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99% sure my friend is a (new) abductee. Can you help?

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posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 06:26 AM
6 weeks ago a friend of mine broke his hip.

Physical guy - great guy - no nonsense. He was walking ‘outside’ in the middle of the night, fell and shattered his hip. His live-in girlfriend found him where he lay the next morning. With a broken hip he didn’t call out - didn’t scream for help or in pain. She found him curled in a ball on the walkway.

Ok, right there? Right there hearing the story my ears perked up big time. Something just wasn’t right about the whole scenario.

He wasn’t drinking or drugging. It’s just not his way. He has two pit bulls that ‘guard’ his gravel quarry in a huge remote type a place and neither ‘sounded’ any alarm. Simply and by all accounts she says it was ’like he was sleepwalking’ and wham! He’ll not comment on how he injured himself. Just says he had a ‘slip’.

Sleepwalking? Ok, sure, it’s an explanation. One he seems to be comfortable with - though he’s never been known to sleepwalk before.

So what’s the problem?

He’s started painting. Prolifically. As in tons of paintings. They’re all (to my eye) ’alien’ type in presentation. Faces and faces of grays - the ’classic’ with huge eyes, round heads, small mouths and no nose to speak of. Strange rooms with bizarre instruments including more of the big headed grays leaning over him.

I saw over 20 a these depictions - some huge paintings - some smaller and yeah, you guessed it. He’s never painted before. Decided to ‘take it up’ during his ‘convalescence’ - to ‘pass the time’.

As far as I now neither he or his girlfriend are ‘into’ any paranormal activity sights, research, no books about the house. And, they’re Sicilian. Older. Just not people who would be ‘in touch’ with anything more or less paranormal than a Spielberg movie.

I’m worried about him. So is his girl.

He’s getting ‘ratty’. He tears up at the slightest thought. He’s letting himself go. Hair all stringy and yellowing where he prided himself on his beautiful presentation and silver white hair in the past.

I complimented his paintings - they’re extraordinary, really. But he wouldn’t allow me to photograph them. I’ll get photos - maybe next time I visit but at the point I asked about them? He got really uncomfortable and bordered on the verge of becoming belligerent. Witnessing the tears in his eyes was painful to watch.

Now here’s where I hope you all can help.

Should I say anything to him? Share any ‘abduction’ material? Should I say nothing and just go on being a patient loving friend?

Any ideas people? Personal stories I can tell him? Something to ease that haunted look in his eyes?

And if you do have ideas - please share info you’ve found helpful or urls - anything that I can pass on to him to the help him out.

Ill get photos of his stuff somehow and share here. It’s incredible stuff. Just incredibly.

Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions.


edit on 15-9-2013 by silo13 because: bbc bold

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:13 AM
Hey silo,
how is your dog doing?
My advice: Next time you see him painting/papers lying around, I would say something like "looks eerie similar to what I painted in xxxx(year). Maybe you can then start a conversation or even share the paintings you made. Be careful if you feel its overwhelming him or so.
edit on 15-9-2013 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by silo13

So he was found with a broken hip, and doesn't really remember or will not admit what happened, correct?

Then what happened? You took him to the hospital and how did his hip get healed, how long did it take?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by verschickter

Dog is great - thanks for asking.

And yes, I‘ll ease into any conversations.

I just don't know if it's the right thing or not - saying anything about my suspicions.

Thanks tons -


posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by silo13

Hello Silo,

I read your post with great interest and I think YOU are absolutely wonderful to reach out for answers to help your friend. I so admire you for that.

You know, I have the best people around me imaginable, yet like most people they think it is all in my mind.
They listen and give me their time and love, but although this may sound selfish, it is not enough, because I don't think they believe me.

Keep your eye on your friend. That is all you can do for now and be patient with him. I too went through the neglect stage, unless I was at work ... I never let on. It was kind of a deep personal thing and as soon as I got home I went into another world of me. I still do occasionally. I swear I would never leave my house if I never had to, but life go's on and I have to be part of that, like we all do.

Good luck and just be patient when he get's snappy and touchy.
Any romantic notion I once had of life went away along time ago. He is probably feeling that too and is paving his own way to acceptance. u2 me if you like.


posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Philippines

So he was found with a broken hip, and doesn't really remember or will not admit what happened, correct?

Yes that’s it. He’s talking it off as ‘sleepwalking’ and pretty emotional about the whole thing. Very unusual.

Then what happened? You took him to the hospital and how did his hip get healed, how long did it take?

His girlfriend got him to the hospital of course and he spent some time there. It’s when he got home he started in on the painting etc.

Since then - as I said it’s been a rocky trip for him. Something I hope I can help with - though at this point I think it might be better to just stay quite. I don’t know.


posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by silo13

Sounds like some sort of PTSD, he should be encouraged to get help. I dont believe it has anything to do with little gray men. It could also be some form of bleeding in the brain. He should get things checked out, has he served in the military over seas
edit on 15-9-2013 by imod02 because: spelling

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:07 AM
Based on the story you just told, I think that there are many things that you don't know about this guy OP, and that jumping to the alien conclusion straight off the bat probably says more about you than about him.

People don't generally flaunt their problems around. You say he doesn't do drugs, how can you be sure ? You say he's healthy... same question. For all you know, he might be having trouble with the local crime syndicate (you're in sicily, right ?
). A quarry owner, in sicily, with a couple of pits for protection ? Might be more to the guy than you think.

As for the paintings, well... don't they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder ? Could you maybe be interpreting what he paints with your own alien orientated mindset ?

Honestly, given your geographical location and the circumstances you describe, I'd at least contemplate the possibility that someone wants a cut of the quarry and broke the guy's hip to make a point, because that would certainly explain the tears, and also the "not remembering part".

Seems more likely than an abduction, in my opinion anyway. Then again, I know even less about the situation that you do.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by silo13

The personality changes do indicate they have experienced some sort of trauma.

Now confirming that for them could possibly increase that trauma and bring flash backs of events experienced which are either blocked through the minds natural defence mechanism or from an outside source , crashing back in on them.

Better to research the effects of trauma and support both your friends and allow an open channel for communication should your friend feel the need to broach the subject.

You friends welfare must become more important than the need to know if he was abducted.

If he can begin to feel supported and excepted for his venting of this experience , he will eventually reach out to those that stood by him with open minds and understanding.

Below is a link regarding this matter and a short quote :-

Post traumatic stress disorder is common in those who have had alien encounters throughout their lives. If a particular event was extremely traumatic, the characteristic symptoms will be: intense fear, terror, helplessness and partial or complete amnesia. This may include re-experiencing the abduction, recurrent nightmares, flashbacks, and avoidance of stimuli associated with the event and an emotional numbing. The person may develop insomnia, increased arousal to stimuli (i.e., noises in the night), fear of the dark and sleep disorders such as insomnia and night terrors. In young children, they may re-experience the trauma through repetitive play. They may exhibit a marked change in orientation toward the future, for example, a foreshortened future whereby they do not expect to have a long life, career or marriage. The psychic numbing or diminished responsiveness to stimuli usually begins soon after the traumatic event. This emotional anesthesia causes the abductee to feel detached and estranged from other people.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:20 AM
When he had the fall, did he also hit is head at all? Has he been having any short-term memory problems? I think before you conclude anything paranormal it would be important for him and his girlfriend to eliminate the possibility of any serious medical issue. For instance artistic transformation may occur after having a stroke, but can also occur after even minor brain damage to some areas of the frontal lobe.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Now confirming that for them could possibly increase that trauma and bring flash backs of events experienced which are either blocked through the minds natural defence mechanism or from an outside source , crashing back in on them.
This can happen when the trauma is very new, what has happened to him is quite old now and i strongly suggest that professional help is got for this person.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:51 AM
Hello! To help your friend you are going to have to sit down and start talking yourself.

I have a friend who told me they were abducted in their teenage years. This person is in older
age now. I was quite shocked, but came to terms with it over four years. I believe they think
this happened to them. They haven't told me details or shown me scars, so who knows. What
this sort of information does is cause you to take stock and inventory, in what you believe to be
true and what our society really is. Everything comes into question.

Get him a book from Amazon, offer to drive to the doctors and get him a full physical. Buy them a cross
to wear. Go to the shooting range, put more locks on the doors, get a dog, do research together, but just be supportive and non judgmental. People see things by accident and wish they hadn't and its just too
bad. It happens. Coping with the truth of reality is an art. If it is thugs beating him up, selling out and moving may be the answer.
edit on 15-9-2013 by frugal because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:04 AM
First thing you need is detect some unusual behaviour, like problems to sleep. You need to find out if he does it with his back against the wall.

The first therapy he needs is meditation. Make him take vitamin 12 too. Avoid meat in his food.

Don't try to make him be like he was before, that is not possible.
edit on 15-9-2013 by Trueman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:12 AM
Here is a shopping list

6 Hidden cameras

4 Hidden voice recorders ( one hidden on him at all time )

2 Motion Sensor alarms

And he should carry around a GPS tracker at all time

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by silo13

He might be taking pain medication which could be making him emotional and weird.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:48 AM
Did he hit his head hard when he fell breaking his hip?

Because his mind may be a little off, its normal beat
edit on 15-9-2013 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by happinness

If you'd like to share more - I'd really like to hear.
I've believed - I mean - I have before - that 'these' things are 'real' and they 'do happen'... Just having it right in front of my face is an eye opener for sure.
Thanks for your support.
I'll do what I can to keep an eye on him - and hope something comes up that I can share with him that might help.
It's a tough call though?

Ok, a question for you - if you don't mind answering.

Did you know you were 'taken' (if that's the word)?

If not - would you want to know?


posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by imod02

Sounds like some sort of PTSD, he should be encouraged to get help. I dont believe it has anything to do with little gray men. It could also be some form of bleeding in the brain. He should get things checked out, has he served in the military over seas

It does sound like PTSD doesn’t it.
It’s the paintings that get me.
But I will encourage his girlfriend to make sure and keep an eye on his brain activity in a ‘bleed’ sense.

Thank you


posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Ismail

Based on the story you just told, I think that there are many things that you don't know about this guy OP, and that jumping to the alien conclusion straight off the bat probably says more about you than about him.

Oh, sure, I’m the first one to admit it - big time. But you know how when you just get a ‘feel’ that something is ‘off’? And then the paintings? I mean - I’m not ‘into’ the alien thing - but really - the interpretation of ‘grays’ is so blindingly obvious. And repetitive. I’ll see (again) if I can get pics.

For all you know, he might be having trouble with the local crime syndicate (you're in Sicily, right ? ). A quarry owner, in Sicily, with a couple of pits for protection ? Might be more to the guy than you think.

That is a definite possibility here. And if perhaps he got ‘hurt’ for whatever reason - no - he wouldn’t have wanted to tell why nor would he to save another beating if anything else. Again - I just keep going back to the paintings. But you’re dead on - it could be the local syndicate. Sure it could be. Wow - funny I would almost hope aliens.

But - I’ll keep my eye open and hope I can be of some help somehow. Thanks for your input. You might have hit the nail on the head.

Then again - those paintings! UGH!


posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Spacespider

Wicked cool urls! THANK YOU for the time you took to post. I hadn't even started thinking along the lines of a type of surveillance! A must!
Let me look through them and offer something to his girlfriend for 'her' piece of mind and his safety one way or the other.


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