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Prediction about nuclear accident?

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posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 04:02 AM
Oh boy! I can see fbi, nsa ir whatever 3 letters organisation looking for my ass, but remember it was a dream. It begins with me standing inside a room with an open wooden door showing a desertic scenario. Outside, two anthropomorphic figures that looked hurt somehow burnt, one of them lightly taller said to me something about a date with the number 24 (november or december can´t remember) then he gave to me a decorated red box. The other figure said: "Some demons are like explosions" then shut the door. A huge explosion was heard and i pushed the box against the door to prevent it to open. After the explosion i opened the red box revealing a transparent liquid substance. Several hours later i googled the exact phrase "some demons are like explosions" being the first search result the wikipedia page about the DEMON CORE.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 03:45 PM
Wow, that's pretty insane. Just throwing this out there and granted it's a bit loose, but since one of the demon core accidents was in 1945 perhaps the 24 is 45 backwards and your dream state tapped into some echo from the past.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 01:31 PM
That's make sense in the overall insanity of the dream. Just hope nothing happens. Nice signature by the way.

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