posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 05:29 AM
Weird, 90% of the tweets on the bottom of the screen in the election coverage is against tony abbott, embarrassed that he may become our next pm, but
tony still winning? im confused.
Is this because the younger people can see how much of a conservative tool from the 1950's he is, and because with an ever ageing populaion, these
old farts can relate to a racist, anti gay conservative big business gimp.
i see history repeating, a new Margaret Thatcher has arrived, and just when i thought society was becoming more inclusive, i see these old people are
trying to protest against the younger generations freedom with their twattering and facebookery, reclaiming their own youth when racism was ok,
following every word from authority was god, and believing when big business says cigarettes are healthy, put them in your cereal, put some Asbestos
in too for a bit of crunch. its all good, close your eyes, big brother is keeping an out or you.