Originally posted by finitedualities
This does bug me, but I've blocked most of those little vids through ad-block (just click on the little "block" tab above the vid frame while ab+ is
running, and add filter)...what I DO hate are those sites that seem to disable the back button to get more hits (as the page refreshes when you
attempt to do so).
edit on 20-8-2013 by finitedualities because: added how to block said vids
What I can't understand is why don't browsers have a "sound" menu.
I mean, the browsers practically LET others control your faculties! They don't let the user have FULL CONTROL of his computer.
There are many other oddities and weaknesses that I can't understand how people can not get angry about, like not being able to 'prioritize' your net
traffic (like, browser would have full priority always, so it would be completely responsive all of the time, and whatever else is going on, would be
doing its thing in the background with low priority, but no..).
But lack of control over your own computer and its sound system has got to be among the top 3 most annoying things I can't figure out how people
accept. I wondered about this actually already in the 1990s! And yet, we still don't have a solution for this. If there was a program or "program
type" sound allocation system (I think the newer, shinier OSes have something like this, but haven't used them enough to be sure), that I could use to
"perma-mute" a browser any time I am not specifically using audio in it, or I could at least "perma-mute" one browser window, while using audio in
another, or something -- then this wouldn't be a problem.
Thankfully, with some hard work and being careful about what websites you visit, doing regular virus and spyware scans, and so on, and of course,
using the various ad-blocking programs, this problem is somewhat 'manageable'. Still, I'd like a "mute" button in the browser itself, or a setting
that would allow the user to decide, whether he wants to "allow sound" or "not allow sound" to be played by the browser, OR a feature that would
always at least ASK: "Do you want this program to use be able to use audio?".
It could work like Adblocker in a way - you could specify which sites are permitted to have audio, and no other site would ever be able to play any.
As someone said, our browsers are broken - we can't make intelligent security choices (either you have a) No cookies, which basically cripples your
experience and the browser in today's web-world, or b) You have the browser ASK for every single cookie, which makes browsing a mouse-destroying
click-inferno - or c) You accept all cookies from all sites, always - there's no intelligent choice d) where you have a meaningful option to choose),
we can't control whether they play audio or not, what kind of scripts can run on them, etc. We have NO CONTROL.
Basically, the browsers let the website have way too much control, instead of the user, who SHOULD be in control of everything.
I never understood in the beginning of my HTTP-adventures, why I could configure pretty much every dang thing in the whole computer realm, but not my
browser.. and frankly, I still don't understand it.
But one can dream..
edit on 22-8-2013 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)