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Who built these ancient metal pipes deep inside a mountain cave?

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+48 more 
posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 02:57 PM

Who built these ancient metal pipes deep inside a mountain cave?

The rusty tubes, ranging from needle-size to 16 inches in diameter, reach from deep inside the mountain to a saltwater lake 260 feet away. Many of the hollow pipes are uniform in size and seem to be placed purposefully. The ancient objects are embedded deep enough into the mountain wall and floor to preclude modern human handling. The inhospitable environment surrounding the mountain sees only the occasional nomad. Unless these wanderers developed secret advanced metallurgy skills, the pipes were not formed by human hands.

It's one of the great mysteries of the ancient world. Mt. Baigong in the Qinghai Province of China is crowned by a strange pyramid-like structure, full of caves that contain perfectly symmetrical, time-eaten metal pipes. They're inserted deep into the rock, and seem to feed into a nearby lake.

Could it be . . . aliens? According to Atlas Obscura, that's a common belief:

Here you can see the mountain top, and a piece of one of the pipes. There is something deeply uncanny about finding rod-straight metal tubes in an ancient rock.

And here's the real story.....

This is one for the OOPART crowd. I'm sure there are a few out there who have heard of these 'Pipes' I'm not entirety convinced of the solution given but it's worth a read and further discussion. One wonders about these. I know I have when I first read about them many, MANY moons ago...

So, do you buy this explanation or do we still have a real life mystery?

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:06 PM
i have to say ive not heard of these
very interesting find, thank you

edit on 8-9-2013 by autopat51 because: (no reason given)

how ancient are we talking here?
edit on 8-9-2013 by autopat51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Well it certainly ain't my plumber!!...On a serious note i find that absolutely incredible. I love stuff like this. Im not sure about aliens, But maybe when we were more technologically advanced than we are today

+21 more 
posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69


Looks like they are fossilized tree roots...

According to an 2003 article in the Xinmin Weekly,[4] Chinese scientists using atomic emission spectroscopy found the Baigong Pipes to contain organic matter of plant origin. In addition, the news article also stated that tree rings were found in sections of these rock formations and, as a result, they were judged to be fossil trees or tree roots.

I agree that they must be, just based in the inconsistency in diameter of the 'tubes'. If it had been engineered, there would have been some consistency. I don't think anyone needs a "water pipe" that is as thin as a needle.

Anyhow, the wikipedia article mentions that similar "pipes" have been found in the Southwestern United States and Louisiana. Not aliens, but really interesting.

edit on 8-9-2013 by Bybyots because: .

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I have seen these before and they are real but how old is a serious question, we know the Chinese actually had blast furnace technology powered by water wheel pumped bellow's as long ago as 1400 year's ago but these thing's seem much more ancient, now we know that Chin when he conquered the seven kingdom's that he also killed the historian's and scholars (presumably to remove an record of previous Cathay empires and to immortalize himself as the founder of China - he only spared the doctor's and the astrologers) but how advanced had any of these ancient kingdom's been, Still the pipes seem older.

I would like to say they are a remnant of an ancient advanced civilization but they are simply too much of an enigma to be so rudely categorized, thanks for bringing these up again and I have not seen that particular image.

Bybots a star as I never heard that but cool and I'll accept for now unless new data arises.

Now here is a piece about waffle rock (I am sure you already know about this american mystery,
Note that the article point's out that the piece they preserves had the greatest variation (Reinforcing the natural argument against the artificial fossilised metal lattice theory) and is only a small piece now called waffle boulder.
edit on 8-9-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:11 PM

So, do you buy this explanation or do we still have a real life mystery?

you did not give an explanation.

my guess would ancient cave dwelling pipe makers.
there just pipes, aliens crossing galaxies would probably leave something more impressive.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:13 PM
Those are probably from an advanced civilization that lived long ago. They were probably humanoids of some sort. Sciences usually blow off what they cannot explain. I'm sure they gave some weird explanation without even going to look at it. I haven't seen it in person so it is hard for me to say much more about it. S&F, I am always interested in finding out about things that don't make sense.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Those are probably from an advanced civilization that lived long ago.

probably, why?

They were probably humanoids of some sort.

like humans?

Sciences usually blow off what they cannot explain.


posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I am sure science would like to say this is a "natural' occurrence.

+12 more 
posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:29 PM
I believe this to be the work of the Dwemer.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by SLAYER69

I am sure science would like to say this is a "natural' occurrence.

They sure are not going say advanced aliens could not figure out how to make a decent water pipe system.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:38 PM
It gets a little bit stranger, and I have a personal theory as to why, which I'll share in a sec.

If you look around on the web for "Baigong Pipes", you will find this image commonly associated with them...


Give it a try. The thing that I find interesting is that in China those are "pipes"

But in America, and everywhere else, it is called basalt with columnar jointing, here is Devil's Postpile in California...

For the past several years or more, China seems to be doing everything it can to inculcate a culture of Woo. I am just as suspicious of anything "supernatural" coming out of China these days as I am anything coming out of Russia.

edit on 8-9-2013 by Bybyots because: .

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:48 PM
Fossil tree roots abound. Tree roots are sorta like water pipes?

Let me know if they turn up a fossil chainsaw.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:51 PM
Translated as best I could, from the original Chinese article, Xinmin Weekly. "Alien Ruins Show." Xinmin Weekly. 2003-10-13

[Research scientist] Gao Ping, traveled to "Alien Hole" to examine the outer walls of the tubes, and removed two samples. These two samples were forwarded to Lanzhou University, Analysis and Testing Center for testing. Employing a precise method of examination called "10-9 plasma emission spectroscopy," Lanzhou was able to demonstrate the composition of the tubes, revealing dozens of common metals and trace elements. Along with Zheng Jiandong and other researchers' in Beijing test work, these material results corroborated and were consistent with similar results for organic content.

The samples revealed a gradient of potassium and iron consistent with organic fossilization, which thereby in Ping's opinion, supported a case for the tubes' being plant fossil in origin. A cross sectional spectroscopy of the tube-like wall to wall structure revealed that iron content increased as measures were taken towards the outer wall, commensurate with a decrease in potassium at the same time; a pattern commonly revealed in organic fossilization. Experts through observation, although not finding trunk wood, bark or other plant structures under the microscope, did observe macro concentric structures that resemble tree rings. Researchers from outside China have also seen the tubes revealing a tree ring structure.

If these tubes were indeed once trees then, given that then they are located in the ancient Gobi Qaidam desert; and given the great number of fossilized trees found, this therefore begs the question, where did they come from ?

Sorry, I just could not sit idly brain dead and zombie-absorb the word of the Skeptic community on this matter. I can accept 'fossilized trees' on this, but that does not mean we stop looking.

edit on 8-9-2013 by TheEthicalSkeptic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Awesome Thread! This mountain structure continues to amaze me.

Here is a aerial picture of the pyramid structure that sits near the apex of Mount Baigong,

Two of the three caves at the foot of the mountain have collapsed and are inaccessible. I wonder if these were sealed on purpose?
Here's a pic of the unusually shaped stones that are scattered about the area,

I personally believe that the ancient Chinese civilizations are far more older than modern science tends to accept. I also believe they were influenced by E.T.s.

edit on 8-9-2013 by ArchaicDesigns because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Now this is not a picture of a fossilized tree. Where did this pic source from Slayer? Did they say?

This is a crude forged metal ingot, and has the symmetrical spalling and vacancy features of an oxidized homogenous iron bravais - something which does not show up in magnetite or petrification iron oxide structures because of the calcium and silicon leeching content. I have surveyed and analyzed 93% magnetite natural lava structures and they do not look like this.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by TheEthicalSkeptic

I dunno, The article provides the following link


posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Bybyots

No offence, but basalt with columnar jointing does not run underground for 80 meters to a lake basin and it's shores.
Here's a pic of one of the pipes emerging on the beach,

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:36 PM
For real...

What is that? An ancient-alien pop-rivet?

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by ArchaicDesigns

Granted, but that image is associated directly with the stories related to the Baigong Pipes. So we can take that one off the table. Consider it a preemptive strike on the available media related to the story.

P.S. Just to avoid going in circles...

No offence, but basalt with columnar jointing does not run underground for 80 meters to a lake basin and it's shores.

But tree roots do. The roots of a Banyon tree (ficus) can reach up to 400 ft in their search for water. No offence taken.

edit on 8-9-2013 by Bybyots because: .

edit on 8-9-2013 by Bybyots because: (no reason given)

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