Originally posted by RobFox
Is there such a thing as global warming really? Do you think the more developed nations should have to take on the burden and pay for the costs global
warming? Personally I think it should be a world effort in controlling it. I'm not quite sure. What are your thoughts on this?
The earth has been both way warmer and way colder than now many times, the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere has been up to thousands of times higher
than it is now, without any "out of control warming".
It is all fear mongering, and hating humans " because everyone knows we are pure evil, and everything we do is an afront to nature".
The line " the world has never warmed this fast before in its history" is also laughable, as there have only been temp readings for some of the planet
for 150 years, and all the planet since 78-79.
"ice cores prove" that in the last few thousand years, not the entire history of the earth, so it is garbage.
"tree rings prove" that in the last couple hundred years, up to and including couple thousand for some tree species that live that long, so also
Look lets talk brass tax here. A fricking meteor hit the planet, it was the size of mount Everest, the tens of thousands of degrees shockwave circled
the earth 6 times, leaving over an inch of ash across the whole of the planet, and life still survived and is still here.
We are nothing, even if we set off all our nukes, and burn all our plastics, release all our toxic chemicals ans nuclear waste, we still would not do
the damage of that single meteor, life would live on, the earth would remain.
We are weak pathetic animals thrashing around in the night, claiming to be the baddest thing ever, capable of destroying all of creation at our whim,
when in fact......well we are a flea on the back of this world, it laughs at our presence. we are so pathetic it doesnt even bother to try and shake
us off.
Yes we can wipe out a few species......99.99999 percent of all the species that ever lived are extinct, and were before the first "man" set foot on
the world.
After we are long gone, either moved on to the stars( please let this be our destiny, as I see the greatness in us, and dont wish to see it
extinguished" or we go the way of the former rulers of the earth, we go extinct.
Either way, no matter what we do, this mudball will spin on, life will grow and flourish, and eco nazis will still hate their own species for the evil
act of existence.
Meh....what does one do?
JUST .......WOW.... TheRedneck.......please go on national news and end this once and for all with that exact post.
I loved the manbearpig...err um I meant Al Gore part, pure excellence in written form, it is all about build up and timing, and you sir....well you
should make money for your abilities, must be why SO wants you as a mod, you SIR have quite the way with your words.
edit on 1-9-2013 by
oblvion because: (no reason given)