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Global Warming.

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posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 11:54 AM
Is there such a thing as global warming really? Do you think the more developed nations should have to take on the burden and pay for the costs global warming? Personally I think it should be a world effort in controlling it. I'm not quite sure. What are your thoughts on this?

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 12:03 PM
It's not global warming anymore, it's climate change.
Anyone who may be held financially responsible for this holds to the position that it is naturally cyclical and no one can control it so cannot be made to pay for the results.

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by RobFox

Man made global warming doesn't exist. If in fact the planet is heating up its part of our planet's natural cycles, ice ages and the such. The sun cycles might play a part in it. A volcano eruption pumps more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than all human contributions ever, and I'm sure you're aware how often they erupt, there are many active volcanoes. Man made global warming was invented by a small group of scientists seeking government funding to keep their jobs and labs going, we learned the truth when their emails between each other were released. They were caught red handed.

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 12:33 PM
Snow in China in August tells me something is wrong, what I don't know, Arctic ice increasing in the summer tells me something is wrong, Antarctic ice way above normal tells me something is wrong, climate depot blog tells me each day what is happening, weatherwise, a lot of people think something is wrong.....

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by RobFox

No such thing. The Earth does this over and over again and has done this. Its perfectly normal. You just are here to experience it.

Lets say you were hoving over the Earth for 100,000 years. As you watch has ice ages, heat waves, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, cyclones, volcanic eruptions. All normal.

Its because there are sooooo many more living human beings on Earth to talk about it like its sudden. It is not. And its just what this planet has always done.

Had some friends who built a house down by the river. One rainy year they were completely wiped out from a flood. They went to get insurance...and were asked "Why did you build there anyway?" The wife responded "Because its so PRETTY there!'

Um...lost everything because they forgot that ...every once in was GOING to flood! Just doing what it does naturally.

Ice age-Warming trends? All normal, and due to repeat in their time...just like always

edit on 2010 by mysterioustranger because: grammar

edit on 2010 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by RobFox

Yes global warming is real, but so is global cooling. It is a natural cycle, that occurs over long periods of time. Man Made Global Warming, or whatever Al Gore is calling it these days is a false religion invented to make everyone poor through scare tactics and intimidation.

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 12:53 PM
Climate Change exists... it's more commonly referred to in 'uneducated' circles as "weather."

The attempted political scam which goes by the name "Climate Change," aka "Global Warming" until the name became a liability, only exists as a means to further tax and control individuals. It is predicated upon the work of Jams Hansen, a climatologist (apparently the first one since the term is relatively new, having only existed since the political agenda began and inclusive of only those scientists who push the Global Warming agenda) who works with the IPCC (closely tied to the UN) and NASA, and who has successfully promoted his view on Global Warming.

The theory is that, since carbon dioxide can absorb and re-emit blackbody radiation, it can act under proper conditions as a heat reflector. Combined with some confusing data on the actual blackbody radiation frequency of the earth in relation to mathematical models of predicted blackbody radiation from the earth, the theory states that carbon dioxide emissions from hydrocarbon use are causing the planet to heat up and cause all kinds of terrible and evil things to happen. These things include the rise of the oceans by many many feet, flooding civilization as we know it, the turning of the planet into a desert, and the extinction of chickens because they will begin laying hard-boiled eggs which cannot hatch (OK, I made that last one up).

The solution is something called "carbon credits," which act like a tax on energy production and use, as well as a limit on the amount of energy that is available, thereby limiting energy usage to the very wealthy and establishing another serfdom-like existence for the rest of the population. Apparently this will cause the carbon dioxide molecules to stop absorbing and re-radiating heat.

The actual data, however, is somewhat flawed:
  • Temperature monitoring stations are often either out of calibration or their surroundings have changed so they are no longer accurate, yet their data is still used.
  • Carbon dioxide absorption spectra does not match up with the blackbody emission spectrum.
  • Multiple predictions have not come to pass, despite public statements that indicate the problem is "worse than expected."
  • Carbon sequestration plans, some proven viable, have been regularly dismissed out-of-hand in favor of the carbon credit scheme.
  • CO2 monitoring stations themselves are questionable; one in particular is located near Mauna Loa, an active volcano. Volcanoes emit carbon dioxide naturally in random and substantial amounts.
  • Multiple emails indicating questionable practices among the scientists at the IPCC and East Anglia University were leaked.
  • The original code for the computer models used to forecast Global Warming alarms was also leaked, and contained many instances of poor coding that made it little better than a video game graphic.
  • Calculations supporting catastrophic potential are typically oversimplified and contradictory. Example: melting ice can raise sea level... but warming temperatures also increase the ability of air to absorb water vapor from the ocean, a fact which was not considered. Another example: higher planetary temperatures can lead to food shortages due to desert conditions, despite the facts that the air will hold more moisture when hotter, plant life thrives in high CO2 environments, and warmer temperatures increase the growing seasons world-wide.
  • There have been multiple reports of scientists who disagreed with the Global Warming hypothesis having their funds cut and being dismissed from their research.
  • This situation has been used to great extent to establish a public belief that "there is a consensus" among scientists that Global Warming is true.
  • There are other planets in the solar system which are also heating up slowly in a seeming correlation with the observed readings on our planet.
  • Planetary temperature rise has stopped in the last few years, in perfect correlation with a sine-wave temperature cycle. The next few years should now see a decline in global temperatures by that analysis.
  • Proposed treaties to curb carbon dioxide emissions have excluded the developing countries, which are typically the largest producers of CO2 since their technology is typically less advanced and less efficient.
  • Whenever Al Gore opens his mouth, it snows. (Sorry, couldn't resist that one)

Whatever you want to call it, Global Warming is bunk science and political greed all rolled into one, and is the single greatest issue facing the world today. If the plans all go into effect, energy production will all but cease for all but the wealthy and powerful and the rest will be left vulnerable to their every whim and mood without recourse.


posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by RobFox
Is there such a thing as global warming really? Do you think the more developed nations should have to take on the burden and pay for the costs global warming? Personally I think it should be a world effort in controlling it. I'm not quite sure. What are your thoughts on this?

The earth has been both way warmer and way colder than now many times, the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere has been up to thousands of times higher than it is now, without any "out of control warming".

It is all fear mongering, and hating humans " because everyone knows we are pure evil, and everything we do is an afront to nature".

The line " the world has never warmed this fast before in its history" is also laughable, as there have only been temp readings for some of the planet for 150 years, and all the planet since 78-79.

"ice cores prove" that in the last few thousand years, not the entire history of the earth, so it is garbage.

"tree rings prove" that in the last couple hundred years, up to and including couple thousand for some tree species that live that long, so also garbage.

Look lets talk brass tax here. A fricking meteor hit the planet, it was the size of mount Everest, the tens of thousands of degrees shockwave circled the earth 6 times, leaving over an inch of ash across the whole of the planet, and life still survived and is still here.

We are nothing, even if we set off all our nukes, and burn all our plastics, release all our toxic chemicals ans nuclear waste, we still would not do the damage of that single meteor, life would live on, the earth would remain.

We are weak pathetic animals thrashing around in the night, claiming to be the baddest thing ever, capable of destroying all of creation at our whim, when in fact......well we are a flea on the back of this world, it laughs at our presence. we are so pathetic it doesnt even bother to try and shake us off.

Yes we can wipe out a few species......99.99999 percent of all the species that ever lived are extinct, and were before the first "man" set foot on the world.

After we are long gone, either moved on to the stars( please let this be our destiny, as I see the greatness in us, and dont wish to see it extinguished" or we go the way of the former rulers of the earth, we go extinct.

Either way, no matter what we do, this mudball will spin on, life will grow and flourish, and eco nazis will still hate their own species for the evil act of existence.

Meh....what does one do?

JUST .......WOW.... TheRedneck.......please go on national news and end this once and for all with that exact post.

I loved the manbearpig...err um I meant Al Gore part, pure excellence in written form, it is all about build up and timing, and you sir....well you should make money for your abilities, must be why SO wants you as a mod, you SIR have quite the way with your words.
edit on 1-9-2013 by oblvion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 02:33 PM

Snow in China in August tells me something is wrong, what I don't know, Arctic ice increasing in the summer tells me something is wrong, Antarctic ice way above normal tells me something is wrong, climate depot blog tells me each day what is happening, weatherwise, a lot of people think something is wrong.....

Climate always changed in the past and it will change in the future. Maybe something is/was wrong when it was (pretty) stabilized.

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 04:20 PM
I wouldn't totally rule out man made climate change. It's exaggerated, true. Climate change is natural, yes. Certain trees if I remember can have a effect on worldwide climate.


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