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Hope and change: Obama’s Organizing for Action drags out Columbine for gun control

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posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 01:02 PM

Organizing for Action, the Obama-themed organization dedicated to promoting the administration’s agenda, has sent an email to its distribution list exploiting the 1999 Columbine High School Massacre.

The stated purpose of the email is to drum up support in Congress for new federal gun control measures.

More of the same

This rather shameful using Columbine to push their current agenda of gun control, and they have tried to exploit every gun related death of the past 5 years to further that goal.

Aurora,Sandy Hook,,Trayvon Martin,and Chris Lane to name a few. nationalized, and ingrained in most Americans minds still to this day, and the media is all too willing to keep fanning the flames.

The ASWB in the 90's was in full effect, didn't stop any of that. Gun control laws have been in effect of other events that still didn't stop anything.

The repeated attempts at gun control legislation, and Potus's own executive orders bypassing congress, and they will never give up until guns are only in the hands of the police, and criminals.

I find the current administration, and his OFA to truly be sickening who keeps trying to exploit people to further it's own agenda..

What will it take to finally act to prevent gun violence?” the Obama email continues.

When people stop trying to make it sound like guns get all by their loneseome, walk around and target people, and pull the trigger all by themselves, and load themselves.

It is people not objects that cause violence, and it is also truly sickening how some people continue to try to manipulate others by emotion.

Because emotion should never be any form of governance.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by neo96

they will never give up until guns are only in the hands of the police, and criminals.

I would like for you to tell me what differentiates those two groups, neo.

I'm not coming up with anything.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 03:10 PM
Whose ass did they pull the "9 out of 10 Americans support" figure out of?

Lately I'm beginning to realize one of God's few mulligans was not designing the human body with a few more middle fingers. I certainly know I'm at the point where the two He saw fit to give me are wholely insufficient.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Yeah LOL that is where they pulled that from, and for the cognitive dissonance award goes to Obama, and OFA.

See this thread :

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by neo96

Oh yeah, already took a look in there and posted after the sharp pains in my sides eased up.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 03:38 PM
Columbine shooter was prescribed anti-depressant

(CNN) -- Reports surfaced Wednesday that one of the gunmen in the Littleton, Colorado, school shooting, Eric Harris, was rejected by Marine Corps recruiters days before the Columbine High School massacre because he was under a doctor's care and had been prescribed an anti-depressant medication.

Harris' prescription was for Luvox, an anti-depressant medication commonly used to treat patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It is one of a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). Other SSRIs are Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft. Prozac is the most commonly prescribed anti-depressant in the United States.

Perhaps instead of trying to only let criminals have guns they should take a look at this?

Seems quite a few of these cases the person is on an SSRI. Or recently stopped taking it.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by neo96

What a bunch of fools. The kids who did Columbine broke some 30 gun laws.

More gun laws wouldn't have prevented it.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by neo96

This must be straight out of that little book they use to ratchet up the rhetoric...
Columbine was a real tragedy, I bet they have it notated in the book as one of the examples to use.

George Lakoff (rhymes with) was a guy, still is a guy, who advised Democrats on the way to structure their language on the political stump, the campaign trail and in ads in order to appeal to voters. Well, there's a story, Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner uncovered a document of 80 pages, 80-page talking points titled "Preventing gun violence through effective messaging." And it's written by three Democrat political operatives. James Taranto at the Best of the Web today, the Wall Street Journal, also highlighted this, what Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner had found.

When you go through this, what you have here is the Democrat playbook in print, in black and white. I guess the way to characterize this, what they're attempting to do is incite moral panic. They want moral panic. That is the way that Democrats are being advised to reach voters.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 10:42 PM
Welcome to Illinois Idiots...

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 10:58 PM

This rather shameful using Columbine to push their current agenda of gun control

There's nothing wrong with this- what happened to free speech?

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by CB328

This rather shameful using Columbine to push their current agenda of gun control

There's nothing wrong with this- what happened to free speech?

Who said anything about free speech ??

Do you agree with the commie tactics they use to convince the weak and the uninformed ?

Why can't they just list the facts ??

What's with the clown acts all the time.

Try hard to get yourself up to level 2, you might feel better and, it's good for your self esteem too !!

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
Whose ass did they pull the "9 out of 10 Americans support" figure out of?

If they had 9 out of 10 people supporting them, they wouldn't have to convince anyone.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 01:12 AM

This rather shameful using Columbine to push their current agenda of gun control, and they have tried to exploit every gun related death of the past 5 years to further that goal.

Aurora,Sandy Hook,,Trayvon Martin,and Chris Lane to name a few. nationalized, and ingrained in most Americans minds still to this day, and the media is all too willing to keep fanning the flames.

So , how do you support govt reasons for war in this thread

In fact US govt is keeping pressure on people to make them numb against the decision it makes behind the closed doors.because after years and years of wars justified by US govt , people around the world know that US is a country which is always waging on wars.So after decades of invasion and occupation , it seems that US govt is near the end of the line of using democracy for it's short term agendas.

So there is the war waging America , and there is the resistance to war-cry vaccine which has been injected on American people for years.and the main question is :

how will US govt start the next war

In my latest analysis and studies , I found that there are two ways to get US army to invade another country.

1-good old democracy

in that strategy , Obama won't attack anywhere unless he can get a momentum on convincing American people that it is necessary to invade Syria.

That is how the democracy works.

And American people don't believe any fast and furious attack on other countries because they saw how GWB was lying about wars.

So , democracy won't work.

2-To break American people

That means they put force on American people so that people can not take the momentum and break. The only strategy is to make American unstable by internal issues like the bombings and killing , then they use any mean to make American people numb and careless to US wars and invasions. While also distracting them by materialist view of life. Like making more TV shows , music videos , fictional studying , for people to kill their moments.

Like what we saw in Libya , democracy doesn't matter because Obama didn't even wait for the congress to invade Libya. He did what he wanted. about gun control he did what he wanted.....He simply does what he wants.

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