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Law of Attraction and Living in The "Now". It's all connected. It's all about "Focus". Everyth

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posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 01:14 PM
Consciousness is a magnet. It pulls experience to itself. You can experience whatever you want by shifting Focus.

It is all about focus.

If you do not like the war, violence, hatred, and angry; then you do not have to focus on those events. You do not have to focus (watch or read about) The News. If it is happening all around you, you can still choose not to focus on it. You can choose to focus on inner silence while it happens (what most people call "being in the now"). Or, you can speak and take action in the opposite direction in order to bring more focus to harmony and peace than hatred and violence. Instead of fighting against hatred, war, and violence; you can speak up and take action to bring peace and ease to others.

We are magnets and Focus is our magnetic energy. Whatever you focus on is what your world will be full of. The things that you focus on is what you are bringing into your world. Things that are considered to be "realistic" are closer/easier to bring in. Keep in mind that Focus is not only thought, but It is also word and action. If you are thinking about "love and peace" but you speak with anger and control, and your action is with aggression and violence; then the majority of your focus is on aggressiveness and that is what you will bring more of to yourself instead of the love and peace you wanted.

Everything is a magnet. Everything is pulling in what it prefers. It is an automatic and natural process and nothing has to be done. You can just "be", but the more you focus on "want", the more thoughts of "want" will come to you and the more "want" you will feel. The more you focus on appreciation - the more your focus will be filled of things to appreciate.

This can be considered as "shifting" realities or "shifting" consciousness from "lack" to "presence"...


Affirmations are a great to for focus. It is most powerful when it's about things that are already there. Instead of repeating one sentence over and over again, you can think or speak about the essence of the thing that you want that is already in your life.

So if you want to be more appreciative, here is an Affirmation of Appreciation:

"...I am thankful for the life that I have. I appreciate waking up and hearing the sound of the birds chirping and seeing the beautiful light from the sun shining. I love waking up in the morning and making a delicious breakfast. I love feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. I love feeling excited as the day unfolds. I love coming no to Above Top Secret and seeing all of the interesting perspectives of all of the people here. I love I love all of the different and unique point of views that people have. I love Earth. I love walking outside and seeing the green grass and the green leaves of the trees shining from the sunlight. I love refreshing air. I love how my body gets its exercise just by me walking throughout the day. I love my family and friends and all of the people that I interact with that keeps life interesting. I love how life is always unfolding and always changing because I love how the change, growth, and difference in life always keeps things interesting. I love all of these things and so much more..."

It doesn't matter if you repeat the same affirmation of appreciation, excitement, relaxation, or whatever, everyday. The point is to focus and think these things (or speak about it) and the more you do, the more focus and momentum will be added to feeling this state of being.

edit on 29-8-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Though our wordings, understandings, and conceptualizations may vary, due to relative-subjectivity, I would say we are looking at the same truth my brother/sister. I agree with more words in the op than I disagree with or would re-word.

What you have articulated in the op sounds very cheesy, naive, unrealistic, and like wishful thinking,.... to those who have not sought inner understanding. So many ridicule, reject, and ignore such teachings.

However, each and every single one of us are intimately connected to one another, in the past, present, and future. If all of us would simply see Self in others, the majority of civilization's sufferings would cease. Every bit of suffering or happiness that we put into the world and share with others, is actually an act directly to our own self. We can not be free until others are free. We can not be loved until others are loved. We must cultivate within, and see Self / the divine / God in others.

When more of us reach these understandings, then attracting Paradise on Earth would be easier than moving a pebble.


May Peace be with you.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 02:32 PM
So if we all turn into ostriches and stick our vane minds in the sand, world war 3, that the elite want, cannot possibly happen.

Awesome. Oh man ATS gets crazier everyday.

You know last year, i posted a thread about demons being summoned to this world via the UK Olympics' ceremony.

Almost all replies were from ostriches. Therefore, with the world full of ostriches, the chaos in the world since last August shouldn't have even happened.

TPTB are in complete control now and nothing is going to stop them changing this world for the worse of mankind.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Focusing on the good
will bring more good to fruition
like thoughts turned into reality
from deep thought out manifestations

to look @ all that's good
WILL encourage more PEACE
concentration/focus on positive outcomes
brings forth what can be

looking around @ the doom
can pull a spirit down
but focus on what coexist in positive
revives the soul remembering the now

And if more focus is put on good
then eventually the gloom fades
resonate positive vibrations throughout
brings forth better ways...

nice share

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Rapha

You know last year, i posted a thread about demons being summoned to this world via the UK Olympics' ceremony.


TPTB are in complete control now and nothing is going to stop them changing this world for the worse of mankind.

Is that really a belief you want to hold in your consciousness.. The "vibration" experienced from such thoughts can't be that enjoyable right?

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by 01001001
'TPTB are in complete control now and nothing is going to stop them changing this world for the worse of mankind.'

Is that really a belief you want to hold in your consciousness.. The "vibration" experienced from such thoughts can't be that enjoyable right?

No need. The satanists and luciferians have this belief that they are in control. As they control all central banks, they can easily make their NWO come into being.

As for me; no i am really overjoyed right now and know that something really amazing is going to happen to spiritual people before the end of this year.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:58 PM
Well you just confused me good sir.

How can you say "the NWO is in complete control and nothing is going to stop them."

Then you say

"the Satanist and luciferians have the belief that they are in total control..

It sounds like that is a belief you hold as well? You must believe it to some extent, unless you are just having a little fun at "others" expense.

So are you a Satanist?

Sorry if I misunderstood your words.

They just appear to be in conflict from my perspective.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Rapha

Originally posted by Rapha
So if we all turn into ostriches and stick our vane minds in the sand, world war 3, that the elite want, cannot possibly happen.

If the world were putting it's focus on "peace" there wouldn't be a "world war" because there would be no soldiers to fight in it.

reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
And if more focus is put on good
then eventually the gloom fades
resonate positive vibrations throughout
brings forth better ways...

Yes. It's impossible to fight against violence because fighting is violence. It must be solved through other means. There are no wars without soldiers to fight them.

edit on 29-8-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by 01001001

Well you just confused me good sir.

How can you say "the NWO is in complete control and nothing is going to stop them."

"the Satanist and luciferians have the belief that they are in total control

In terms of people being able to stop the satanists from completing Albert Pike's vision of world war 3 between Islam and Christianity, there is no chance of peace until the bloodbath is over.

In terms of satanists being in control of this world after the 7 year tribulation and Judgement Day, there is no chance of that either. This is why they have no control when against YHWH.

Not a satanist. They are simply obeying orders from a errand boy Satan, who is programmed to tempt every sinner and fool into hell. And he has the ignorance to call himself a rebel. hahahahah What a laugh.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 04:31 PM
No "God's" judgment matters.

The only judgment that matter's is your own.

Even if a "God" tried to control everyone and force a judgment on everyone, they would still feel no shame after being judged, they would only feel like they were "wronged".

So, there is no God. There are only entities seeking to control all. Of course, you are free to believe that there is if you wish. It is all a matter of perspective.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 04:44 PM
i would hold this as true, but not necessarily universally, always. in a paradigm of ordered chaos, things can be flipped...sometimes true, sometimes false.

as usual, such abstraction is merely skirted around by word symbols, while the actual manifestation of processes is much more organic and complex. one must take into account infinite possibility while simultaneous maintaining clear focus. to do this requires the skill of multiplicity of mind, being able to distinguish and compartmentalize mental projections from fundamental reality

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Rapha
They are simply obeying orders from a errand boy Satan, who is programmed to tempt every sinner and fool into hell. And he has the ignorance to call himself a rebel. hahahahah What a laugh.

And from whom does Satan take orders from? Interesting word choice.. programmed

Isn't the catalyst provided from Satan needed so that "God" can deem some worthy of Heaven and some deserving of Hell?

Sorry for derailing a beautiful post with (for lack of a better word) junk.
edit on 29-8-2013 by 01001001 because: straying to far off topic, sorry OP.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by 01001001

Did you read my thread "Lucifer is not the true darkness"? In that thread I explain how Lucifer is really a double agent. He is not true darkness. He is with the Annunaki (Elohim).

There is also confusion that "Annunaki" are fallen angels. This is not true. Igigi that rebelled against the annunaki are the "fallen" angels. That is why in the bible AND in ancient Sumerian they are both called "The watchers" (that is what "igigi" means).

So this is how the Lucifer "double agent" thing worked so well. Annunaki/Elohim had a "good" and "bad" side all along to work from both ends.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 07:51 PM
NWO aside we have been talking about the demonic takeover of the world, probably since the year of our Lord 666.

There has always been a rather long winded explanation for why it had to be that "day", but so far.

In so far as a more recent implication, in Columbia on 6/6/1996.

Women that were due in respect to a pregnant that day, begged there doctors for abortions.

Some women preformed the abortions themselves in fear they would be the mother of the Anti-Christ.

I mean honestly there probably are really bad guys out there. But when we start killing babies because of that, one needs to question if that really was the intent of the evil one.

The present is infinite, we could very easily be interconnected with everything that exist. By relating to the moment and considering every potential.

Any thoughts?

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Kashai

Fear is powerful. It can get people to do things that they would not normally do if they felt safe. Can fear be used for manipulation by those who have harmful intentions for others? Definitely, but with the power of Focus and Perspective we can see things in a different way in order to calm ourselves down and to not be overtaken by fear and tempted to quickly act.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by arpgme

The consciousness is the watcher of the mind, we usually chase and react to the mind with our consciousness instead of directing it.

It is a nice sentiment to use a well directed mind for the greater good, this is the path of a Bodhisattva. Using the consciousness to direct the mind to revel in all things you find pleasing, is a misuse of one pointedness or samadhi. Samadhi should be used to untangle the bonds that tie you to the wheel of suffering, not used to strengthen them by directing it on only ease. When you do this you are not in the moment, but instead robbing the moment.

Misusing samadhi in this way is an extreme, where is the balance? Where is the middle ground? Focus on only the good and pleasing and the mind will build a strong adversion and hate in regard to anything else. In wanting to focus on only the good and pleasing, there is no equanimity, no tolerance, no understanding, there will be no peace, no love, no compassion, no wisdom. Likewise only focusing on the negative of this world is also an extreme bringing the same thing... no equanimity, no tolerance, no understanding, there will be no peace, no love, no compassion, no wisdom.

The only way to grow is equanimity/balance/the middle. Manipulating the moment is not being in it, the desire to modify or change the moment is rooted in greed, hate, and ignorance. Trying to attract something instead of experience what is there has a root in greed, focusing on extremes of experience (good, bad) is a duality rooted in hate, the whole process is one of ignorance, that leads one deeper into the world of suffering and rebuilding the prison that the path is supposed to dismantle.

When in the world of phenomena as it arises and passes, the only anchor to the middle is your consciousness... using the consciousness to attach to good or bad is just chasing the wild mind around. The only thing that is attracted with this practice is more suffering. Sure you may have a moment of ease some place to call and oasis when overwhelmed, but it will be impermanent and the reason this world is one of suffering is because of that impermanence, if you attach to something no matter what it is it will slip away, the more you grasp trying to keep it the more desperate and deluded one becomes. Appreciate what is there what arises and what passes, no matter if you think it good or bad, because you can learn form it... good adds a curve, bad adds a curve, right understanding of equanimity makes the path straight.

I am not trying to upset, hurt or undermind the op... just make clear what fruit is present if you choose to pick from the tree of knowledge presented here.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

Yes, I agree with your response completely. Focusing on "lack" and "want" will bring more of it, appreciating what is here will bring continuous peace.

However, if people are seeking more, then that is their experience to have. If they want to experience hatred, then that is their choice. One is not better than the other it is just different. A person in an airplane is not better than a person who is walking - it is just a different perspective. One only becomes "better" depending on your perspective and goal/intention, but in reality, one is not better than the other it is just different experiences.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 09:16 PM
Don't forget the law of intention.

Your intentions will ultimately guide your wishes and desires. Want a million bucks? Great! Me too. What are you going to do with it once you get it? How are you going to get it? Why do you want it?

FOCUS on those things, and your million will soon follow.

Goals without actions are just wishes, and as my father so eloquently put it, "Wish in one hand, s#^t in the other and see which is filled first."

Get your butt in gear once you decide your goal, and your "magnetism" will be supercharged.

It's not hard, just takes commitment. That's a lot to ask from people.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by RicketyCricket

Get your butt in gear once you decide your goal, and your "magnetism" will be supercharged.

Can we use real magnets to help get our butts in gear? Actually I'm a big fan of the LOA and use it to
my benefit in social situations....wink wink.
edit on 30-8-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 04:53 AM
Listen to bashar for more than 20 hours ..and you understand perfectly how the law of attraction works...

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