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Get Schooled in Zombie Survival (literally)

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posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 03:13 PM
Ok we all know that there will probably never, ever be a Zombie Apocalypse, since Zombies arent real but its fun to wish they were real anyway

However, just in case there is that slight chance, the University of California wants you to be ready


Ever wonder how you’d fare in a zombie apocalypse? AMC, Instructure and the University of California, Irvine today announced the joint production of a massive open online course (MOOC) exploring a broad range of topics through the lens of a hypothetical zombie apocalypse. The free, eight-week MOOC, titled “Society, Science, Survival: Lessons from AMC’s The Walking Dead,” will be offered on Instructure’s MOOC platform, Canvas Network, and will be taught by a multidisciplinary team of UC Irvine faculty: Zuzana Bic, public health; Joanne Christopherson, social sciences; Michael Dennin physics; and Sarah Eichhorn, mathematics.

The first class is scheduled for Mon., Oct. 14, the day after the Season 4 premiere of AMC’s The Walking Dead. The course will run for eight consecutive Mondays through Dec. 2. Because the series will air at different times around the world, Canvas Network will put in place provisions to help international participants avoid spoilers

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 03:22 PM
Boy, some people really have WAY too much time on their hands.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Sharingan

Great...what does the course cost? And would it look good on my resume?

I have a love/hate relationship with "The Walking Dead". There are so many resources that I see them just cruise on by without a second glance.

Just the way the dead act gives them a better than even shot at ALL of them surviving.

I'm going to have to take a looksee at the cirriculm.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Sharingan

Haha awesome

I will offer my own course at a discounted price:

Rule #1: Don't get bit
Rule #2: Don't get bit
Rule #3: Learn to run.

Please make all cheques out to "Cash" please.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 03:34 PM
Today I saw a poster ad for "Zombie Survival Camp". I wonder if panic sex is part of the training.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by MDDoxs
reply to post by Sharingan

Haha awesome

I will offer my own course at a discounted price:

Rule #1: Don't get bit
Rule #2: Don't get bit
Rule #3: Learn to run.

Please make all cheques out to "Cash" please.

Getting bit doesn't really count in The Walking Dead. They're all infected already, getting bit just speeds up the process.

Screw running, learn to drive.
Really big trucks or armored vehicles.

No checks, CASH only...or in this case, maybe bullets.

Look at the Canvas site, these Ph.D's have figured out a sure money maker. But they ain't getting mine. They referance Maslow's hierarchy of needs for Gods sake. What a crock. But at the same time, more power to them. If they can get others to part with their money, good on them.

Myself? I'll make my own diploma/certificate.
Hell, I used to work for the Gov't. If there are Zombies, that is where you'll find the majority of them.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by avatar01

panic sex with a zombie,or getting raped by a zombie??? kinda like being married either way

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by blkcwbyhat

I think he meant one of the numerous hot and sweaty female survivors. Or the contrary, lol

EDIT: dang... just saw the end of your sentence... lol

EDIT2: I hope they won't be teaching zombies to survive...

edit on 4-9-2013 by NowanKenubi because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2013 by NowanKenubi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by NowanKenubi

EDIT2: I hope they won't be teaching zombies to survive...

Instructor: Gun!

Zombie: AAAaawwwr!

Instructor: No! Gun!

Zombie: NNNuuuuuuah!

Instructor: Aw, screw this! I hate this job! (shoots zombie in the head) I had a better time teaching Poli-Sci.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Look at the Canvas site, these Ph.D's have figured out a sure money maker. But they ain't getting mine.

The course is free and its all in fun

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 04:21 PM
What to do upon sight of a Zombie. [Revised version for cowards, or Those who find themselves completely outnumbered...]
Step one, use step one to gain some initial-momentum, place one of your feet in front of you on the ground & precede to step two, Using inertia gained from step one, quickly & firmly plant other foot on the ground in front of you & at the same time, transfer your weight to said planted foot. Repeat steps One through Two consecutively at a rapid pace to achieve what is called, 'Running'.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 04:42 PM
A Rage virus like 28 Days Later is perfectly plausible. All it would take is a mutated airborne strain of Rabies. With a mortality rate of 100%, if it was immune to modern treatments, and airborne, a large percentage of the population would be toast, and before they died, they'd be indiscernible from the monsters in those movies. Worse yet, they'd be the "fast" zombies (well, as fast as in life). Luckily though, they could be killed the same as any human, so no need for headshots.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 04:59 PM
ur right will never happen so s*&t posts like this should be canned

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by eyeinoz
ur right will never happen so s*&t posts like this should be canned

Oh you mean posts like those ^-^ made from the kid that just got home from school? Yea, I agree

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Sharingan

If zombies did happen I fear for the general population. The non preppers will be killed, run out of food and water and either turn on themselves, turn on preppers(and then will be killed), or turn into the zombie hoard one by one.

The preppers will have to use there resources against other preppers, non preppers, and zombies. There ammo and medical supply's will run out quick. There gun maintenance and extra gun parts will run out quick. Then you have a bunch of preppers with either guns and no ammo, or ammo and sub-par guns against a every growing horde or zombies and marauders.

Every time I see a "zombie invasion arsenal" it includes zero to no bladed weapons, and if it does, they are some cheap Chinese display model that looks cool.

If I was prepping for the zombie invasion(mind you I have a few firearms just for personal safety and hunting to start with) I would put all my weapons budget into real swords and melee weapons, bows and arrows, equipment to make boxes and arrows, equipment to properly sharpen and maintain melee weapons. I would set time aside to practice using these weapons. and have an encampment stashed in the true wildness with all the booby trap material hid away and just waiting to set up once i got there. after all this was complete then i would start thinking about guns and ammo.

Another thing about guns, unless there silenced every zombie that you kill with a gun,l 10 more will be attracted by the sound.

but since its more likely that our own government will come after us, than a zombie would, i suggest we take advantage of the words that can be spoken between humans before its to late
edit on 4-9-2013 by DocHolidaze because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Yea Gaz, Ive thought of that scenario. The Rage virus was not to different than Rabies on steroids, without the fear of water or taste for human flesh lol.
Anyway, good point, those were some scary, fast zombies or virus infected cannibals is a better description i guess.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Sharingan
reply to post by TDawgRex

Look at the Canvas site, these Ph.D's have figured out a sure money maker. But they ain't getting mine.

The course is free and its all in fun

I missed that and didn't do further research. I was to busy laughing.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

If you want a real laugh, see what MIT has to offer.

“In geek culture, there is a big pirates vs. ninjas war,” Hurwitz says. “I’m on the pirates side. I think pirates do a lot more. They do sword fighting, sailing, collecting treasure. All ninjas do is hide.” And what do the students receive? The certificates, authorized by the “swashbuckling” Institute, are printed on faux parchment and affirm that the named “salty dog’’ is entitled to a pirate certificate “with all its privileges and obligations thereof.” And surely they celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 07:44 PM

C'mon...There's nothing wrong with having a Zombie Cocktail every now and need to take classes, just enjoy

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Sharingan

Yea Gaz, Ive thought of that scenario. The Rage virus was not to different than Rabies on steroids, without the fear of water or taste for human flesh lol.

Yep, the good news is that if it was rabies, a squirt gun could be an effective weapon.

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