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Let the greys do thier job!!

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posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by pellian

It does sound more like a meditation type state, maybe some light lucid dreaming and sensory deprivation mixed in. I do consider it a high probability that there has been some greater galactic influence with the progression of life on Earth. As for how much and what repercussions is a very deep and complex ongoing debate.

As for the power of dreams, there have been some really good and strong ones at just the right time to help me rise to a challenge with confidence and motivation. If these insights you have had help you find some peace with some of the greater complexities going on, that is good. What type of affect does a soul tune up have and how do you perceive these upper worlds?

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by pellian

These beings are explained in The Law of One, by Ra.

The Grays are a part of the Orion group. Don't be deceived. They make you think they are good, doing good for you, but they are here to enslave you.

Read the information here! Everyone who thinks they have seen these beings needs to be armed with this information!

The Orion group discussion begins on page 110 of Book I, Session 8

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Ahh, and here's Dru's special glossary term du jour. Talk about coming on a website with the notion of having superpowers

She is a Force majeure! and Femme fatale too! oh how I love French words! it brings me a certain Joie de vivre!
But I would say you are projecting because how would you know what feelings another person has or why they post certain things? Psychological projection

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 09:13 PM
All I am going to write is that there is a ton of which we don;t understand and that there are interests which may have written the law of one to confuse.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by ConstantConfusion3

Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong

Why is pointing out known psychological conditions that seem to fit what someone is experiencing wrong? If people are really searching for the truth, they should be a little more introspective. Don't you think?

Personally, I question my own mental health constantly.

What if the OP is experiencing symptoms of something mental health related? Who would be wrong, Drusilla for pointing it out or the people telling them they are really seeing aliens?

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by pellian

If the greys or any other race came to do "soul tune-ups" why is this race still so degenerate,filled with hatred,selfishness,rape,murder,greed,violence,envy,malice-i don't have time for a full list of our deficiencies,soul+heart+mindwise-no no no OP-if they were abducting everyone at least once a month for a soul tune-up,we would be living in heaven-right here on Earth-give me the tech to "tune-up" the souls of this race-and "NEVER do unto/say unto others anything you don't want said/done to yourself" that is basically all that is needed-and were such tune-ups happening-a peaceful decent caring world would be the very evident result.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by pellian

I was hoping they were here to make the human pigAPEsnake breed to a manageable level of 300 million World Wide.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 12:11 AM
Greys are not one faction. No ET is one faction. Human Ets are not one faction. They are not only full spectrum in this duality, but on different stories of the multiverse, higher lighter frequency means lightness of heart, guilt free, while gravity and density increases with guilt.

Greys can be biological, but the ones thought of as greys are bots, can be worn as suits, ie, therefore soul bots, some are very much doing the work you have suggested in the OP and then some, but on the other hand there are far less positive ones.

Being able to have free will to be safe and not harmed in any way is basic common decency. But to have good relations with others we need to work on having good relations with those sent in our lives, and its all a test. So it can be an interactive test based on trying to overcoming negative aspects of ourselves and grow up, be kind to others, respect this world and eco system and all life on it. This impacts experiences with ufology.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 01:08 AM
There is a lot of anger and hate directed toward me because I pointed out a truth that nobody wanted to hear that all beings are doing the job they are supposed to do except humans.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by pellian

Only the higher up ones, the zetas/pinkies are part of the old empire, there are some real dark hats in the group you're talking about too. Overall, they're universal maintenance workers however.

A very aggressive opinionated group speaks out on all these topics, and you have to totally ignore them. It's why you rarely get good info on this sight, or out of the box conversations. Also, the ones they bring forwards are the most conservative look at ufology. But that information is compromised, and its not the truth. Its mind boggling the way it really is, not some little thing you can figure out and put in a box.
edit on 30-8-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 12:10 PM
perhaps those that have been abducted needed some heavy tune ups. After all the anal probes were fixing the root chakras. All sorts of of reasons why.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 02:24 PM
Druscilla is just in the medical field and that is how they are, she did not mean anything by it. I will just say this, if you are seeing big eyed bald anything in your room at night it is not a good thing. Come on, seriously, if it was anything with good intentions it, they, would not invade the safety and privacy of your bedroom at night. Common sense no brainer. And that is not meant in a bad way.

Druscilla is onto something in that sense. You should seek out help to sort it out. The mind is an incredibly powerful force that will protect you at all cost. This often means it is trying to alleviate some stresser in your life.

Something is happening in your life and your mind is trying to help you cope with it. Seek the help and strength and loved ones, only people you trust, maybe a pastor, something is happening and it is not benevolent aliens. If it is ETs, nothing good about them, think about it.

Much love, and I am around anytime you need to talk.....

The Bot

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 08:55 PM
i have just check into the funny farm thanks godzilla!

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by pellian

Is it normal to go on websites and claim that you have special powers to see aliens when you close your eyes?

Only the higher up ones, the zetas/pinkies are part of the old empire, there are some real dark hats in the group you're talking about too. Overall, they're universal maintenance workers however.

A very aggressive opinionated group speaks out on all these topics, and you have to totally ignore them.

I guess you really have to ask yourself which path is better for yourself. Maybe you posted this information here because you knew the answer already. The "aggressive opinionated group" doesn't exist except in someone's mind which is their unconscious projection onto people that disagree with them. If your next post is about how you are better and don't see aliens anymore and how they aren't real, you will be considered evil. I wish you well.

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by pellian

Except its not a truth its merely an opinion

How can there be "misinformation" about something of which there is absolutely no proof? Just stories hearsay and imagination? I dislike the way people insist that they alone know the "truth" about something and have zero proof.

If after all these years of these alleged sightings there is still no evidence they even exist, then I doubt they actually do

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by pellian
perhaps those that have been abducted needed some heavy tune ups. After all the anal probes were fixing the root chakras. All sorts of of reasons why.

how dare you insinuate that some people are somehow deserving of these horrific 'tune-ups by these beings

let me ask you, what kind of 'tune ups' do five year old children need? sorry, i but work with experiencers everyday, please explain why their children need to be taken from then and made bloody, why their animals have to be mutilated and killed(or worse sometimes), why their lives have be basically a living hell? you honestly believe the tired old concept that those who have 'bad' abductions are 'bad' people somehow?

but i forgive you, because i know you have not researched this much and so, i urge you to do so. forming an opinion based on your own perceived experience is rather short-sighted; i would think you would want to get as much information as possible to be able to make a good clear judgment on the matter. i am also guessing you have never looked up the term 'screen imagery'? that's okay, go ahead and google it. karla turner, a brilliant researcher, coined this term years ago, and it is generally accepted in the true abductee community as being fact, which is great, since at this point in time, we have little true facts, so we have to hold onto tho those and always be aware of them before coming to any conclusions

one of the very few facts that open eyed and aware experiencers agree on is that they are not here for our best interests in any way. i do realize that it is much easier to think that this is all a 'good thing'; this is human nature, always looking for that bright side
and i really wish i could, after years of necessary research tell you at least that 'oh some are good, and some are bad' a nice little simple statement to help us all sleep at night..but i can't do that anymore, pellan. when i first started to research this phenomena, i did not have a real opinion(was too upset with the concept itself)but, i was hoping, sure, that they 'can't be all bad'..

unfortunately, i have discovered that not only is that not true, but that a very large number of 'good' abductions and encounters are little 'stories' placed there in the experiencer's mind..therefore, even our own perceptions may be tampereid with..and this is just one disturbing fact, don't forget those kiddos and horses..too many things, pellan, for me personally to not look further into the matter and hopefully find the real truth

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 04:57 PM
I love dropping in on you lot.. it's a blast

specially if i am down... Roar ffs this ###@
is so funny

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by julia53

how do you know they are not here for your best interests? You can't see them. Its just like saying that the dentists is in your best interest because he takes out this drill and goes whirr on your teeth which is very uncomfortable. isn't there much similarity between the greys and doctors? maybe greys anatomy is really about these beings!

what you think and believe experience may not be the true reality and even what you think is best for you may not be. is it possible that when greys come out of the woodwork you are asking for it aka calling up a dentist?

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by pellian

I would like to hear this 'more' that you know.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by pellian
reply to post by julia53

how do you know they are not here for your best interests? You can't see them. Its just like saying that the dentists is in your best interest because he takes out this drill and goes whirr on your teeth which is very uncomfortable. isn't there much similarity between the greys and doctors? maybe greys anatomy is really about these beings!

what you think and believe experience may not be the true reality and even what you think is best for you may not be. is it possible that when greys come out of the woodwork you are asking for it aka calling up a dentist?

i am almost too appalled to reply; but as i spent some time getting together some videos and threads for those who would like to really 'know more' i will buckle up and try to reply in a civil fashion

who exactly are you talking about that 'doesn't see them'? if you mean yourself, well, okay consider yourself lucky then..i hate to break this to you, but many many abductees not only see their captors but have much interaction with them, unfortunately. your conception that this is like going to the dentist is almost too ludicrous to comment on, but i will comment. do you have any idea of just how much damage some of these experiments do? do you know how many have had cancers from these excessive radiation treatments?

and-how do we know that this is reality..well, gee pellan, i thought you said these guys were so now let me ask you, would a brilliant race, in wanting to possibly deceive another race and using this imagery, what would they do, put things in your ears and neck or show you a lovely little wonderful place..your comment makes no real logical sense. not to mention of course, that we have physical proof again and again on our bodies when we awaken that ties directly in with the memories we can now pull up based on our ability to understand that these screens exist.

and to address your last concept that somehow we 'call them up' is so appalling, i can hardly you honestly believe that people call for pain, agony, death of loved ones..i'm sorry, i am getting a bit overwhelmed here, just trying to be nice and make you see how so many suffer..i cannot understand why you will not take that into account before finalizing any is hurtful to those who know the real truth that people like you will actually 'blame' the abductees for their unwanted attention..

well, i can't at this time say too much more..below are some links, read and watch them if you want, they are all true..and there is so much more out there pellan..please for all our sake's, listen to other experiencers, find out what is really going on before you say such terrible things about us


dr. karla turner at mufon

night skies

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