posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 07:06 PM
Mr Carey,
Thank you for the opportunity to learn about your research and insights!
1. You said earlier you felt the crash/visit was probably related to the use of atomic weapons and the war. Do you have any idea of how they became
aware of this planet using such devices -I.e. Do you think they have been visiting/aware of our planet for some time or that perhaps atomic weapons
produce effects we may not yet suspect (that would presumably be detectable throughout the universe to attract attention, if they were not previously
aware of our planet?).
2. Without knowing the direction your research has taken, forgive me if this question is outside the scope of your research, but have you gained any
insight into where the aliens may be from? Are there any temporal considerations to their travel?
3. I see several people have posted disbelief that a ship capable of traversing space would meet its demise in a mundane crash...but to me that's
assuming a lot- I personally would think they travelled here in larger more considerable ships than the wreckage described and use these smaller
"scout" ships for planetary exploration, etc. did you ever glean any impressions that the crash was indeed of a smaller, short distance craft and if
so was any thought given to why any others presumably off planet but close by didnt come for them...or perhaps they intended for the tech to be seeded
in an innocuous, "involuntary" manner (I.e. The crash was put on for our benefit perhaps to study how our leaders react to it and what it means in
the greater sense?).
4. Again, people ask things like "why don't they just land in th White House lawn" - which is presumptuous that they even consider us worthy of
anything more than cautious observation from a distance or perhaps even that they have made contact - albeit only with leaders of our cultures,
respecting the structures of governence and letting the rulers decide when to let the masses know? Any thoughts on this type of speculation?
Thank you again for your time and thoughts!