posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Semicollegiate
Hey there,
I've read some work from that site in China, the simple pottery is preceded by clay lined fire pits, for several thousand years. Also the people who
made them were generalized foragers and not hunter/gatherers. The difference being , h/g's are usuallly somewhat migrant, following the game and
seasonal availability of other foodstuffs. On the other hand a generalized forager is more sedentary and occupy a site that provides for most if not
all of their needs.
At Pendejo cave in NM, you find clay lined fire pits that are 25,000 years old, is there a cultural connection? Maybe, maybe not.
But I have to differ in the opinion that clay vessels made travelling the kelp highway possible, it was the bottle gourd that made that possible, as
attested to by it's ubiquitous use among west coast native American populations.
The interstimg thing is that those people who made the early pottery also likely brought the Eurasian bottle gourd to the new world.
edit on 5-9-2013 by punkinworks10 because: (no reason given)