posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:08 AM
98% of middle class, so called middle class, working folks like me have had it. We look back upon the days when a good electrician, plumber, auto
mechanic, or carpenter was not only making a decent living for his family of four to eight, but was able to have a little left over after the bills
and cost of living to put aside, by himself, the only breadwinner of the family. This person paid attention and learned things not learned in school,
he worked long days and sometimes long nights afterword but there was money in the bank and he could put his kids in college and hope for an easier
life for them. This was my grandparents generation. The Great Depression generation. Folks got up and went to Church on Sunday mornings. If you are
religous or not at least folks were putting money in the plate of their own free will and this money was used to help the poor. There was no gun at
your head to give, folks did it because it was the right thing to do. And if after that a neighbor needed a hand then it was provided. Without a
government gun to your head to force your money away from you.
Periodic revolution, “at least once every 20 years,” was “a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.”
Now? We live in a socialist USA, a country I still love and will still fight for. But.....when some fool won't even accept opportunity when it it
right in front of them, but would rather accept government money because it's easier and doesn't involve the hard work of the so called middle class
like me to pay for it, then I say the country I love is lost. This is not my grandfathers America. This is an American run on the principle of "from
those that have, to those that need". And it is not even that innocent, worse than the Communist Manisfesto, we live in a USA that has become "From
those that have, to those that want but don't want to work for it"
And since this has now become roughly 49 to 50% of our nation it is a lost cause. The takers are very soon to out number the makers in a way that
will finally bankrupt us all.
If it is not too late we need to take the advice of the very wise Thomas Jefferson and overthrow this socialist unAmerican establishment before we
can no longer do so.
edit on 8/31/2013 by texas thinker because: (no reason given)