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Are whites racist

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posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:08 AM
Everyone has biases to that which is different from them, to varying degrees, and this is natural. Even small children will acknowledge and explore these differences ( often to their parents dismay, being "adult" and having been taught to never point out differences ).

What we choose to do, on a personal level, with that bias and our curiosities is the key.

In my case, I am well aware that I am white and that others are not. In fact I am aware that most white people do not share my exact racial make-up. While I refuse to ignore these differences and pretend that nobody has darker skin or differently colored hair than I do - neither to I put any bearing upon these differences. To me it's the same as if I were to meet a person who preferred slacks while I prefer jeans. These differences exist, but they matter not.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 08:47 AM
Thank you for your opinions everyone, they have been interesting. And stop saying race baiting...asking a question about a subject that has been in the news 24/7 is not race baiting.
One thing that has been mentioned is treatment of people throughout history being a factor of current relations.
Kids today dont know history, there are lots of threads on Ats about that subject.
I think parents are the biggest factor affecting the mindset of every generation by pushing wrong or slanted hatred and stereotypes. Changes must start at home with a fresh slate or the song remains the same.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Everyone has biases to that which is different from them, to varying degrees, and this is natural. Even small children will acknowledge and explore these differences ( often to their parents dismay, being "adult" and having been taught to never point out differences ).

What we choose to do, on a personal level, with that bias and our curiosities is the key.

In my case, I am well aware that I am white and that others are not. In fact I am aware that most white people do not share my exact racial make-up. While I refuse to ignore these differences and pretend that nobody has darker skin or differently colored hair than I do - neither to I put any bearing upon these differences. To me it's the same as if I were to meet a person who preferred slacks while I prefer jeans. These differences exist, but they matter not.

We have eyes, therefor we see...
I see a girl with a big chest. I notice.
I see a girl thats as ugly as a post. I notice.
What we do with these observations is whats important.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 10:53 AM
I have been called racist by black people often times that wanted to abuse of me.

Example : One time, a black women called me racist because I didn't want to let her in front of me in a line. She was rushing to pick my spot like if it was a marathon and when I didn't let her, she said I acted that way because she was black. I was totally furious and insulted because I never ever judge people by their color, clothes, etc.

However I do judge individual by their ACTIONS and by what she did showed me. she just wasn't a good person or was actually racist against me.

Black people using the race card for manipulation is something I often encountered and I find it really sad because I feel we are so past that issue. Luckily, it's been a couple years since I have had this kind of negative experience.

Humanity needs to stick together to evolve socially and reach enlightenment, so to speak.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Willtell
reply to post by Hoosierdaddy71

I'll take the bait

Ironically, in this era where some black kids walk around with their pants falling down, according to you racism is less now. It may be, but...

Tell me this then?

In the early years the 19 20’s, 30’s 40’ 50’s 60’s when racism was much worse comparatively: Blacks couldn’t go to most white colleges, were lynched regularly, had to sit on the back of buses, were segregated all over the country in poor ghettoes, they didn’t have their pants falling down then and didn’t have rap music or the crime rate wasn’t like it is today with the gangs and drugs.

White’s racism was much worse!


Why did whites hate black people so much back in those days?

That didn't take long . The very first post and someone wants to talk about what happened 60 to 80 plus years ago . When the topic is about today not yesterday . To the OP white kids do all the same things as black kids . It all comes down to were and how a person is raised . If the individual can not question what they are told . Then we have no hope .

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:26 PM
Here we go, trying to put the white man over the barrel again over things which happened so many years ago.

As far as I can tell there are three reasons why white people alone are singled out as always being in the wrong and vulnerable to all kinds of allegations so long as the one accusing is of a minority.

First is because of African slavery. Ironically the fact that the slaves were purchased at the docks from other Africans is neither here nor there, nor is the fact that every other civilization has used slaves at some point in their history. No one keeps mentioning the thousands of predominately white women who were kidnapped and presumably repeatedly raped by Muslim pirates up until the 1700's, or the fact that the Allies used German forced labour camps to rebuild Europe after WWII for example.

Secondly, is because of WWII and Hitler's Germany. That was one country which persecuted Jewish people from 1933 to 1945, not all white people. Of course the hatred of the Jews was not helped by international Jewry themselves which made the situation worse by both stirring up racial hatred against Germans outside of its borders (the persecution of Germans in the Danzig area for instance) and the fact that they tried to cripple Germany financially before any negative policy was made against Jewish people. There is always two sides to a story, and we seldom hear it.

Thirdly was because of the treatment of Native populations elsewhere in the world, mostly the America's. In which case, I find it incredibly hard to imagine in an alternative universe where Native Americans had created sailing ships and gunpowder - that they wouldn't do the same to Europeans had they chance.

Now back to modern day, white people have now been completely and deliberately destroyed by their own Governments (I suspect upon order from the UN) and you will find that European nations are very accepting and have allowed millions of non-whites the same (and in many ways more) rights.

Now its racist if a European even says something obvious; such as 'black people can't be English'. Everyone gasps and acts like its a thought crime (which it is) but if I was to go to Africa, gain a passport and say I was Somalian, I'd still have gasps and be treated like it was a thought crime (if not outright murdered if I lived in South Africa.)

Every group of people is allowed their own cultural or ethnic traditions to be celebrated except Europeans. We are expected to let our traditions be for all comers, whilst everyone else's remains their own. Its not right.

I'm so fed up with this, the constant anti-white rubbish, unchecked migration and the deliberate 'blackening' of popular society is what is causing more racism.

So, they more prudent question is "Why is it only White people can be racist."

Because I believe everyone is racist to a certain degree whether that's conscious or not. It may be a shock to you, but most people prefer their own 'kind', its just human nature.

edit on 17/8/2013 by Wyrdnews because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:19 PM
Well said werdnews.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Hoosierdaddy71
I know the thread title is a rather broad question so let me elaborate.
I believe that most white people are not racist because of skin color. They are however put off by the culture that is being presented to them. Blacks want to be treated equally (and they should be) but do everything to be different.
Going to school, speaking clearly and pulling up your pants is acting white.
Have you ever seen a white kid with a jersey of a black player?
How bout listening to hip hop or at a will smith movie?
Does anyone truly believe that a white kid in a rg3 jersey is racist?
Now im not trying to say racism doesn't exist, just that it is not nearly a wide spread as it used to be.
Please give me some feedback on this, I would be very interested to hear others views on this.

*White guy talking here*

I don't see the logic in not going to school, or in going to school but not speaking clearly. I also believe in having my pants pulled up. You know where the "not having your pants pulled up" thing came from? Prison; where it was a sign to others that you are someone else's bitch....

I've seen many white kids with jersey's of a black player... Chicago Bulls... Michael Jordan. This is in Australia.
I listen and so do my white friends to Hip Hop or what i like to call Rap. Dr Dre, Tupac, Eminem (yes i know he's white), 50 cent, Kanye West, Jay Z.

Why would a white kid wearing a Robert Griffin III jersey be racist? They obviously like him as a player to have bought his shirt to wear.

There is no-one I know of that does not like Will Smith. Usually they love/enjoy his movies and music.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:33 PM

Are whites racist

Some are. Some blacks are as well. Ditto some Asians. etc etc
Did I miss the point of the thread???

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by DaRAGE
You know where the "not having your pants pulled up" thing came from? Prison; where it was a sign to others that you are someone else's bitch....

I know .... and yet the people with their pants half way down to their ankles think they are cool.

When ever I see that I just wonder at the stupidity of humans ....

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Hoosierdaddy71

I don't think about racism until I see threads like this.

Do discussions on racism perpetuate it? I think so.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Are whites racist

Some are. Some blacks are as well. Ditto some Asians. etc etc
Did I miss the point of the thread???

Obviously you did, yes

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by mythots

The problem with what you are saying is this:

People have to realize that this racial situation has an etiology in history.

If you don’t look at that then you have no correct context.

Why don’t you think once and a while and you would have understood that.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:52 PM
Black people who may abuse the fact that they have been victims of racism is only an indication that they are human beings with frailties

People accuse the Jews of too much talking about the holocaust

Unfortunately we don’t have many Native Americans in the limelight to know what they think.

But it should be understood that people who have been oppressed are still human beings who do things selfishly just like anyone else and have amongst them such people.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:57 PM
I think it's fair to say that whites have a subconscious feeling of superiority. It is built into our society and culture where people are evaluated based on wealth, education, etc. and whites statistically do better in these categories. White kids grow up seeing people of other ethnicities living at a lower socio-economic level and whether they like to admit it or not this is generally interpreted as inferiority.

White superiority is embedded in our society. People see the Western world as superior, it is whites in the history books making all of the major discoveries, whites running all of the big companies, whites in political office.

As much as our vocabularies have shifted toward equality and anti-racism, this cannot overcome the bias that is inherent in our social structure.

Confronting this aspect of the white psychology takes a great deal of honesty and self reflection and may never be overcome completely. It's hard to replace a childhood's worth of experience based on false assumptions with a mature intellectualism where evaluating people on material attainment is not accurate. Most people won't learn the history and consider all sides, including the one that says Europeans gained higher status through negative practices and not some type of superiority. Conversely, that non-whites found themselves less wealthy because of oppression and not inferiority. The view that says non whites were not weaker but less ruthless.

I'm not saying this is the correct interpretation, but it is necessary to consider it in order to get beyond the deep assumption of white superiority.

The common white view toward other races is probably not a hostile racism at this point, but based on faulty logic. It is not violent racism but a twisted view of superiority based on weak reason. And as I said, it is entirely subconscious in many people by the time they are adults and mostly ignored because we later learn that this type of view is reprehensible- but we never really learn why it's wrong.

ETA: Not speaking about or for for all whites, just in general about the common experience.
edit on 8/17/2013 by PatrickGarrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Willtell
reply to post by mythots

The problem with what you are saying is this:

People have to realize that this racial situation has an etiology in history.

If you don’t look at that then you have no correct context.

Why don’t you think once and a while and you would have understood that.

Are American citizens still holding it against the Japanese or Germans? No..

And I do think, that's why I asked for this discussion in the first place.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:00 PM
Whites are not exhibiting hybrid vigor, so they are dwindling in number and becoming extinct.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
*Facepalms herself to death*

I am Jack's urge to compel everyone to stop drinking the racial division kool-aid so we can all go back to enjoying light hearted racial stereotypes without it turning into a "philosophical debate".

I'm sorry,no offense intended Valentine, but my reaction to what you wrote is that I have a really difficult time viewing any stereotype, or slotting, as I call it of people, rather than being recognized as unique invidivuals, as light hearted, as this is IMHO what causes the divisions to begin with.....

You see someone with tatoos, or wearing certain colors, or dressed a certain way, and then all kinds of assumptions are made about what they believe, how they live, and who they are. But I live in a city where black men still are offended and worried that if they are walking on the street at night, they'll either be shaken down by a passing police car, or any white woman passing them on the sidewalk will run the other direction......

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Hoosierdaddy71

But you see, that’s not the point or the question.

The point is that racism for black people in America IS NOT AN ABSTRACT!

And it still goes on.

Many people firmly believe that the effect of the past is still acutely affecting the present and that many black people suffer a form of PTS.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by tetra50

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
*Facepalms herself to death*

I am Jack's urge to compel everyone to stop drinking the racial division kool-aid so we can all go back to enjoying light hearted racial stereotypes without it turning into a "philosophical debate".

I'm sorry,no offense intended Valentine, but my reaction to what you wrote is that I have a really difficult time viewing any stereotype, or slotting, as I call it of people, rather than being recognized as unique invidivuals, as light hearted, as this is IMHO what causes the divisions to begin with.....

You see someone with tatoos, or wearing certain colors, or dressed a certain way, and then all kinds of assumptions are made about what they believe, how they live, and who they are. But I live in a city where black men still are offended and worried that if they are walking on the street at night, they'll either be shaken down by a passing police car, or any white woman passing them on the sidewalk will run the other direction......

Generally speaking, stereotypes are true. If they weren't, there wouldn't be stereotypes at all.

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