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Another Video of " All Wars Are Bankers' Wars "

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posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:59 AM
A little history about banker wars. Thought some of the quotes were very good and would be hard to refute going all the way back to before 1776 and the reasons for the wars that followed... Interesting history lesson if for nothing else than some of the quotes.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

That video covers the reasons I try to participate in this giant scam that is reality as little as possible.

I would rather be poor and happy, than miserable or happy and rich, because of the amount of damage being rich does to the un-suspecting masses who are caught up in the whole mess out of simple ignorance and faith.

I lost faith in it, and more people need to lose faith in it, and then maybe we can fix it.

Never mind....just go back to your soul crushing job (not necessarily your soul to be crushed), and don't think about it (sarcasm)....All it takes is for people to keep telling themselves it cannot be changed to keep anything from changing

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