posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:25 AM
Try opening explorer in the second monitor then opening the video from there. Or copy the video to the desktop on the second monitor before opening
it. opening it from the other screen has worked for me in the past, yet dragging an open video to the second monitor renders it a dead screen. Audio
works, but no video.
It could also be DRM. Windows might not like you playing digitally protected media via a secondary monitor. Because you can steals it like a theives..
grr m$ morons..
If it's a second video card you're using, it could be as mentioned, as I also try to help with the above, by opening the video on the second monitor
it won't try to use the wrong codecs. Different monitors from different video cards will have different things. I dunno. sounds good.
If it's a dual head video card, ... throw it all in a postage pack and send it to me.. I'll sort it out for ya, and compress it all into a nice
small 7" tablet form to be super efficient, before sending it back to you!
im exhausted and horny and I dont know what I'm talking about.