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NOW is it time for a revolution?

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posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:08 AM
98% of middle class, so called middle class, working folks like me have had it. We look back upon the days when a good electrician, plumber, auto mechanic, or carpenter was not only making a decent living for his family of four to eight, but was able to have a little left over after the bills and cost of living to put aside, by himself, the only breadwinner of the family. This person paid attention and learned things not learned in school, he worked long days and sometimes long nights afterword but there was money in the bank and he could put his kids in college and hope for an easier life for them. This was my grandparents generation. The Great Depression generation. Folks got up and went to Church on Sunday mornings. If you are religous or not at least folks were putting money in the plate of their own free will and this money was used to help the poor. There was no gun at your head to give, folks did it because it was the right thing to do. And if after that a neighbor needed a hand then it was provided. Without a government gun to your head to force your money away from you.
Periodic revolution, “at least once every 20 years,” was “a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.”
Now? We live in a socialist USA, a country I still love and will still fight for. But.....when some fool won't even accept opportunity when it it right in front of them, but would rather accept government money because it's easier and doesn't involve the hard work of the so called middle class like me to pay for it, then I say the country I love is lost. This is not my grandfathers America. This is an American run on the principle of "from those that have, to those that need". And it is not even that innocent, worse than the Communist Manisfesto, we live in a USA that has become "From those that have, to those that want but don't want to work for it"
And since this has now become roughly 49 to 50% of our nation it is a lost cause. The takers are very soon to out number the makers in a way that will finally bankrupt us all.
If it is not too late we need to take the advice of the very wise Thomas Jefferson and overthrow this socialist unAmerican establishment before we can no longer do so.
edit on 8/31/2013 by texas thinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:08 AM
Hey, maybe you can start a civil war against all those welfare collectors and non religious folks. After all, a little social cleansing could make everything right as rain.America's system of governance is not based off of Socialism. It's based off of a Corporate Oligarchy.Guess who writes all the legislation that runs through the House & Senate. Yeah, them poor people are really making out like bandits. Living in their multi million dollar homes, driving their Lambo's, and eating steak dinners every night. The ever widening wealth gap has nothing to do with the problem. As a matter of fact, it doesn't even exist.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:42 AM
Not only that but around forty percent of what America is worth is in the hands of one percent of our population and theyre not going to stop there pretty soon there won't be much money for the working class to earn. Also they're not paying taxes on their money so all the people on Wellfare checks are draining our working class even more. To be honest I don't think most of our class will have the money to even retire. Also schooling in our country is bs look at tests from fifty years ago compaired to now test just get easier, classes get repetitive from hs to collage and the repetition of work. You should be able to move on once you've mastered a skill such as grammar just an example but even when you pass all of your grades with flying colors the rest of the class holds you back. And being really serious I'm pretty sure the only time I was learning things that were worth learning was elementary school and when I say worth it I mean something I can actually use.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by GD21D
Hey, maybe you can start a civil war against all those welfare collectors and non religious folks. After all, a little social cleansing could make everything right as rain.America's system of governance is not based off of Socialism. It's based off of a Corporate Oligarchy.Guess who writes all the legislation that runs through the House & Senate. Yeah, them poor people are really making out like bandits. Living in their multi million dollar homes, driving their Lambo's, and eating steak dinners every night. The ever widening wealth gap has nothing to do with the problem. As a matter of fact, it doesn't even exist.

Seconded. The US is not run on Socialist lines. Can people please stop equating Obamacare etc with Lenin?

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:14 AM
government and companies are fascism together
oligarchy is a group of leaders class/elite/politicians who mostly control
the government bypassing laws and checks and balances.

revolution is crazy....

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 04:11 AM
It's always time for a revolution.

Revolution occurs with the rising and setting of the sun each day.

Perhaps they should all just be taken out behind the barn... dragged into the streets. I don't think you will find a shortage of people that agree. That's not the problem. The problem is "How?" and the likely out come that the situation degenerates rather than improves.

It is clear that this establishment is somewhat prepared for civil unrest. Nobody wants to take the bait. Nobody wants to be made into a bad example. You know, the nail that stands out gets hammered down. Makes it sort of difficult to organize. A group of citizens large enough to make a difference would probably be infiltrated by federal agents... or chartered by them.

Most of the people in the so-called middle class are too busy making ends meet to go out and play rebellion.

What did you have in mind?

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by GD21D
Hey, maybe you can start a civil war against all those welfare collectors and non religious folks.

I was with you up until "and non religious folks."

I am seriously stunned by this statement.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 05:51 AM
Beware those who would argue revolution for freedom. Often, their idea of freedom doesn't mean freedom for everyone. Case in point this OP.

Want to change this country? Do so by not electing these two parties. This country does need a revolution, a political revolution, where people don't elect Republicans or Democrats to office, but instead, people not affiliated with any party.

We need elected officials not tied to the corporate oligarchy, but accountable to the people who elect them. The only way we are going to change this country for the better is by denying the corporate oligarchs a voice in our government.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 06:05 AM
Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.
Benito Mussolini

The keystone of the Fascist doctrine is its conception of the State, of its essence, its functions, and its aims. For Fascism the State is absolute, individuals and groups relative.
Benito Mussolini

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by HauntWok
No, the only way the countries going to get better is to remove government altogether. Time and time again it PROVES how easy it is to corrupt, no matter what kind of system you put in place. There is ALWAYS a way to rig it. The only way we could ever become free is to break their control through force (cause we all know they won't quietly hand over the country) and give it back to ourselves.

I expect someone to reply back to me to say that I'm full of # and that we do need government. There's always that one guy who thinks everyone else needs to be regulated. $%# that guy.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 11:22 AM
It has been time for a revolution since 2001-2003. Each passing year more and more excuses are thrown as to "why it isn't necessary". Each year, more and more of those excuses are expunged and the idea becomes closer to a reality.

I am ready to fight. Maybe you are as well OP. But the rest of the people like to live in lala land. They like to cling to the past and hope for the best. They tend to be in denial about the condition of this country and the illegal actions of our government.

Even worse, you have the people that simply suggest that we stick to the confines of the law and legal process to achieve change when: A. the government no longer follows those rules and B. look at all the "progress and change" that protests and the voting booth have actually done for this country.

NOTHING. Not a damn thing. But these people will live in the denialverse believing that it actually did. That Bush was different than Clinton was different than Bush was different than Obama. That we someone didn't go to war after those countless protests against Vietnam and Iraq (and soon to be Syria). That Obamacare wasn't passed because of all the protests, and that the government isn't taking any gun control actions because the public doesn't want it.

But all of those sentiments are lies. They are beliefs that people believe to make themselves feel better. The only good thing is that our government is becoming so brash in their actions that more and more people can honestly say "I love America, but I hate our government."

It is the hate of that government that will fuel the revolution. All we need is 1%. One percent of the population wakes up, grabs a weapon, and delivers and ultimatum - and this world will change. Government will either step down and reset, or they will go to war with the people. By going to war with the people, more people will come and fight and the government CAN NOT win. Not by any odds.

We can either sit back and wait, allowing ourselves to become slaves and look back on America like the death camps of World War II; vastly outnumbering the enemy yet making no choice to sacrifice oneself for the greater good... Or we can finally grow a set and fight. Because the longer we wait, the worse it is going to be, the more corrupt the government will become, and the more people will die as the struggle comes to a head.

Just imagine if we rebelled now, all the American lives we would save by our potential sacrifice. All the Syrian lives we will save. All the potential lives of countries that end up going to World War III because of our governments actions. We, the people of America, could prevent it all right now.

But we are just too damn happy with our Candy Crush and Dollar Menus.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 12:15 PM
Why revolt, when the sheeple have I-pods and facebook? Life is gooooooooooood.

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