to restore it to what it was before the taint took hold but I know that I can not turn what is essentially an alternative to the golf course for making private business deal's back into the shining thing it once perported to be and I have seen enough evidence to convince me it can never be returned to that state.

It was once a hard working poor man's guild, made up of stone Mason's brother master and apprentice and both built and maintained the cathedrals and fortresses of christendom, Krak de chevalier was one of there master pieces in what is now syria and the Templer order dwelt there to secure the holy land with only a flaw in logistics to marr it's perfection that later caused it to fall through siege.
The rot began for the Masons as far as I can tell in the 1600's through to the 1700's though this was partially arrested in the late 1800's by a number of good works and New Masons ( As opposed to the Stone masons guild ) whom performed a number of altruistic and benificent works around the world but by the mid to late 20th century the loss of religious christian anchors left it a profitible group to be a member of for one's own self interest and the mysic and gnostic traditions that had entered it through the hellfire club and the spiritual revival led it back down the path of cultism away from the Masons guild and back to the Masons sect, the heavy use of Tarot inspired symbology and the neo egyptian mysticism created new ancient secrets and perverted the order even further down the path of new occultism along with false claims to have arisen in ancient egypt when the true masonic order sprang up in medievil germany as cathedral builders.

Have I left anything out.

edit on 11-10-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 06:05 PM

reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

Interesting, the colledge fraternity, well as one whom also went to colledge to study science a long, long time ago in a world not as privaledged as some I do indeed know what it is to love your friend's as brothers but not quite as much as a blood bond now weather that make's me a poor christian is for god to decide as for anti catholic sentiment I feel non though I feel a lot better about the catholic church since this new pope has set about the work god told francis to perform, i.e. God told st francis of assisi to "Rebuild My house" and I thing if he manages to avoid the poison pill's at the side of the bed, the assassins in the crowd and the mafia priests whom hide the causa nostra money in the vatican bank then by God's grace he may yet lay the most important first stone's though I think it will take longer than his lifetime.

The perception of Masonry has not been helped by it's class based membership and the perception of many Masons whom have pulled the innocent down with them and not all the accusations are without merit though I do not expect a cult membership to relinquish there belief because I say so or believe they should as only they can make that decision but there very clever attempt to defend the indefencible and there not so clever use of attempted character assassination has given me both pause for thought and a smile or three.

Anyway how many of you have actually seen the ladder, shall I tell you what I saw.

A dark place almost featureless.
A Ladder that was of silvery grey dry wood with cracking along the grain and very ancient but very solid and strong, reaching up impossibly into the cloud's and the slight brightening above seemingly without end.
The Two stays of the Ladder were single tree's with knot's smooth to the trunk with no bark.
The Rung's were like branches grown between the two trunks' without seem but like the trunk's cracked along the grain with the same ancient solidit and too big to wrap your hand around but small enough to give purchase to your grip, about a foot and half between each rung.
It felt like wood but as hard as stone and on the third rung I fell forward and it seemed the ladder was gone but I knew it was still there though I had been lifted.
A great golden light and a terrible burden that made me not lift my head as though a terrible shame and weight were upon me.
I stepped back but was allowed to step only one rung down before coming out of the vision, just before coming out I saw a figure kneeling and a short staff or rod upright before me.

Now you can laugh and mock but I assure you My God is real and He is not a Mason.

edit on 11-10-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

You keep calling Masonry a cult which is wrong and I'm sure you would disagree when people make good points that Christianity is cult. The pope isn't told by god to do anything and if you believe that I have some great beach front property to sell you in Arizona. I haven't seen one Mason on this site saying that members haven't done bad thing but they aren't doing it in the name of Freemasonry just like when Christians bomb abortion clinics or kill gay people they aren't doing in the name of Christianity. Freemasons are human just lik everyone else and being a Masons doesn't make you perfect, I would of thought you would know that. How would you like to be judged by all the horrible things Christians things have done in the past heck I would bet they have done a lot worse then Masons? It's funny you bring up character attacks when Freemasons have been accused of (just on ats) killing babies, killing JFK, killing Lincoln, pedophillia, witch craft, blood drinking, gang stalking, using microwaves to mind control, being ran by Jews, trying to take down Christianity,feminism, being Satanic, being reptilians, chemtrails, supporting Hitler, hiding the cure for cancer, shooting a guy and giving his father cancer because he's the Parakletos, taking part in homosexual rituals, pushing a homosexual agenda, Communism, being reptilians, and my favorite blowing up toilets. If you're or a group you belong to are accused of all those horrible things almost every day wouldn't you be a little angry and sometimes lose your cool and Yes Masons do call out crazy people on this site and ask for proof but usually they end up catching the person in a lie or the person who made the accusation has no proof.

I'm not saying you're a bad Christian but I can guarantee if their is a god that he would not be happy with you using Cutting Edge Ministries as a source to slander others and when doing it calling yourself a Christian.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

If you think Freemasonry is a class based organization then you're sadly mistaken of course they have some rich people in their group but I personally know members who jobs are construction, charity worker who makes no more then 15k a year, landscaper, and mechanic. My Grandfather was a mason and he was far from "elite", I think it's ignorant to think most Masons are these rich people who have power and to be honest it's Christians like you who made me leave the church.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

I will leave it at that but be aware I am one of a very large and growing number of people whom hold your order guilty of enacting a plan to cull the population at a much higher level than yourselve's, one which you have only been able to enact on the first world with the consequence that we are now overrun rather than having our own children, TENESEE GUIDE STONE's and know this the day of reckoning biblical or otherwise is coming.

edit on 11-10-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 08:08 PM

reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

I will leave it at that but be aware I am one of a very large and growing number of people whom hold your order guilty of enacting a plan to cull the population at a much higher level than yourselve's, one which you have only been able to enact on the first world with the consequence that we are now overrun rather than having our own children, TENESEE GUIDE STONE's and know this the day of reckoning biblical or otherwise is coming.

edit on 11-10-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

First I'm not a mason my Grandfather was, friends dad's, some my fraternity alumni are. Do you mean the Georgia Guidestones which may or may not be written by a Freemason that says "Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts", "Avoid petty laws and useless officials", "Balance personal rights with social duties", "Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite", "Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature". Those don't sound like "NWO" laws and more of a guideline or a guideline for future people if we don't change. Who are these "high level Freemasons" that are going to kill off billions of people/what lodge do they belong too and really now you use another unreliable source. People have been waiting for the end of days since 634 BCE which I doubt it will happen while I'm alive and if I'm sent to hell because I call idiots out then so be it.
See I can post horrible stuff that Christians say and how would you like people lumping you in with those idiots because you're a Christian?
Christiany is the devil's work
Christians want to kill gay people
Christi an Pastor supports killing gay people in Africa

P.S. that website you listed has a disclaimer that says" the publisher of this web-site cannot vouch for the information contained therein. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those held by the publisher."

edit on 11-10-2013 by nancyliedersdeaddog because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-10-2013 by nancyliedersdeaddog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 08:16 PM

reply to post by KSigMason

as a christian I am entitled to judge

Guess you must've missed Matthew Chapter 7 Verse 1


posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 08:19 PM


Do you really think someone that calls a friend "brother" is serving them,

I gave the garbageman a had with some overweight yard waste he would've been within his rights to leave. He said "Thanks, brother". I wonder who was serving whom in that equation?

edit on 11-10-2013 by Fitzgibbon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 08:22 PM

reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

Interesting, the colledge fraternity, well as one whom also went to colledge to study science a long, long time ago in a world not as privaledged as some

Given your atrocious spelling, is it safe to assume you weren't an English major?


posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

By the way I'm pretty sure the Georgia Guidestone was built as kind of a guideline for another civilization in case we wiped each other out since it debuted in early 1980 which was the same time the "2nd Cold War" started and I'm sure most of the people who came up with the Guidestone remembered how close the USSR and the US came to all out war.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 11:35 AM



Do you really think someone that calls a friend "brother" is serving them,

I gave the garbageman a had with some overweight yard waste he would've been within his rights to leave. He said "Thanks, brother". I wonder who was serving whom in that equation?

edit on 11-10-2013 by Fitzgibbon because: (no reason given)

Haha you didn't know the new law that went into effect if anyone calls you brother then you're now his master for life?

I wonder who Hulk Hogan is serving when he still calls everyone "brother"? It must be one of those gods that makes you put on a bunch of baby oil and dress like a busted Daytona stripper before rituals.

Edit: Hulk Hogan Brother
edit on 12-10-2013 by nancyliedersdeaddog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by LABTECH767

That was not an olive branch. You were still trying to make and inferrence that Freemasonry is some over controlling cult.

You are not entitled to judge.

Freemasonry has very Christian elements for those who can see, but the Lodge has accepted men of various into it's membership. As I said before, there's nothing that compromises my faith, but then again, I'm not weak willed and my faith isn't weakened by the mere presence of non-believers. Nor do I have to bully others into way of thinking, but would rather let my light shine and guide others to God.

You only think you know what Freemasonry is or was. You should realize that that article talks about operative Masons, today we are speculative Masons...learn the difference; yes, I realize they talk about speculative Masons being admitted in the 13th century, but I could shoot holes in that theory as well as anyone as the recorded history of Freemasonry is very clear on the matter. Plus, who cares if Masons of that day patronized or criticized the Catholic Church? Criticism of Christians is not criticism of Christ as many "christians" do some very un-Christian things. Many things my fellow Christians do is wrong and I'm not going to sit by and not call them on it simply because they are supposedly Christian.

What's wrong with mysticism? What exactly about our initiations is not conducive with Christianity? I'm well aware of the ritual, its history, and its teachings.

I wish no harm of Good masons or innocent lodges so long as they do not as you claim conflict with your faith in Christ but let me ask you when you referre to someone as brother are you meaning in the craft or christ and therefore which master do you serve.

I didn't realize they were mutually exclusive. See you fanatics seek only to divide and label. By being a Mason I'm not forced to choose which master to serve. My faith is in Christ and is strong. Unlike you, Freemasonry doesn't try to wedge my life apart, they don't shove their noses where it doesn't belong.

Further how can a Mason whom is not a Mason be a Mason, how many of you have actually worked stone or are you content to let the true origin of that title merely remain ceremonial.

You should look up the word "speculative" some time. This just further shows me though how very little you know of and understand about Freemasonry.

No I think I will stick to following the carpenter whom once healed a man whom was blind, a man whom then saw humans as tree's walking only for the carpenter to take a little of that sight back and I am content to let him shape my wood by his craft.

And who says I wasn't guided to Freemasonry?
You assume and presume way too much for as little knowledge as you possess.

reply to post by LABTECH767

Class based membership? What do you mean?

How have we pulled any "innocent down with us".

I do love the hypocrisy of Catholics chastising others for wrongdoing when so much wrong in the world can be placed at Catholics or the Church's feet.

Now you can laugh and mock but I assure you My God is real and He is not a Mason.

God is the greatest Mason of all as He built everything we see.

reply to post by LABTECH767

In real Freemasonry, there is no atheism as we require, via our Ancient Landmarks, that members must hold a belief in a Supreme Being. Whether an individual likes Christianity or not is up to him, but the Lodge practices tolerance of faiths and religion is not spoken about during a tiled meeting. Now in groups like the Masonic Knights Templar (Order of the Temple), Red Cross of Constantine, St. Thomas of Acon, York Rite College, SRICF/SRIA/SRIR/SRIL/SRIC, and Royal Order of Scotland you must profess a belief in Christ to join.

There is no institutional hatred of Christianity nor do you have a strong understanding of the development of our ceremonies and rituals, and those who had a hand in their development. There's nothing perverted about modern Freemasonry.

reply to post by LABTECH767

Wow, that site is full of lies I don't know where to start, but if you would rather believe it then you are naive or a fool and deserve to be misled by false tales.

And it's "Georgia Guidestones" not "TENESEE" (sic).

edit on 13-10-2013 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by KSigMason

I think I found LabTech a new best friend haha. I would love to know which LabTech said to be a part of that's fighting with Freemasonry or if the OP could come back and give us his links.

Edit: The OP said he was leaving ats for a while due to "spiritual reasons" but he's been on recently.
edit on 14-10-2013 by nancyliedersdeaddog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:17 AM

The OP said he was leaving ats for a while due to "spiritual reasons" but he's been on recently.

The word "spirits" has more than one usage, NLDD.


posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

Wow. That guy needs to put down the crackpipe.
edit on 15-10-2013 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

I hope his doctor see's this and helps with his meds. He is either off of them, or has the wrong kind prescribed. Obviously a member of the Zer family. I think his name is Lou.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 02:44 PM

network dude
reply to post by KSigMason

I hope his doctor see's this and helps with his meds. He is either off of them, or has the wrong kind prescribed. Obviously a member of the Zer family. I think his name is Lou.

You better be careful because he also lives in North Carolina haha! The funny thing he thinks anyone who touches their face is a mason which people do everyday, he must be freaking out. I'm trying to find his story about how Masons set up a nuke in his town and he saved the day like a real life Jack Bauer!

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 03:05 PM

reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

Wow. That guy needs to put down the crackpipe.
edit on 15-10-2013 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

Supposedly his friends say he doesn't do drugs which is even more scary! The guy claims you're all aliens and tell him to be "Jesus or die".

It's also scary he talks about killing people and still people egg him on, his friends beg him to get help but he just says they are also Masons/CIA doctors. I think he ruined his dad business and blames the masons for it.

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