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Existence of New Element Confirmed 115

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posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:44 PM
Bob Lazar FTW! Yes!

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by GargIndia
reply to post by charlyv

Mr Lazar likely knew about element 115 not due to UFO, but due to scientific experiments that he was privy to.
So the element must have been named before he published his story. It is really very simple.

They keep on making misleading statements. Many scientific discoveries are published decades after they are made, due mostly to military considerations.

I do not think element 115 is what Lazar made it out to be.

I more or less tend to agree. Scientists for a long time have said that there needed to be an element at that atomic number, but it was speculation based upon absence, other than content. Even then though, they pretty much knew that whatever it was, it would have a half life that would be minuscule, and they were of course, correct. I am not 100% on Lazar's insight , however, he could have picked many other holes in the periodic table, but he did hit that one pretty much on the money, as far as existence. His explainations and claims have always been far out, but they have intrigued me, as well as many others.
edit on 29-8-2013 by charlyv because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by oblvion
reply to post by Xeven

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!

element 115 is, and has, already been named elirium-115.

It was never more than theoretical though, this is most interesting indeed, I am curious if it has the same attributes that are theorized. Anti gravity being only one, not of course to mention its predicted power generation capabilities, it was supposed to be somthing along the lines of 1 amp in 1000 amps out, simply outlandish really if you think about it.

Time will tell.

Are you sure that's element 115, it sounds more like gullibullium to me.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by KILLERCODE
Bob Lazar said it was a stable this stable?
edit on 20/08/2013 by KILLERCODE because: (no reason given)

IIRC he said it was stable, in a form not found on Earth...

So this may or may not be the same thing...
edit on 29-8-2013 by peacefulpete because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by winofiend
as far as I know it's not stable. And I'm also confused. 2004 to 2013?

Unless it was not verified in 2004.

this is where science throws me off the bus and says I'm walking the rest of the way to the library...

I'm also confused because I thought scientists had element 115 already for at least a couple / few years...

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:51 AM
I've always considered Bob Lazar to be revealing some truth and giving disinformation at the same time, like: Yeah we have saucers (true) and here is how they work, element 115 (crap).
I have a feeling that this is the case. Why would element 115 behave differently from all the other heavy elements?
It was detected by photons given off from its immediate decay. Doesn't sound stable to me.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 06:14 AM
Who can forget the early Bob Lazar revelations followed by the systematic destruction of his credibility.

I think the first time I ever heard about area 51 was an interview with Lazar on Arthur C Clarke's mysterious world in the 80's.

As others have stated Lazar could well be both a crank and a scientist- the two are not mutually exclusive.

I'll file this one in the Zecharia Sitchen- "Gold in the Atmosphere" file where fact meets fiction - and the lines of creative thinking blur into reality.

edit on 29-8-2013 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by peacefulpete

Originally posted by KILLERCODE
Bob Lazar said it was a stable this stable?
edit on 20/08/2013 by KILLERCODE because: (no reason given)

IIRC he said it was stable, in a form not found on Earth...

So this may or may not be the same thing...
edit on 29-8-2013 by peacefulpete because: (no reason given)

That means he knew that the element was unstable as synthesized on earth. How could he know that if it was not tried?

Anyway his theory about element 115 is speculation. The theory must have been formulated by some terrestrial scientist. People have been trying to convert matter into pure energy in a fantasy to propel a ship at near light velocity.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Dr X
I've always considered Bob Lazar to be revealing some truth and giving disinformation at the same time, like: Yeah we have saucers (true) and here is how they work, element 115 (crap).
I have a feeling that this is the case. Why would element 115 behave differently from all the other heavy elements?
It was detected by photons given off from its immediate decay. Doesn't sound stable to me.

You're right it's not stable but bob lazar said that there is stable form of it but it's not found on earth.What's so different about element 115 according to Lazar is that because it's heavy in a stable form it's strong nuclear force that hold's it together expand's outside the nucleus of the atom so we can tap into it and amplify it to cause gravity distortion.If true it would apply to any element bigger that 115 if it were stable.The only thing is...heavy element's are not stable for long periods of time....milliseconds at most.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 12:12 PM
Thanks for the post

My suggestion would be "Jumbonium"

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Xeven

Think you'll find it was Edward Richtofen,and dr maxis that found it.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by GargIndia

Originally posted by peacefulpete

Originally posted by KILLERCODE
Bob Lazar said it was a stable this stable?
edit on 20/08/2013 by KILLERCODE because: (no reason given)

IIRC he said it was stable, in a form not found on Earth...

So this may or may not be the same thing...
edit on 29-8-2013 by peacefulpete because: (no reason given)

That means he knew that the element was unstable as synthesized on earth. How could he know that if it was not tried?

Anyway his theory about element 115 is speculation. The theory must have been formulated by some terrestrial scientist. People have been trying to convert matter into pure energy in a fantasy to propel a ship at near light velocity.

The ufo didn't work my converting matter into pure energy.It worked by amplifying the strong nuclear force to distort gravity now not anti gravity but actually bend it like stars and planets do but much stronger.It fired a proton at element 115 to bump it up to element 116 which decay's very quickly and form's anti matter witch comes into contact with a target gas which in turn make a full matter to energy conversion which is transformed into electrical energy to power the ship and the amplifyers.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Xeven

Hm, isn't "element 115" allegedly the stuff that the J-rods power the Looking Glass tech?

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Xeven
Amazing stuff. Didn't John Titor predict this element or was it that area 51 guy... ?

Good ol' John Titor. Haven't heard that name in a while. Should look at some threads on him, gotta be on here.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by MDDoxs
Thanks for the post

My suggestion would be "Jumbonium"

Nah, "Metallicanium"

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 07:07 PM
Here´s an older thread on the subject matter for those interested in digging into the history.

Now, reagrding Robert Lazar and his claims, if we assume that we have the "framework" or paradigm established then by all means his claims are impossible to buy into. If we on the other hand assumes that what history teaches us is that most things we today see as absolute truths or physical laws are either wrong or taken too far out of context, than Lazars claims might hold water some 200 years down the road.

Personally i think mankind has a bad habit of jumping to conclusions too fast. My gut tells me that we still have things to learn regarding Lazars story. From a scientific POV its hard for most members to comment on anything regarding element 115 unless one has a relevant degree...and yet many members do.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by KILLERCODE

Originally posted by Dr X
I've always considered Bob Lazar to be revealing some truth and giving disinformation at the same time, like: Yeah we have saucers (true) and here is how they work, element 115 (crap).
I have a feeling that this is the case. Why would element 115 behave differently from all the other heavy elements?
It was detected by photons given off from its immediate decay. Doesn't sound stable to me.

You're right it's not stable but bob lazar said that there is stable form of it but it's not found on earth.What's so different about element 115 according to Lazar is that because it's heavy in a stable form it's strong nuclear force that hold's it together expand's outside the nucleus of the atom so we can tap into it and amplify it to cause gravity distortion.If true it would apply to any element bigger that 115 if it were stable.The only thing is...heavy element's are not stable for long periods of time....milliseconds at most.

You must understand that heavy elements found on earth's surface (within crust) have been brought here by asteroids. Asteroids are fragments of planets (and even stars) that sometimes come from outside the solar system.

So earth gets almost all elements that exist out there.

There may be elements much heavier than even element 115 in the cores of star that exist under tremendous pressure and temperature. But such elements decay to lighter elements under normal conditions.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by tomra
Here´s an older thread on the subject matter for those interested in digging into the history.

Now, reagrding Robert Lazar and his claims, if we assume that we have the "framework" or paradigm established then by all means his claims are impossible to buy into. If we on the other hand assumes that what history teaches us is that most things we today see as absolute truths or physical laws are either wrong or taken too far out of context, than Lazars claims might hold water some 200 years down the road.

Personally i think mankind has a bad habit of jumping to conclusions too fast. My gut tells me that we still have things to learn regarding Lazars story. From a scientific POV its hard for most members to comment on anything regarding element 115 unless one has a relevant degree...and yet many members do.

Did Mr Lazar stand to scientific scrutiny?

It is funny you ask others while excusing Mr Lazar.

So anybody can make tall claims. Taller the claim, more believable it is.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by theconspirator
That stuff turns people into zombies.

I say bring it on! I'm sick of my worst fears being of my own government.

On another note, this kind of boosts the credibility of Bob Lazar. I was leaning toward him being a government disinfo agent to keep the UFO stories alive in order to cover up highly classified stuff going on at Area 51.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by coolcatt
reply to post by Xeven

Think you'll find it was Edward Richtofen,and dr maxis that found it.

Lol. That's a nice one

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