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Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him sacrificed.

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posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 01:03 AM

reply to post by Greatest I am

The sin nature is passed down through the male. Thats why Jesus was born of a virgin. We all have the sin nature. That means that no matter how hard we try to be good, the sin nature invalidates our good work. Jesus cancelled out the effect of the sin nature on the cross, so that through faith in Him, our work can glorify God when executed through the Holy Spirit.

God's law is not "as above, so below", that is theosophy. God's Law is straight accounting. At the last Judgment, you are either credited with the Righteousness of Christ, or stand on the empty void that is human work.

Sin is a blackhole that corrupts, the purity of Christ cancels out the sin that enslaves us.

"As above, so below" is not a biblical principle.

We have a fallen nature but are capable of good. Martin Luther came up with we are "completely
depraved" which is a lie.

Our Lord did NOT cancel our fallen nature on the Cross. Those darn heresies, faith alone, the imputation
heresy, OSAS all tied up together or I should say coming from Faith Alone. Jesus established a way
when we lose God's presence in our soul by committing a mortal sin, that He may return, it is called the Sacrament of Confession. Non-Catholics must from the heart, with true contrition confess their mortal sins to God. Daily prayer and regular Confession for the LIFE of your soul.

We are all born with Original Sin on our soul, God comes to dwell in the soul for the first time at water Baptism.

Do not lose heart if your parents did not have you baptized.

Pray about it, God will help make it happen. One form of Baptism, not the normal, water the Baptism of desire. You already desire it and God knows...

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:01 PM

Greatest I am
Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him sacrificed.

The law in heaven is that the oldest dies first if there is to be a death. That is the only proper law for Gods, --- if they could die that is.

As above so below.

If we interpret that law and apply it to a human family, then the first to die would be fathers, followed by wives and lastly, children. Fathers are to die before sons. That is God’s law.

As above so below then would indicate that the law of the sea should also be the law of the land. It says that women and children are saved first then the men.

Men would need to recognize their duty to sanctify the family by placing women and children above themselves. IOW, equality does not exist in heaven nor should it exist in our human law.

Knowing this, God would never have his son sacrifice for a ransom that God himself would have had to set. One does not put a bounty on a son’s head.

I am not an atheist but Satan and Christians want atheists to embrace barbaric human sacrifice and the notion that we should profit from punishing the innocent instead of the guilty. Christian preach for Satan. Shame on Christians for their immoral dogma and tradition of embracing blood sacrifice.

In reality, if God did demand such a barbaric sacrifice, he would be sinning. He would know that barbaric human sacrifice is immoral.

You do as well. Right?

Those with good morals will know that no noble and gracious God would demand the sacrifice of a so called son just to prove it's benevolence nor would God break heavenly law.

If you are a believer in the vile notion of the human sacrifice of Jesus Christ, when you die, Satan will ask you; how was your ticket to heaven purchased?
With innocent blood?

If you say yes and point to you scapegoat Jesus, you become Satan’s.

Have you embraced human sacrifice and do you plan to try to ride your scapegoat Jesus into heaven, --- on your way to hell?


I am so glad to of finaly found someone who knows the mind of God/sarc

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 03:50 PM
Here is the "mind" of God, He reveals Himself through prophecy too. God the Father spoke to a holy
Sister in the early 1930s. This is an approved private revelation, a message from God the Father. And
remember, Jesus who is God, He first suffered terribly on the Cross, our God died for our sins.

Excerpt from a message to Mother Eugenia

July 1, 1932

...So as to permit this work to be
extended among all nations as quickly as
possible, without allowing those entrusted with its propagation to commit the slightest
imprudent act, I ask you to spend your days
in a spirit of recollection. You will be happy not to talk much to others. In
your heart, even when you are among them, you
will talk to Me and listen to Me.

This is what I want you to do also: when sometimes I talk to you, you will write
My confidences in a special little diary. But
through it I intend to talk to everyone: I
live with them more intimately
than a mother with her children.
Since man’s creation, I have never for
one moment stopped living beside him.
As his Creator and Father, I feel the need to
love him. It is not
that I need him, but
My love, as Father and Creator, makes Me feel this need to love man. Thus I live
close to man, I follow him everywhere, I help him in all things, I supply everything.
I can see his needs, his toils, all his
desires, and My greatest happiness lies in
helping him and saving him.
Men believe Me to be a terrifying God Who
is going to cast all mankind into hell.
What a great surprise it will
be when, at the end of time, they see so many souls they
believed lost, enjoying eternal bliss among the elect!
I wish all My creatures to be convinced that there is a Father Who watches over
them and Who would like them to enjoy, on
earth, a foretaste of eternal happiness.
A mother never forgets the little creature she has brought in
to the world. Is it not
even more wonderful that I remember all My creatures?
So if a mother loves the little being I
gave her, I love him more than she does,
because I created him. Even if
it happens that a mother loves her child less because
of some defect, I, on the contrary, will love
him still more. She may later on forget
him or think of him rarely, especially when because of his age he is no longer in her
care, but I will never forget him. I will always love him, and even if he no longer
remembers Me, His Father and Creator,
I will still remember him and love him.
I have already told you that I want you to enjoy eternal happiness even here, on
earth, but you still have not understood the real
meaning of what I said. It is this:
If you love Me and call Me by the sweet
name of Father, you will begin to live,
here and now, in the love and the trust which will make you happy in eternity and
which you will sing in heaven in the company of
the elect. Is this not a foretaste of
the happiness of heaven, which will last for ever? ...

message starts on page 11

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 11:15 AM


Greatest I am

[ I sometimes wonder who is in charge, and whomever it is stands at Gods right hand. editby]

Actually, a careful reading of Job shows God saying that Satan moved him to hurt without just cause.

That leaves no doubt that Satan is in charge.

Though I agree with much of what you say, I disagree with you here.

Satan first asks permission from God to terrorize Job, his rationale; Job is faithful because you're good to him, but take away everything he has and he will curse your name. God gives the green light on the condition that Job's life be spared. Satan completely destroys Job's life, but Job only asks why God would do this to him, never speaking ill of God.

Satan is an agent of God. His function is similar to the proverbial devil-on-the-shoulder, symbolic of the dark side of the conscience. He is essentially the externalized embodiment of God's own sinful nature. (Christians will deny this on the grounds that Satan is supposedly God's enemy and that God can only ever be good, but I believe my logic and understanding are sound.)

As for Satan being God's wife, I'm not sure what source material you used to derive that conclusion. I'm all for looking at things from a non-biblical perspective as well, but I'd like to see if your ideas are supported by other religious texts. You claim that this can be the only logical explanation, however I think "Occam's Razor*" supports my previous statements.

*the Occam's Razor principle, not necessarily the poster
edit on 30/9/2013 by Glass because: (no reason given)

"Satan is an agent of God."

I agree and as his agent, God is culpable for all evil.

As to Satan being God's Asherah, the logic and information of God deferring to Satan is clear.

Care to speculate as to why God rewards one who is supposed to be so evil?

Not the silly testing human thing please. Omnipotence and all knowing remember.


posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 11:21 AM


OccamsRazor04, I admire your patience and persistence in corresponding with the OP. You state the bottom line quite well. The OP has zero biblical backing for the ludicrous conclusions he/she has made and attributed to “careful readings” of scripture.

I am genuinely disheartened every time I find someone like the OP — spreading an ideology that is nothing more than a completely distorted perversion of ancient biblical text. But I've always known such people exist, existed and will exist in the world. I accept that. I try to correct false statements concerning the Bible in a reasonable manner, but I have to admit — Greatest I Am really tests my patience with his/her relentless consistency in preaching falsehoods.

Glass, we have different beliefs about God and differing interpretations of his word. However, I greatly appreciate your willingness to point out that Greatest I Am's retelling of the story of Job is not based on the story of Job as told in its original source, which happens to be the Bible.

Not believing or submitting to the God of the Bible and his message is one thing, but I believe distorting and perverting that message to tout your own account of history then presenting it as a factual account of the Bible is another.

Glass, though you have a differing interpretation and opinion of the Bible than I do, you do not anger me. I appreciate your perspective. My impression is positive because it is clear that you are referring to the same book that I am referring to. You appear to be committed to honest dialogue with others. This is not the case with the OP.

While I know this disappoints no one, I refuse to argue with Greatest I Am again because Greatest I Am refuses to engage in honest dialogue.

My final hope is that Greatest I Am does not have an influential role in society. Much harm has been caused by people who change the word of God in order to manipulate society’s weaker members into serving their own selfish desires. I'll spare you the anecdotal evidence and suffice it to say that this method has been applied by cult leaders, child abusers, tyrants and others who have distorted God's word for personal gain.

"but I have to admit — Greatest I Am really tests my patience with his/her relentless consistency in preaching falsehoods."

I see this as a complete lie.

You fabricate much more than I.

You should argue against a motion and not just lie about the poster.

If you were not a Christian you would know the shame you should feel.

There is no need for anyone to distort anything to show how immoral your theology is.


posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 11:28 AM


Greatest I am
Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him sacrificed.

The law in heaven is that the oldest dies first if there is to be a death. That is the only proper law for Gods, --- if they could die that is.

As above so below.

If we interpret that law and apply it to a human family, then the first to die would be fathers, followed by wives and lastly, children. Fathers are to die before sons. That is God’s law.

As above so below then would indicate that the law of the sea should also be the law of the land. It says that women and children are saved first then the men.

Men would need to recognize their duty to sanctify the family by placing women and children above themselves. IOW, equality does not exist in heaven nor should it exist in our human law.

Knowing this, God would never have his son sacrifice for a ransom that God himself would have had to set. One does not put a bounty on a son’s head.

I am not an atheist but Satan and Christians want atheists to embrace barbaric human sacrifice and the notion that we should profit from punishing the innocent instead of the guilty. Christian preach for Satan. Shame on Christians for their immoral dogma and tradition of embracing blood sacrifice.

In reality, if God did demand such a barbaric sacrifice, he would be sinning. He would know that barbaric human sacrifice is immoral.

You do as well. Right?

Those with good morals will know that no noble and gracious God would demand the sacrifice of a so called son just to prove it's benevolence nor would God break heavenly law.

If you are a believer in the vile notion of the human sacrifice of Jesus Christ, when you die, Satan will ask you; how was your ticket to heaven purchased?
With innocent blood?

If you say yes and point to you scapegoat Jesus, you become Satan’s.

Have you embraced human sacrifice and do you plan to try to ride your scapegoat Jesus into heaven, --- on your way to hell?


I am so glad to of finaly found someone who knows the mind of God/sarc

Are you denying what I wrote?

How could things be otherwise for a moral God?

Or did you just want to just shed your own responsibilities, the Christian way, and ride your scapegoat that badly?


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