The definition of a racist - a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.
I am going to dismiss your ignorance about what a "person" really is (legal fiction, not a human being).
But I want to point out that while that sounds good on the surface, and with a quick glance, even logical, when you really think about it, it falls
Bruce Lee was a superior martial artist. Superior to pretty much anyone in the world, and would still be (if he was still around the same age, of
That doesn't mean that he was WORTH MORE than the the mothers who have burned their children, because "mommy was tired".
As human beings, we all have not equal skills or abilities, but equal WORTH.
There is nothing wrong with superiority, and not all people have the same skills and abilities, so NATURALLY a lot of the people are SUPERIOR to other
people. So what? It's not a crime to be superior. Even I have been superior to my peers at some things.
Superior simply means that they are the best of a given group. If someone is the fastest typist of a group of 20 people, he is the superior typist.
Hmm, I think "typer" would be more logical. But anyway, again, so what?
Asian races have superior intellect compared to other races. Dare I say which race ranks last in that completely neutral, non-racistic, and factual
The point is, superiority is just a neutral quality. Not all can be basketball superstars, not all can be extremely good violin players, not all can
be creative geniuses (like the people responsible for creating "Chrono Trigger").
There are LOTS of differences between people, lots of differences between races, and it's foolish to blind ourselves from the truth just so no one
would get offended. Black immigrants tend to be the superior criminals, for example, in the crime statistics of certain countries. Especially those
who moved from certain countries and cultures that teach very wrong values to people.
All this is hushed up on the news stories of course, because of political correctness.
Why must we SPEAK as if the human races are exactly identical, except the skin color, when the truth is, they aren't?
I mean, in a world, where humans WERE very similar to each other, despite their biological bodies and 'race', THERE it wouldn't matter one bit. There
we could all heartily agree with the sentiment, that it doesn't matter one wit, what kind of culture or race you have grown in.
But biology does factor in with things like intelligence and behaviour, unfortunately. So does culture, VERY heavily.
So when someone has a certain biology, AND has spent all their life in a certain culture, I think it's only fair to have certain prejudices about them
- not necessarily anything hostile, just neutral, factual ones.
Countries do mold and brainwash 'their' 'populations' (or is it 'populace'?`I get those words mixed, together with 'populous' and 'populus') a lot,
and even the physical environment is a huge factor in molding 'personality' and behaviour. Someone who has lived in rural areas all their lives will
most definitely be different than a New York celebrity reporter. It's just willful blindness to think otherwise.
However, of course a certain skin pigment doesn't necessarily mean a certain behaviour pattern.
But it's not racistic to say that some race is superior than another in something, and another in something else. The
black/african/whatever-the-politically-correct-word-for-this-race-might-be-races, for example, are more masculine, and have more efficient muscles.
This makes them better athletes and sports superstars than other races. The asian races are superior in intelligence, and the 'white' races are
superior in being pretty mediocre about all these things.
Asian races are superior at being feminine - you can't find as pussy-whipped wimpy nerd-losers (I mean this just as a description, not an insult) and
subservient, spineless individuals as you can find easily amongst the asian races. At the same token, you can't find as violent and aggressive,
foaming-at-the-mouth-type criminal alpha-thug-gangsters as you can from the 'african' races (I don't really know what the terminology about this
should be, I think it was something like 'negroid' or something, but that word has probably been forbidden, although it started out as just a neutral
term, like 'caucasian').
Pretending that people are all the same just leads to more trouble. Truth is the guide we should always hold close to our hearts, no matter how
People shun the truth like it's the plaque or some kind of a hot potato - no one wants to have it, hold it, and go with it in sickness and in health,
until death parts them..
It's not about "better" or "worse" - it's about WORTH. If you think some people are WORTH less than others, based on physical qualities alone (like
penis, for example), you are a racist/misandrist/etc. Btw, there is no misogyny, just claims..
edit on 24-8-2013 by Shoujikina because: (no
reason given)
edit on 24-8-2013 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)