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WHAT IF Syria Is Just Misdirection, With The True Target Iran?

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posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:10 PM
With ALL the world's eyes focused on Syria and the countdown to a vote in the U.S. congress...WHAT IF Iran is the REAL target?

I have been amazed at how absolutely incompetent President Obama's foreign policy has been on this Syria issue; Honestly, his apparent stupidity has nearly reached the point of actually straining credulity.

But what if there is actually a brilliant military plan of misdirection and slight of hand taking place behind the scenes?

With all nations' eyes focused on four U.S. destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean off the coast of Syria...and all nations' ears waiting for a predicted YES/NO vote by the U.S. congress,...the TRUE attack occurs on IRAN...just BEFORE the expected final vote in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Iran's attention is diverted toward's Syria and a possible U.S. action against Assad sometime AFTER congress votes...While U.S. and/or Israeli forces launch a completely unexpected surprise attack against Iranian nuclear facilities BEFORE congress votes.

Instead of the bumbling and incompetent president Barack Obama currently appears to be, he actually becomes the most brilliant foreign policy president in history; totally hoodwinking his enemies and detractors, while removing the Iranian nuclear threat through a brilliantly executed military strategy of stagecraft, misdirection and geopolitical slight of hand.

If not, then Barack Obama actually IS the worst foreign and domestic policy president since James Buchanan.
edit on 5-9-2013 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2013 by IAMTAT because: spelling

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:17 PM
The true target is "Earth". It has nothing to do with what you know as "government". Government is just a means to an end, really. They are the regional control mechanism. It is the money that runs the government....and where does that come from?

The products you buy...they enslave you. Literally. You give the money to the people who really do wish to do you harm. No, you will not be truly enslaved. Instead you will have an economy that increasingly charges you to live. No such thing as savings. It is all about make the money, turn the money. Entice you to work more to get more. Create wealth, then funnel it up.

You are given things to buy, and you buy them. This is your enemy. This is how your little piece of economic value gets funneled back up into a smaller set of hands. And so it goes, up the chain.

And your first hint that this is how it works is when they used the phrase "Trickle Down Economics". Because in 1984 that is the proper terminology.
edit on 5-9-2013 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

Instead of the bumbling and incompetent president Barack Obama currently appears to be, he actually becomes the most brilliant foreign policy president in history; totally hoodwinking his enemies and detractors, while removing the Iranian nuclear threat through a brilliantly executed military strategy of stagecraft, misdirection and geopolitical slight of hand.

If not, then Barack Obama actually IS the worst foreign and domestic policy president since James Buchanan.


My vote goes to:

"the bumbling and incompetent president Barack Obama"

But then again, his ultra Left Wing agenda is working pretty well according to plan !!

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:43 PM

The true target is "Earth". It has nothing to do with what you know as "government". Government is just a means to an end, really. They are the regional control mechanism. It is the money that runs the government....and where does that come from?

The products you buy...they enslave you. Literally. You give the money to the people who really do wish to do you harm. No, you will not be truly enslaved. Instead you will have an economy that increasingly charges you to live. No such thing as savings. It is all about make the money, turn the money. Entice you to work more to get more. Create wealth, then funnel it up.

You are given things to buy, and you buy them. This is your enemy. This is how your little piece of economic value gets funneled back up into a smaller set of hands. And so it goes, up the chain.

And your first hint that this is how it works is when they used the phrase "Trickle Down Economics". Because in 1984 that is the proper terminology.
edit on 5-9-2013 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

That ^^^ should be a poster on every street corner.
I'm looking for the thumbs up icon but cant find it. so this'll have to do ---^^

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

Iran is a covert ally of US not true enemy. Its like the cold war when there was almost free exchange between soviet and american scientists. During cold war lots of americans and soviet scientists visited one another and worked in each others labs. Most DOD/NASA related lab facilities I am aware of have employed large numbers of iranian citizens/immigrants especially considering the number of iranians in the world.

Like during the cold war the hostilities are being used as a cover for some sort of tech transfer just as they were during the so-called cold war with the soviets.

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by IAMTAT

I'm bumping this thread because after seeing your others you are giving me a false-flag shill vibe. Your wording is too calculated and repeats throughout your other posts. You seem to have nobody's better interest at heart.

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