posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 01:12 AM
I'm sure most all people keep some deep secrets from people, and only confide in a few trusted friends and/or family members.
But do you think most people have a secret that they literally have never, ever told a living soul in their entire life? Something they have never
even written on a piece of paper, on a forum under an alias, or even spoken out loud in an empty room?
I have a few such secrets. Maybe 4-6 depending on how you categorize them, as a few are kind of connected. All of these secrets are at least a decade
old (or started that long ago, a few are still "going" as it were) so I have no reason to believe I'll ever tell anyone about them. One of them I came
incredibly close to telling a girlfriend several years back after she confided in me with a similar story, but I held back, and am glad I did. Not
because of bad terms and she could have used it as ammunition, just in general having that info in the mind of someone who no longer cares for you
scares me.
Is this normal? I'm not questioning myself as a person or anything, I was just a little curious how common it is to have such closely guarded secrets.
None of them are really super "dark" or anything, I mean a few are, but not in the sense that I killed someone or did anything bad to anyone. They are
all fairly unusual secrets too, not the normal "I cheated on my wife" or "your dad isn't your real father" or "i have a crush on my best friend" type
of secrets. And because this is ATS I'll have to say this too, it's not some silly "I'm an alien!" secret or anything.
So what about you guys? Do you have secrets you have never, ever told anyone or anything and never plan to? Do you think keeping such secrets can
cause problems for a person? Nothing I've done can come back and bite me on the butt, but sometimes I have an overwhelming urge to tell a close
friend. I feel bad for keeping things from people that I'm close with. Some of these secrets have a fairly large impact on who I am as a person and I
feel like if I'm close with someone I should share, but I keep censoring myself.
If anyone cares to share such secrets feel free
Or a story of how revealing a secret turned out badly. Any and all secret discussion is welcome
edit on 22-8-2013 by James1982 because: (no reason given)