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Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Admits To "UFO" Technology Cover-Up [Whistleblower Testimony]

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posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by maquino

I'm wondering by the way what you make of the new kids on the block in the old mind wars game...?

Wait a minute...

Are we talking about the 'New Kids on the Block'...

Or the "new kids on the block" in the MindWar game?

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by maquino

I'm afraid to ask.

Fear not, I will hold your hand throughout, if you are really interested, I will yell you about the Moon, maybe it will jog your memory along the way.

I have to take care of a few things before we get down to this, but in the meantime, I would like to offer this food for thought, to you, and to the others reading along. It's essential that we clear this up to make sense of what I will tell you about the Moon

Okay, so, this is one of the most bizarre things that I have ever read...

Everything that is regarded as an essential aspect of the romantic spirit: irrationalism, the mystic welding-together of subject and object, the tendency to intermingle the arts, the longing for the far-away and the strange, the feeling for the infinite and the continuity of historic development - all these are characteristic of German Romanticism, and so much so that their union remains unintelligible to the Latins. What is known as Romanticism in France has only its name in common with German Romanticism.

Gustau Pauli, in Dehio’s Geschichte der deutschen Kunst (1919-1934)

and this from you...

Similarly the life-worship of the Third Reich was not what the “Mediterranean” mind understands by this term. The “life” is the life of the state, or more precisely the Volk (perhaps best translated as the “soul of the people”). The individual achieves self- realization as, through his efforts, he contributes to the strengthening of this “soul”.

The very human quality within all human beings in all cultures that allowed the Germans to behave in the concerted way that they did during the era noted by Pauli and yourself, WWI/WWII, was brought on by severe trauma.

Your generation seems to have a general issue with these sorts of misunderstandings; for instance, Col. Alexander wanted folks to believe that there were "no offensive moves" in Aikido, without adding that that's because "offensiveness" was bombed out of the Japanese martial arts.

There is nothing special about the way that the German people responded, and romanticizing what they went through in the fashion that you have presented it here is by definition perverted. The Germans have a super-power? They become Nazis under extreme social and cultural stress?

That's one of the most preposterous things I have personally ever heard. Germany does not have the market cornered on fascism, or the extreme ways that all people might express fascism when under certain forms of societal stress.

The ability for people to exhibit what might simply be termed "flocking behaviour" is present in all peoples and cultures. It is a super-power. People experience it when they work and live within close proximity to one another, when they sing together and dance together. The most recent way that folks have been enjoying the power in a mostly positive way, is with flashmobs. There is an upside to it and a downside.

The downside can be exploited. And that will take us to the Moon,


P.S. Happy Halloween
edit on 6-10-2013 by Bybyots because: .

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 09:39 PM

Fear not, I will hold your hand throughout, if you are really interested, I will yell you about the Moon, maybe it will jog your memory along the way.

You don't need to jog my memory: Yes, I've already been there, and I looked out the viewport very carefully and didn't see any Nazis down there. Lots of green cheese, one cow. No Nazis.

edit on 10/6/2013 by maquino because: Cheese & cow statistics.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by maquino

Alright, I like badminton...

It's beyond me how you could have missed all the nazis at Disneyland from way up there...

In the immediate years before we entered the War there was a small, but fiercely loyal, I suppose legal, following of the Nazi party . . .

"There were open meetings, anybody could attend and I wanted to see what was going on myself. On more than one occasion I observed Walt Disney and [Disney's lawyer] Gunther Lessing there, along with a lot of prominent Nazi-afflicted Hollywood personalities. Disney was going to meetings all the time."

Disney animator Art Babbitt. On his visit to meetings held by the German American Bund

The German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl, whose documentaries in the mid-30s had helped to glorify the Nazis, claimed that "after Kristallnacht [1938], she approached every studio in Hollywood looking for work. No studio head would even screen her movies except Walt Disney. He told her he admired her work but if it became known that he was considering hiring her, it would damage his reputation."

So much for softballs.

I'll be back, as Ahnuhld would say.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 10:41 PM

There is nothing special about the way that the German people responded, and romanticizing what they went through in the fashion that you have presented it here is by definition perverted. The Germans have a super-power? They become Nazis under extreme social and cultural stress? That's one of the most preposterous things I have personally ever heard. Germany does not have the market cornered on fascism, or the extreme ways that all people might express fascism when under certain forms of societal stress.

Yes, I would say that Germany was a unique case. From another paper of mine:

Europe in the early 19th century was influenced significantly by budding forces of Romanticism, nationalism, and liberalism. The first represented a rejection of the “cult of reason” espoused by the social contract theorists of the Enlightenment, in favor of a more emotional approach to social and cultural issues. The second represented a growing identification of the individual with a nation or state, as opposed to with a city or monarch. This was particularly significant in the cases of Germany and Italy, which until now had remained largely fragmented. The third represented a general impatience with archaic aristocratic systems as justifying a state’s existence. The Enlightenment and the Age of Revolution had opened the door to critical analysis of state systems, not just to their glorification.

Georg W.F. Hegel (1770-1831) developed his theories of dialectic idealism and organicism by approximately 1816, when he held a professorship at the University of Heidelberg. His two principal concepts are defined as follows:

(1) Hegel conceives the Universe as the manifestation of God’s mind seeking complete self-realization through a process called dialectic idealism. This is occasionally [and more precisely] called the dialectic of absolute spirit. As applied to Earth, it is the concept that the history of the world consists of part of the spirit of God, manifesting itself through the collective spirits of mankind, moving onwards through logic (the dialectic) towards complete self-understanding. An existing idea (thesis) is criticized and partially refuted by its opposite (antithesis), resulting in a more perfect concept (synthesis).

(2) The organic state is the manifestation or appearance of God in the material world. [It is not identical with God; it is a “reflection” of the dialectic of his mind. Accordingly it proceeds in ways and towards goals which are not necessarily the sum total of the ways and goals of the individual human minds within it.]

In many ways Hegel is a reaction (antithesis & synthesis) to Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Bishop Berkeley’s subjective idealism had held that nothing could be known objectively - that knowledge is limited to subjective impressions. Kant refines this into what is called critical idealism, in which human consciousness is subdivided into sensation, understanding, and pure reason. Sensations and understanding of them and consequences of them can be proven, Kant says, but pure reason (concepts unsupported by sensations) cannot be conclusive. It is “beyond causality”. [Note: Compare to "Conscious/Conceptual Thought" in MindWar.]

Hegel overcomes Kant’s problem by making “pure reason” a necessary and intrinsic characteristic of God/the Universe. All history is “logical”. If it sometimes seems illogical, it is because we don’t see it as clearly and comprehensively as God does. The task of philosophy, therefore, is one of understanding, of logical analysis - and not one of creation of abstract, ideal political systems.

Hegel introduced the concept of the phenomenology of mind as a variation on the Platonic “pyramid of thought” concept. With Hegel, of course, the mind develops forward through time (historically); whereas with Plato the levels of thought are measures of excellence irrespective of time or progression. Hegel’s phenomenology of mind begins with consciousness, which is everyday experience (action and reaction to events) without self-consciousness. We take the truth of conscious experiences for granted; Hegel calls this sense-certainty.

As soon as one pauses to reflect on conscious experiences, one moves to self-consciousness. At the same time there comes an awareness of other selves, other minds. This is very close to Hobbes’ concept of the state of nature. The antagonism is because “they exist and are not me”. Therefore I wish to control them and not to be controlled by them. I wish recognition by them; I do not wish to recognize them in return. Thus there comes into being the political “master/slave relationship”.

The next step in the dialectic involves a personal internalization of the master/slave relationship, as exemplified in Hellenistic stoicism and skepticism. The inconsistency this produces between internal and external life goes on to produce the rages and hypocrisies of medieval Christianity. In the Reformation the internal is seen as relevant to, and in command of the external. There is still the problem of conflict between individual wills, which, if undisciplined through organization and government, would run wild in anarchy “… since any institution whatever is antagonistic to the abstract self-consciousness of equality”.

As consciousness gives way to self-consciousness, questions of morality (Moralität) arise in contrast to custom or social convention (Sittlichkeit). How to aspire to morality? The answer is that one apprehends it through the modern state. Hegel’s concept of the state is that it is the embodiment of the spirit of those who constitute it; its leaders must consider this spirit and not simply their own desires when guiding it. Correspondingly individuals must seek in this spirit (Volksgeist) a guide for their personal morality. Human society is an artificial machine which works for the goals of the spiritual state. Individualism and rights against a government are considered by Hegel to limit freedom: Since they reduce the scope and power of the whole, they serve to limit possibility.

Similarly Hegel feels contempt for democracy. It reduces questions of relevance to the state to resolution by simple “counting of noses”, i.e. voting, in which all opinions are not of the same intellectual merit. [Hegel prefers a monarchy. This preference is a weak area of his thought, since it is not really justified. Why should an accident of birth make one any better a judge of the Volksgeist?]

For Hegel there are no absolute values. Values are products of history; they are validated by their success. Thus Hegel overcomes Hume’s objection to morality. The “social contract” theorists - Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau - felt that man made the state. Hegel reversed this, saying that the state is prior to man. He thus conceived the most advanced and complex metaphysical statement of man as a product and subject of his environment. Unlike B.F. Skinner and other environmental materialists, however, Hegel postulated a deliberate, Universal intelligence behind the historical process.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 11:42 PM

The German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl, whose documentaries in the mid-30s had helped to glorify the Nazis, claimed that "after Kristallnacht [1938], she approached every studio in Hollywood looking for work. No studio head would even screen her movies except Walt Disney. He told her he admired her work but if it became known that he was considering hiring her, it would damage his reputation."

Hitler was a well-known fan of Busby Berkeley choreography:

which may have had something to do with all those precision stormtrooper marches at Nürnberg and the scantily-clad Hitler Youth girls doing all those massed gymnastic routines. As Linus in Peanuts once said, "There's a lesson to be learned here somewhere, but I don't know what it is."

My favorite scene in Triumph of the Will: Amidst all the stern formations goose-stepping through the streets, and the citizenry all waving swastika flags and cheering themselves crazy, Riefenstahl's camera cuts away to a housecat sitting in a window, who clearly couldn't care less about all the human hoo haa down below.

Later on, when Hitler made the completely dingdong decision to declare war on the United States [under the boy-were-you-ever-suckered assumption that Japan would then declare war on the USSR and take the heat off the European eastern front], the US commissioned Frank Capra to come up with the "Why We Fight" propaganda movies to counter scary stuff like Triumph. He quickly learned that the U.S. military doesn't come close to marching with that kind of jackboot obsessiveness, so had to use other attention-getting techniques. Lt. Douglas MacArthur, once challenged by his superiors to move his company through a fence with a narrow gate, famously gave the order: "Fall out and fall in on the other side of the fence."

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 12:39 AM
Yay! Another outstanding UFO thread!

I have been taking some time away from ATS to process a lot of what I have learned here recently. I think that is necessary from time to time. It is easy to become overwhelmed with stuff to research and ponder.

Anyways, this thread has had me up far too long tonight, and I am posting more as a way to bookmark the thread. Good stuff all around guys. (Does bookmarking threads like this even work anymore under the new formatting? Haha)

I am beginning to think Vallee hits on a crucial truth in this whole mess when he references the "control" factor of UFOlogy. Is it possible people are, through various means, communicating with the "source", as it were? If true, that would justify the high levels of secrecy we see surrounding the field. Just a thought.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by JayinAR

"I believe there is a machinery of mass manipulation behind the UFO phenomenon. It aims at social and political goals by diverting attention from some human problems and by providing a potential release for tensions caused by others. The contactees are a part of that machinery. They are helping to create a new form of belief: an expectation of actual contact among large parts of the public. In turn this expectation makes millions of people hope for the imminent realization of that age-old dream: salvation from above, surrender to the greater power of some wise navigators of the cosmos.

With the release of popular UFO movies, many people who previously were skeptics have begun to jump on this bandwagon from outer space. I wish them bon voyage. However, if you take the trouble to join me in the analysis of the modern UFO myths, you will see that human beings are under the control of a strange force that is bending them in absurd ways, forcing them to play in a bizarre game of deception. This role may be very important if changing social conditions make it desirable to focus the attention of the public on the distant stars while obsolete human institutions are wiped out and rebuilt in new ways. Are the manipulators, in the final analysis, nothing more than a group of humans who have mastered a very advanced form of power?

Let me summarize my conclusions thus far. UFOs are real. They are physical devices used to affect human consciousness. They may not be from outer space. Their purpose may be to achieve social changes on this planet, through a belief system that uses systematic manipulation of witnesses and contactees; covert use of various sects and cults; control of the channels through which the alleged “space messages” can make an impact on the public."

- Jacques Vallee

From: Farrell, Joseph P. (2013-09-11). Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of a Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operations (Kindle Locations 2766-2767). SCB Distributors. Kindle Edition.

edit on 7-10-2013 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by maquino

Yes prima facie it's difficult to make much of what they are concerned with, it doesn't help they write most of their articles in archaic forgotten languages which are further encrypted, but if you'd checked out some of the info provided on the Youtube videos there is the concern with Hz frequencies as part of the Xvis Field Conciousness Project.


"The coherence-stimulating technique used in this study involved the use of binaural-beat audio tones known as Hemi-Sync®. The term “binaural-beat” refers to a method in which one tone at, say, 400 Hz is played in one ear while another tone at, say, 406 Hz is played in the other ear. These two pure tones are heard along with a subjective beat frequency, or warbling tone, generated by overlapping circuits in the brain’s audio cortex"

A selection of some of their more interesting articles from what can be deduced of the English snippets and bibliography;

Engineered Perception-The Colares Incident

Lessons learnt from Gisdelian prisoners

Minimizing the effect of trauma on abductees

There was a mega thread on this here, some went mad others ran away screaming, but the general consensus was that the project is in some way affiliated with Darpa, that the concern is with communication and potential control at the most subliminal levels...all set against a backdrop of scary.

Of course it takes two parties to engage in a Mind War, otherwise it's just a Mind massacre...

edit on 7-10-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

What a damn embarrassment that was.

ETA: anyone unfamiliar with that particular rabbit hole should proceed with caution.
edit on 7-10-2013 by JayinAR because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 11:23 AM

It's beyond me how you could have missed all the nazis at Disneyland from way up there...

Well, I wasn't looking for Nazis at the Disneyland Spaceport, just on the Moon when we got there.

Down in Disneyland itself, I'm spending too much time trying to get out of the Temple of Mara alive [there's always some idiot in the transport who has to look into Mara's eyes and get us all in the soup!]. Just once I would like to be able to explore the Temple peacefully, and maybe leave with a handful of gold & jewels. But no:

The last time I barely escaped with my life, I decided to rest my shattered nerves at a nearby hotel. That turned out to be a mistake too:

As for Walt, conspiracy theorists still float the rumor that he was cryonically frozen and stored in Sleeping Beauty's Castle. The last time I asked a couple of DL execs, one of them said, "Naah, he had himself bronzed and put up in the central plaza." The other one added, "Bummer for the Cast Member who was playing Mickey that day."

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by maquino

Just once I would like to be able to explore the Temple peacefully, and maybe leave with a handful of gold & jewels. But no:


I wanted you to know that I hadn't disappeared. I also wanted to respond right away to what you said up there. I know that you and I could not have possibly been the only two kids that have wanted to get off the boat at the Pirates or the Indiana Jones ride.

Even though I knew from an very early age that it wasn't real, I think that somehow I thought that the addition of me would make it all real, that somehow it was just waiting to be real but all that was missing was me.

To this day, when riding on the Pirates ride, my mind will immediately begin going through the habitual process of scanning every nook and cranny of the interior of the ride for my escape route to all that gold and jewels. if all the people would just leave, that would do the trick, and allow me to slip away.

The Moon is like that, Michael, and that is what we are going to get to.

You know, Gurdjieff had an interest in synchronized dance, too...

I'm going to go enjoy the Witchcraft thread for a while and I'll be back.

edit on 7-10-2013 by Bybyots because: .

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:20 PM

I know that you and I could not have possibly been the only two kids that have wanted to get off the boat at the Pirates or the Indiana Jones ride. Even though I knew from an very early age that it wasn't real, I think that somehow I thought that the addition of me would make it all real, that somehow it was just waiting to be real but all that was missing was me.

In 1954, at age 8, I was completely overwhelmed by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I saw it 30 times during its first theater run. The next year my parents took me down to the just-oprened Disneyland. When I came to Tomorrowland and saw that I could actually walk through the Nautilus, I went completely out of my mind with ecstasy. I said to my parents, "Just leave me here all day and pick me up when the park closes." They said, "We didn't drive 500 miles in 110° heat and buy you this expensive A-E ticket book so you could just use one A-ticket!" So they dragged me crying out of my cherished submarine, and that's how I went to the Moon to look for Nazis. Phooey.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by maquino

Are you a Libra?

I am, I could see a lot of myself in the story that you shared about the submarine, that's why I ask. I had the worst time having more than one very good toy, trying to decide which was my favorite as a boy was too much pressure. I thought of that when you told the Submarine story. My heart honestly goes out to you, I really understand. I was also quite taken by Captain Nemo, but he had to relinquish me to Hagbard Celine by the time I was 12.

I have decided to go ahead and create a thread about all of this Moon stuff I have been hinting at. I don't feel that it is really appropriate to try and lay the whole thing out on corsair's thread. I also want for there to be a central point of reference for the information on ATS so that it cuts down on fielding questions. Then we can discuss the whole ball of wax there. I hope to have it up by mid-month. I will link to it here and elsewhere.

Your re-appearance here on corsair's thread has been a source of great interest for myself and friends here at ATS and elsewhere for the past couple of weeks. We thought that we would have quite a bit more to say to you and ask you about, but in the end, we thought it would be more interesting to demonstrate to you what we were pushed to learn due to having to wade through material such as your own, and that of other choice folks that have contributed to the mess. To put it shortly, I am going to flambé your theory of "Isolate Self-Counsciousness" and serve it back to you with a garnish. 'Cuz it's bad for people.

My head is reeling; honestly. I can't imagine how two so similar people such as we could have come to conclusions concerning Plato's Cave that could be such polar opposites. Once I get that thread up you'll see what I mean.


posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 01:44 PM

Jacques Vallee
Let me summarize my conclusions thus far. UFOs are real. They are physical devices used to affect human consciousness. They may not be from outer space. Their purpose may be to achieve social changes on this planet, through a belief system that uses systematic manipulation of witnesses and contactees; covert use of various sects and cults; control of the channels through which the alleged “space messages” can make an impact on the public.

Well duh; of course there's all sorts of unidentified stuff both within & without Earth's atmosphere. There are atmospheric anomalies, flocks of birds, black program testing, classified military or intelligence flights of regular aircraft, balloons, ordinary small flights missed or off-course, smugglers trying to fly drugs in, etc. Higher up you've got classified missile tests, a vast amount of "space junk" from all of the USA/USSR launches over the decades both randomly orbiting and unpredictably falling down, meteor/ites, etc.

When I was at USSPACECOM at Cheyenne Mountain 1990-4, the problem was not seeing all this crap; absolutely nothing tippytoes into U.S. airspace without USSPACECOM [today superseded by the U.S. Northern Command noticing it. The problem remains deciding whether any event is dangerous, hostile, or otherwise something that needs attention. There's lots of stuff that just doesn't cause anyone to pick up the red phone:

One has to use some common sense here. Would an ET ship come all the way from Alpha Centauri just to suck up a few cows, stomp down grainfields in pretty designs, and check out Earl? No. They'd either want to take the planet, like War of the Worlds or eat us like V, or make less-unpleasant contact like Close Encounters or [the original] The Day the Earth Stood Still. Not to mention that, whether or not a saucer left a piece of tailfin or some lunch-litter behind, the biocontamination issues would be a lot more worrisome than rayguns. And of course impossible to erase or conceal.

If an ET civilization wanted to make contact with Earth, and not either biocontaminate this planet or get biocontaminated itself [as in War of the Worlds], it would do so by EMS transmission from an insulated distance. That means space, not even our atmosphere (which is bioalive). That's about as far as I can go on this, but, really, think about it. This is not rocket, or in this case saucer, science.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 02:25 PM
Awesome, now we have a psyop military intelligence type who has worked in all the right places to know SOMETHING about what's going on, telling us all UFO reports have prosaic explanations. This same guy was earlier saying he cannot speak on the matter of aliens at length because of security oaths.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 03:07 PM

Awesome, now we have a psyop military intelligence type who has worked in all the right places to know SOMETHING about what's going on, telling us all UFO reports have prosaic explanations. This same guy was earlier saying he cannot speak on the matter of aliens at length because of security oaths.

No, as I said above, there are plenty of UFO reports/detections that don't have explanations, but also that NORTHCOM doesn't have the time to chase everything down unless it triggers some kind of serious red flag.

I am also saying that physical ET incidents within Earth's atmosphere make no sense, and because of biocontamination would be both very dangerous and impossible to cover up. In this regard we can count ourselves very fortunate that we happen to have an atmosphere that incinerates anything falling through it at "space speeds". The other good option would be zero atmosphere, like the Moon, or Apollo 11 might have brought back something less fun than rocks.

My being a PSYOP officer has nothing to do with this; you can figure it out for yourself. I can't put a smileyface here, because this is actually very serious & creepy stuff. MKULTRA got, and still gets, all the press, conspiracy and otherwise. That's a very bad joke: MKULTRA was a stupid and useless jerkoff from the start. What was really scary and dangerous was MKNAOMI.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by maquino

Perhaps I misinterpreted your comments. Apologies.

I dunno about the biocontamination talk. Seems it would depend on how long they had been here and how well they understand our ecosystem.
I would imagine any species traversing the heavens will have figured out vaccines pretty easily...

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 04:42 PM

I would imagine any species traversing the heavens will have figured out vaccines pretty easily...

Two different areas of science, not necessarily simultaneous in sophistication. In any case, you have to identify a bioproblem before you can formulate countermeasures for it, and one of the big problems in this field is that you don't/can't know in advance how #A is going to interact with #B, particularly in complex compounds, and presumably that much more between two completely alien biospheres.

The simplest and safest solution in an ET context, as previously, is no biocontact at all. Just through EMS communication systems. This is much less Star Trek fun, but both sides get to live.

I'll give you something else to think about: Physical interstellar travel is not limited to light velocity; you just keep your foot on the gas as long as you like. The problem is navigation and making sure you don't hit something which you can't see.

But the corresponding wrinkle is that the EMS is limited to its own natural velocities. Someone turns on a flashlight on Altair-4, its light is going to chug to Earth at 186Kmps. The only way to get it, or any other EMS emission here faster, is to put the flashlight on a spaceship headed this way, goose it up to, say, Lite2. Then switch on the flashlight, and its photons will be headed this way at l2 +L1 = L3. But then you have the problem of making sense of such an L3 "slam" when it gets here, because regular EMS detection mechanisms can't decipher it, or possibly even detect it. So we're back to ET coming to near-space at TL, then decelerating to SL, then saying hello via the EMS.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by maquino

Depends on the method of ftl travel you choose. Foot on the gas scenarios create problems like the issue of navigation that you brought up. Having to use an AMP device on the nose of your craft.

However, if you can warp the space around your craft into the shape of a wave any matter in front of you will be warped around you. There was a thread here not too long ago that dealt with this. It was based on the work they are currently doing at JPL. The idea is to, somehow, use the universe's rate of expansion as you method of ftl travel, and accelerate from there.

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