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Are Liberals Misanthropes? (Disturbing Essay, Episode #6)

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posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 12:23 PM
It's always been my opinion Liberalism has to resort to emotional play in order to keep its followers. The basic principles of it just don't attract followers and don't work in what I'll call the "real world"... places like Detroit, Chicago, California, etc. I believe for this same reason Liberalism attempts to have a monopoly on the media and in schools/universities. They have to resort to attempting to brainwash children with their beliefs and then repeating the same drivel on 99% of the news in order to keep their followers.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 06:50 PM

beezzerLiberals think conservatives are evil.
Conservatives just think liberals are wrong.

The conservatives are mistaken.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 07:45 PM
How cute. People actually believe the liberal/conservative divide is a real one, and that there is any real fundamental difference between either. Oh, do grow up.

Conservatives hate people too. Just different ones than liberals do. They also hate differently.

Conservatives hate women, gays, minorites, poor people, working people, struggling people, non-Christians except Jews, ect
Liberals hate men, whites, successful people, upper class, rich people, Christians, ect

Stretch the list on, and you will find a broad swath of hate from both sides directed at you for some reason beyond your control.

So really, your anti-liberal ranting is amusing, if not delusional. Conservatives gate freedom too.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Dear Skadi_the_Evil_Elf,

And I thought this thread had died a quiet death. Nice to have you pop in.

People actually believe the liberal/conservative divide is a real one, and that there is any real fundamental difference between either.
But, then you go on to say there is a difference in how they hate and who they hate. A little confusing, if not self-contradictory. I suppose I misunderstood your point.

Conservatives hate women, gays, minorites, poor people, working people, struggling people, non-Christians except Jews, ect
I don't suppose you're surprised to discover that I disagree with you. Besides, the point of the essay, and thus the OP, was that the policies enacted under the banner of Liberalism seem to decrease human freedom, and even human life. The examples provided in the essay support that position.

So really, your anti-liberal ranting is amusing, if not delusional. Conservatives gate freedom too.
Your argument, then, is that Liberals ARE misanthropes, but Conservatives are too?

Besides, I am not ranting. If I were, my language would be far more extreme and colorful. I am presenting an article which makes good points in support of its thesis, and am opening it up for discussion.

Just had a thought. If you believe that Liberals and Conservatives are both haters, I suppose you have to take the position that America is stocked to the gills with haters. I'd be uncomfortable having to defend that position.

With respect,

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Sir, you are one of my favorite posters on ATS, all respect given, but I have to disagree on this topic. I like to follow the money first when it comes to anything regarding politics and "philanthropy". Republicans believe all of the money should go to who works the hardest, Liberals believe it should be equally divided among everyone. Yes this is a general idea and I know that it goes much much deeper. From a simple standpoint though, you have a party who believes a few should have all, and another party who believes all should have a few.

Maybe all of us being equal in the sense that we all equally share, is considered "holding back humanity". But what would the Republican choose instead? That a few should have it all, and the rest should just have nothing? Honestly this sounds more like the Republican man trying to justify his guilt. On a side note, owning a Prius is not a guilt thing, its both an economical thing as well a being good to the earth thing. I for one am a Christian and do not worship the earth, so I have no guilt about how the earth is, but I believe if we all drove gas guzzling trucks around, the earth would be depleted and worse off than if we had been driving Prius around. Taking care of the earth is not a tree hugger or Liberal thing, it is common sense.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by honested3

Dear honested,

I had to give you a star for your post. I like getting in early on a good thing, and I expect you'll have a bright career here. Good post. I'm glad you're disagreeing.

I like to follow the money first when it comes to anything regarding politics and "philanthropy".
That's a good point and I wondered about it, so I took a quick look. A charitable study group looked at the percentage given in the states which voted for McCain, versus those which voted for Obama. I know that means it's old information, and one study isn't conclusive, but I found it interesting.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy's study released this week found the eight states with residents who gave the highest percentage of their income to charity in 2008 also voted that year for Republican presidential nominee John McCain. And the seven states in which residents donated the lowest percentage of their income that year voted for President Obama, based on 2008 IRS information.
The distribution of income (or wealth, they are different) is always a little touchy. I understand that Liberals look for a "fair" or equal distribution. I think the Conservative concern is how that goal is to be reached.

As an example, I would much rather give $50 to our local St. Vincent de Paul's food shelf, than have $50 taken from me for the food stamp program. I know some of the people who work at the food shelf, I understand their system and how the money is used. The staff draws no salary. When I'm short, they let me come in and take some food. The form you fill out is one page, and you can get food the same day.

There is no way to compare that with food stamps. The program is demeaning, wasteful, expensive, and anything else a government program is cursed as. Further, I have no choice. They take my tax money whether I can afford it or not. I don't know where the money is going. I have no sense that I have helped anybody. I think conservatives like to give money, but not to have it taken by Washington.

Whatever either party wants, the result will be that some will have a lot more than others. For Liberals, it is the "moral" businessman, or the "Bread and Circuses" entertainment industry. I think that because no one is upset at the multi-millions made by Al Gore for talking, the "Green" industry for taking subsidies, or the singers for, well, singing.

The Koch Brothers, on the other hand . . . Or the guy that runs Chick-fil-A, or Walmart, they should be condemned.

I don't want all of the money to go to those that work the hardest, but if everyone gets a roughly equal amount, how do we reward those who do take chances and sweat out 60-80 hour weeks?

Honestly this sounds more like the Republican man trying to justify his guilt.
Maybe you're right. I don't know, but it's certainly possible.

On a side note, owning a Prius is not a guilt thing, its both an economical thing as well a being good to the earth thing.
I think you probably right there. I have no way of knowing about guilt, it may be a factor or not. But the economical side confuses me a little. If Conservatives love money, and the Prius can be shown to save them money, you'd think they'd be all over it. I don't have the numbers, but I suspect they're not swarming the show rooms.

And I absolutely agree that taking care of the earth is important and must be a factor. I think the difference between the two groups is the question of how large a factor it should be. Balancing that one is difficult, but I keep hearing stories about the EPA going overboard. Maybe the balance has to be readdressed.

Great post. Thoughtful, serious, and important. Good work.

With respect,

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by charles1952

That's the gist of the argument, yes. That there is little fundamental difference between the two. They both hate something, and both rob the freedom and dignity from the American public.

Liberals might attack your freedom by higher taxation, ridiculous levels of bureaucracy, over regulation, gun control, and cultural fascism.

Conservatives tend to prefer to stick their noses in people's living room and bedrooms, want to deny people the right to do with their bodies as they please, support throwing people in jail for petty and victimless crimes, and establish moral tyranny of the society.

Conservatives hate people too. The reason they want everything deregulated to the extreme is so they can run amok and roughshod over everyone in their journey towards "success". An every man for himself mentality in the economic arena. They do not care if people live or die so long as the money is rolling. Yet despite their general contempt for anyone not rich or fully "independent", and disdain for anyone not male or Christian, they have an invasive interest about your own personal beliefs and lifestyle. In otherwords, it is more important to them whether or not they morally approve of your choice in entertainment, than it is if you freeze to death this winter from losing your job and having to sleep on the streets.

Another way conservatives show their hatred for people is their death paradox. In otherwords, while they are rabidly against, abortion, while also rallying against state social welfare that will be required to keep these "beautiful wittle babies" from being born in dumpsters or cardboard boxes. And these kids will grow up into the low life criminal trash that they will throw in prison and sometimes, even, execute later via death penalty. So it's like, conservatives want people to be forced to suffer through the whole process from unwanted or unhealthy birth to incarceration for life. Like some sort of sadism. So they have an entire underclass to blame for all their problems, while denying the unwashed masses access to the means of avoiding such a fate for future generations.

It is just as easy to pin misanthropy on the right as it is on the left.

For the record, I am pro-choice, pro-gun, and pro-death penalty. Pro-choice is not limited to just the abortion issue, it also is my stance in issues such as legalizing drugs, prostitution, assisted suicide, gay marriage, and gambling.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by charles1952

Thanks for the reply, I don't keep up much with the political game to really carry on a formal debate on the topic, but I think you and I are looking for the same thing; Some kind of medium between everybody being taken care of, as well as rewarding those who want to put in the extra mile.

Judging from your previous posts of which I am always excited to read, it sounds like you would agree that the biggest problem with "utopia" is the human element. There is always going to be someone who doesn't want to be considered equal, and doesn't want to work harder, but someone who would rather take from many to fulfill his own desires, sadly these people we refer to as "congress".
Great thread, it took a lot of bravery!

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 04:01 PM
A lot of people have refuted this stupid essay already (and in a better manner than I ever could), so there's no point in me doing that.

I don't think liberals care too little about humans, I think it's the exact opposite-that they care too much.

Conservatives are in the same boat, but they go about it in a different way.
edit on 1-10-2013 by technical difficulties because: (no reason given)

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