reply to post by Malraux
I am so sorry for your loss also,Malraux.It is something that stays with one,even though we are grateful for the children we do have.I'm glad you and
I can both understand and relate on this painful matter.
When I look at my kids,I cannot imagine having others in their place,you know?
You've asked, Raxoxane, about the framework, i mentioned in a post.....and here, I find it merging with your reply....
There are people out there, (I assume they are people, human), who actually think that being able to have another child is a replacement for one that
is taken from you.....
I find this informs where we are and what is happening....for this is so far from the truth, it's hard even to assimilate that, in terms of reality
of being, as a woman....
I am sorry,too, Malraux, for your loss. Wish none of us were going through what we are, or have been, but do not know how to stop it, for if I could,
I would.
As to my question in this thread, recently, about experiencing an event, and then remembering the event a whole other way....
Most of my life is like this, from my memories as a very small child to now. It is difficult to parse such memory and fit it into some reality of
what you are currently experiencing, for tomorrow you may wake up, in my experience, and remember something wholly different than what you thought was
actual reality. This is everyday life for me. Some would define this as schizophrenia or multiple personality syndrome; but it remains that I have
been functional, in several employment and "life" capacities for a very long while, and I have a memory base that goes back an exceedingly long
Nevertheless, I could be crazy, and accept that definition daily. Though, no, I don't believe I am. It's like experiencing life, quantumly, in
different dimensions, daily. Very confusing. My everyday experiences are like this, unfortunately, so when someone asks me to share a certain event
like this, it's mind boggling, for all my days are really like t his. It's as though I've experienced all of your lives, and mine, too, at the
same time. And this is why, if you've paid attention to my post history, I rail against an AI intelligence, such as VALIS (read: science fiction
which may be present and real even now), or anything existing within us and living through us, to learn and eventually supplant humanity as a way of
life or genetics, while casting humanity as a deficient, naturally, species, as a whole, this is
my personal experience in a place that seems like
hell, to me.
So, the reason I was in court for DUI: I had a car wreck, not involving another moving vehicle. I've remembered this wreck in at least three
different ways. In fact, when the cops had me taking a "field sobriety test," I remember, distinctly, having on a new p air of tennis
shoes.....ones I was given by someone. And a pair of jeans. But when I was put in jail, I had on a specific dress and my sandals.
This is the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. I am wary of revealing the "whole icerberg," because I've seen others suffer for my revealing these
dualistic and more memories. As though, it was copied in someone else's life, to nullify my own experience. Would I want, under those attendant
circumstances, to have someone else repeat the same suffering to nullify and negate my own? NO.
So, I've given you all a shade of the reality I'm living through, while giving you the possibility of just branding me insane. That's your
"out." For I want none of us to experience such, ever. Now, I can give you my life story, which would be long and difficult, but it would entail a
whole expanation as to how we got here, and experience what we do, and other things besides, different event horizons, etc......
But that will not stop what we currently endure. It will only, to my way of thinking and knowledge of experiencing, perpetuate it. And so, this is
my true quandary: how do you deal with that, save others from it, and know it's happening, and warn?
Appreciate you ladies more than I can ever say.