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Kendrick Johnson's 2nd autopsy reveals non-accidental head trauma after Sherrif says "No foul Play

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posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 10:06 PM
Ok, this has been going on quite some time in the city of Valdosta Georgia. Kendrick Johnson went into the gym at Lowndes High School Jan 10th at 1pm and this was caught on surveillance. He never came out and students had gone into the gym after this for classes but there is no explanation as to why Kendrick was not found until the morning after rolled up in a wrestling mat.... except for that he had crawled into the mat to retrieve a shoe, suffocated and died.

After the body was found and the SD was called the SD did not immediately call the coroner and it is law that they are supposed to do this immediately. The sheriff claims he didn't want there to be any leaks to the media. Well, high school students were already aware but the coroner was kept from this knowledge supposedly due to possible leaks. Very hard to believe.

Within 24 hours, the SD declared "no foul play" and of course this doesn't really make sense that so many suspicious things have already transpired but there are MANY pieces of evidence that something is wrong here.

The family had to get a judges approval to exhume the body in June for a 2nd autopsy and the results have come back that there was blunt trauma to the head and I will post pictures in a short while of various pictures, such as the post mortem picture (which is only of the neck up) various pictures of the lovely 17 year old kid and the protests that have been going on about this in Valdosta.

Mr Al Sharpton made an appearance at the church this boy's family is affiliated with it has gained some international attention but I've yet to see the issue on ATS.

I went to the craigs list rant & raves sections which I am learning are being filled with hateful racist posts DAILY across the US about all sorts of things, such as the Zimmerman trial and following protests and the most horrible jokes you could ever hear come out of a person's mouth and there has been a lot of the late Kendrick Johnson, calling him a thug and telling the parents to get a life and give it a rest because they didn't care about him... just horrible stuff.

He was obviously loved by his family and community and now here in September they have learned what they always knew in their hearts... that something non accidental did happen to Kendrick and they need to find out what happened.

Article and video of rally

I believe that if it had not been for the diligence of the people concerned that they would not have made any progress what so ever and some among us do not want them to have the right to seek justice.

edit on 5201330PM9PM38p08America/Chicago by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 10:41 PM
Here is some good CNN coverage, interviewing the parents, showing the horrible post mortem picture and making it quite clear that they have been holding gatherings and rallies of various types just about every day since this happened.

Stuff like this is happening all the time in America and not only do people turn a blind eye, but they come right out and insist that people do not ask questions and they do not resist police authority.

They are trying to make Kendrick out to be a thug for a playful finger sign in one of his pictures that I have heard is supposed to stand for Westside. The funny thing, there is a Westside In-school Suspension just a few miles from this High School and if you have too many detention days, are caught smoking in the bathroom, skip school and get caught, ETC ... they send you to Westside for a few days to do your work in a cubical and have to be quiet all day and many students have to go there at some point. Some students go there for special concentration on their work because it's quiet and away from the distractions of the school... so it does not surprise me that he would have made a "Westside" gesture as a joke of sorts while wearing a pair of thick rimmed glasses... if that is even what it means. Why would it be bad for a kid to suggest "westside" with his fingers but it's ok the have a "westside" school right down the road? This kid was no thug. Yeah, he had dreads but a lot of young black males in Valdosta Georgia wear their hair long or even get extensions... because they like the look.

I have read comment after comment of hate filled remarks about the family seeking justice and it is just absolutely unbelievable.

What happened here is terrible and some are making it very clear that they just don't care by trying to silence their efforts.

There is something very wrong going on in America.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 10:51 PM
Reverend AL turns people off regardless of the circumstances - they know his history with the Brawley case and tune it out. A mistake to have him show up - think most people would keep an open mind but that dude shows up & the battle lines are drawn.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

This certainly is a tragic tale.

However, I don;t know why they threw Sharpton into the mix, that old man is a racist and really doesn't help matters.

Although there was a lack of due process, No heads are going to roll and there will be no accountability. They will do like they always do and "Try to do better next time".

If the death was considered accidental then they have completely destroyed the chance of getting ANY uncontaminated evidence.

One thing I would questions is the Negligence of the examiner who performed the original autopsy. Blunt Force trauma could have been easily identified.

A note on the "Westside" sign.

That actually has nothing to do with a school.

It has everything to do with what side of the city you come from. Sometimes the bad side of the city is on the east side, sometimes it is on the west side.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 11:16 PM

Reverend AL turns people off regardless of the circumstances - they know his history with the Brawley case and tune it out. A mistake to have him show up - think most people would keep an open mind but that dude shows up & the battle lines are drawn.

He didn't come into the picture until May. This was all a done deal in January. The SD had already made their decision. Sharpton may be a turn off for some, but he's got nothing to do with turning people away from this issue. If nothing more, he gained some international attention for the case. He wasn't until after his speaking at the church that people started becoming more aware. I'm not saying it was because of him, but my point is that Al Sharpton speaking at the church should not be calculated in the pursuit of justice for a young high school student, one way or another. I think he was just trying to help give the community some hope because there was a lot of tension and feelings of ultimate unfairness for Kendrick and it was effecting the youth in Valdosta... and that is a dangerous, confusing and unfortunate thing that they should not have to be going through... that they could be potential targets and that no one will help them if the same thing happened to them. It puts them on the defensive and that is very unfair to them. America has got to realize this and make some efforts to understand the kind of pressure that our youth go through when they are overwhelmed by apparent injustice.

Did you see the background for the facebook page. It says STAY CALM.

They came together as a community to keep this from spiraling out of control because all across America there have been deaths and unsolved crimes against minorities that no one seems to care about... or are simply silenced. Minorities imo, are being backed into a corner by the same groups that rally up and post terrible things about them on craigs list and I've heard the hate speeches with my own ears coming right out of the mouth of an officer of the law.

This is why many minorities form gangs, to protect each other because they have been made to feel afraid.

Not only is it happening in the streets but in the prison systems.

It's being perpetrated and they will flat out tell you to keep your mouth SHUT.

My point in bringing up Al Sharpton is that it got enough attention for him to come speak.

I'm not real sure what you are meaning but it sounds like you are saying that the reason they could not get justice was because 4 months after his death, Sharpton came to speak at the church.

I have no idea why you would draw that conclusion, if you have.

The most important thing here is that he gets justice regardless and that America opens it's eyes to how our youth are being terrorized with fear. They go missing, they get gunned down, something happens and no one cares and it is deliberately silenced, the hate is everywhere.... things they should not have to read, things they should not have to go through. They should be able to go to school and get an education to better their lives without fear that they will never go home again.

There IS no excuse for such a terrible job investigating this and there is certainly no excuse for people seeking justice to be silence, not in Valdosta, not in Washington DC... not anywhere, but it is happening everywhere.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 11:27 PM

reply to post by NotAnAspie

This certainly is a tragic tale.

However, I don;t know why they threw Sharpton into the mix, that old man is a racist and really doesn't help matters.

Although there was a lack of due process, No heads are going to roll and there will be no accountability. They will do like they always do and "Try to do better next time".

If the death was considered accidental then they have completely destroyed the chance of getting ANY uncontaminated evidence.

One thing I would questions is the Negligence of the examiner who performed the original autopsy. Blunt Force trauma could have been easily identified.

A note on the "Westside" sign.

That actually has nothing to do with a school.

It has everything to do with what side of the city you come from. Sometimes the bad side of the city is on the east side, sometimes it is on the west side.

Westside In School Suspension for Lowndes High is 2.8 miles from the High School.
A bus takes the "unruly" students straight from the High School in the morning and drops them back off in the afternoon.

Westside is a SCHOOL. There is no bad Westside part of Valdosta. It's a joke. The kids pick on each other for having to go to "Westside". They also send special ed kids there for longer periods of time if they have ADD or something.

For example... If some of the students were to hear you talk they might say "Yeah, He's Westside" and have themselves a laugh.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

When punks are making those gang signs, it has nothing to do with a school.

Apparently you don't come from a very large city or you might know that.

Click Here for an Education on "Westside"

Here is Another

It has Absolutely Nothing to do with ANY School ..

Just thought you might like to know.

edit on 13-9-2013 by ShadellacZumbrum because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 11:58 PM

reply to post by NotAnAspie

When punks are making those gang signs, it has nothing to do with a school.

Apparently you don't come from a very large city or you might know that.

Click Here for an Education on "Westside"

Valdosta is not a large city. There is no westside gangs in Valdosta. You haven't even seen the picture most likely.

I know for a fact that these jokes are made about westside ISS. Westside ISS has always been an embarrassing rite of passage for students in Lowndes High because the other students get to see them getting on and off the bus and everybody knows they got in trouble and if you are really bad, they make you STAY in ISS. The kids tease each other about being "westside rejects" because that's where they send the troublemakers. Kendrick Johnson was not in a gang and was doing it as a joke while wearing thick rimmed glasses and he does not wear glasses. He was just goofing off. There is no Westside Gang in Valdosta. Get a grip. It was a joke.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 12:08 AM
You post a link to the urban dictionary?...about west coast.

Valdosta Georgia is EAST of the Mississippi. Valdosta has a population of 56,000 people. Westside school has 700 some odd kids and K-5 classes averaging less than 15, beside the ISS students.

So now, you are trying to tell me that you know that Kendrick Johnson was making this sign because he was in some gang that doesn't exist.

You see what I mean, people?

It's all about perpetuating fear.
edit on 6201330AM9AM00p10America/Chicago by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

That tells me that you didn't even bother to read either of those links.

Valdosta does in fact have Gangs. Maybe you should research it before you appear to be ignorant of the facts.

Here I will help you.

This is the LINK for the Valdosta Bureau of Investigative Services that has a Special Gangs Unit.

HERE is a link that leads to an article about what they are doing to prevent the Gang Violence there.

You really need to research things allot better before making a case about something you know nothing about.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

It appears as though you have a reading comprehension problem as well.

This is a quote from the Urban Dictionary about the "Westside" NOT West Coast.

The west side is NOT, as incorrectly defined, the west coast. It refers to the westside, duh, of a major city. It is used by street gangs if they originate from the western neighborhoods of a certain area. If you live on the west coast, that does not make you west side. That depends on where in that particular city you reside.

So now, you are trying to tell me that you know that Kendrick Johnson was making this sign because he was in some gang that doesn't exist.

He was either in a gang or acting like he was in a gang.

Maybe you Have Absolutely No clue how dangerous it is to display those signs.

Kendrick does.

edit on 14-9-2013 by ShadellacZumbrum because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 12:45 AM

reply to post by NotAnAspie

That tells me that you didn't even bother to read either of those links.

Valdosta does in fact have Gangs. Maybe you should research it before you appear to be ignorant of the facts.

Here I will help you.

This is the LINK for the Valdosta Bureau of Investigative Services that has a Special Gangs Unit.

HERE is a link that leads to an article about what they are doing to prevent the Gang Violence there.

You really need to research things allot better before making a case about something you know nothing about.

I never said valdosta has no gangs. I said valdosta has no westside gang.
There is no east side/west gangs in valdosta, because valdosta is small and east side and west are close neighbors but you are just in here trying to instigate. So now you are saying that kendrick was killed because he made a gang sign. I'm glad people on ATS have the opportunity to see how easily and carelessly you spread false info and fear.

I said this months ago. They did the same thing in Daytona when I was there. When a crime happens and they can tag it to gang violence, it gives special jurisdiction to forces that perpetuate and exaggerate gang activity. Once they get a gang related crime, then they can set up a special jurisdiction and do a sweep and pick people up for all sorts of things and cause tensions to rise. It's part of the police state plan. Spread the fear, lock down America, end all protests for justice and truth.

I was born and raised in Lowndes county but have lived elsewhere since... and I think I know what's going a little better than you. At first I thought the reluctance to declare foul play was to keep the FBI out because it was being spread around school that there were gangs, but no one really seems to know who it could be. I know people very well who are friends with the sheriff and I thought he was trying to avoid this drama from busting out the seams in Valdosta, but when when they get a hold of an area, they pit neighbor against neighbor and tear a city apart.

Now you want to do the same and spread fear. So what if a kid jokingly makes a sign with his fingers? You think he deserves to die?
It doesn't mean he did anything wrong and your comment that he learned from this is an evil insinuation.

You are not worth listening to. It is a complete waste of time to even hold a conversation with you because you are volatile, caustic and are doing everything you can to start trouble.

You are not worth the effort of typing replies to you, so you are just going to be ignored.
I'm going to put it in my sig as well to let anyone else know that if you speak to me... and you will, because you are following me around, I am not answering you because your words are meaningless and not even worth me reading. I don't have time to tend to your need for attention. This is obviously the only way you can get it and I'm not going to feed your addiction.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

O.K. . . There is something definitely wrong with you.

I NEVER One time said that he killed because he made a gang sign.

AND, .. I NEVER said that he deserved to die.

Honestly where does this S[SNIP]T come from ?

your comment that he learned from this is an evil insinuation.

I NEVER One time said any such thing. What the hell is wrong with you?

You have some SERIOUS Mental Challenges.

All I did was respond with FACTS and you went off the deep end AGAIN. . .. WTH?

I think that medication is in order. Seriously.

You can't even keep it together long enough to have a Decent Discussion.

You are the one who posted this s[snip]t.

If you think there is a problem, you should push the ALERT Button.

Then we shall see where the problem is.

I think you just really Hate that I make such valid points that it EATS YOU ALIVE.

Well, .. . too bad.

If you post this stuff you should expect a response.

OR, .. are you so damn needy that you require a response.. .. .?

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Update to the police cover up in Lowndes County:
Valdosta Daily Times news article

CNN article

If it wasn't for the family of Kendrick johnson, the case would have been closed.

I have seen them, up until a couple of months ago, standing EVERYDAY with their posters and fliers demanding the truth be told. Sun or rain - they stood there.

Glad they got some justice done. It is only a matter of time before the kids that killed him are behind bars...but it seems some of the kids are related to the local police, hence the coverup from the get-go. (rumor mill has it, he was caught with another guys GF in a janitor's closet - beaten to death for it)

...and they do have gangs here, some do go by West side (but not the traditional west side y'all may know).. Unless you have teenage kids here, you don't know spit.


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