posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 09:34 PM
Originally posted by ipsedixit
Canada's Atlantic Provinces have terrible fog in places. I grew up near Saint John, New Brunswick, on the Bay of Fundy and that area is very often
completely "socked in". It has to be one of the foggiest areas on earth, in addition to having the world's highest tides.
I can remember summers, when I was a kid, when we hardly saw the sun at all. It's depressing.
I can remember driving with my father and having to check beside the car to see where the white line was on the road as the only way to tell if we
were going in the right direction. I am not kidding about this. That kind of thing is rare, but the predominantly overcast and foggy style of weather
in that area is the norm, or was, when I was a kid.
Nice post from the OP. The East Coast of Canada is a very interesting place that you don't hear too much about.
edit on 25-8-2013 by ipsedixit
because: (no reason given)
I agree it is a fascinating landscape, as you come in to St. John, and that is where I have seen the most fog. Sometimes as good as what is shown in
the OP's picture. The route has changed now, as over the years RT2 was moved back inland and made into a widely divided highway, but I really miss
the run nearer to the coast through St. Andrews. Progress and safety over beauty I guess. They did do a remarkable job of fixing those roads.
Depending upon how old you are, you may remember what the Airline route was like coming back into the US via Calais. On the way to Bangor, ME on RT
9.... some of the largest climbs and steepest falls on any road I had ever been on. They even had side roads on the downsides, that could be used by
a logging truck, if it ever lost it's brakes coming down the road. The truck could pull onto that gravel road and then climb up enough on the next
hill to avoid a serious accident. There was fog in the Airline route as well, although not as frequent, making it an even scarier trip if you
happened to catch it just right. All of that is changed now as well, as they carved much more level roads directly into the mountains. A phenomenal
achievement that took about 30 years to accomplish.
Love this part of our 2 countries!
Damn, I am going to edit this again, because I left out something that everyone just has to do if you ever take the trip to PEI from Boston. You will
hit the major town of Moncton before continuing on to Shediac, and then the 7 mile bridge over to PEI..... Stop at Magnetic Hill. It will blow your
freekin mind. This is an illusion of illusions, as you park your car on the bottom of a hill, put it in neutral, and the car climbs up the hill on no
power. Sure, the landscape is an illusion, but the effect is as real as it gets. Very hard to figure out why this is what it is, but you can spend
the time to try to figure it out for days on end. Have Fun!
edit on 26-8-2013 by charlyv because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-8-2013 by charlyv because: content
edit on
26-8-2013 by charlyv because: missed a decade
edit on 26-8-2013 by charlyv because: more content