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What is the last lie of the "devil"?

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posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne

I understand what you're saying...

That's an easy thing to say, but I think you've shown otherwise Agent.

"The secret of artistic creation and the effectiveness of art is to be found in a return to the state of 'participation mystique' – to that level of experience at which it is man who lives, and not the individual..." -Carl Jung

You have made it clear that you don't understand the secret of artistic creation, that you don't grok 'participation mystique', so if someone out there is paying you for art, they are getting ripped off.

edit on 15-8-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

I've considered this, and it sure would seriously suck if somehow the wrong one got flushed through some wicked inversion or something.

Yes it would!

Consider this. If Jesus had a human psyche, and I think it's plain he did, then he had a shadow-self.

The shadow-self consists of whatever we reject. If it's, say, communism we reject, then we repress our own inner communist and we are then unconscious of it. It becomes part our shadow-self. That is the devil within.

Repressing it doesn't work. It's like squeezing one end of a sausage... the other end just bulges to compensate.

So what happens is we repress it and project it onto others, who are then demonized. "Those damn commies! Let's get 'em!"

And if someone who is repressing their shadow-self achieves union with God, then the shadow-self takes on a life of it's own. Literally.

That's what the anti-Christ is. It's the shadow-self that Jesus repressed and projected onto the world. His twin. The second fish of Pisces.

The first fish of Pisces rose to prominence in the sky around the birth of Jesus. The second fish rose to prominence around the birth of the scientific revolution.

So, if the anti-Christ is synonymous with the devil, then the devil is the shadow-self of Jesus projected out onto the world, and the sky, via his augmented psychic ability.

The solution is to withdraw our projections and merge with them, so that we aren't projecting our shadow-self onto Agent Smith, or our neighbors, or commies, or heretics, or the mentally ill, or religious people in general, or any kind of scapegoat.

"If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all his projections, then you get an individual who is conscious of a pretty thick shadow. Such a man has saddled himself with new problems and conflicts. He has become a serious problem to himself, as he is now unable to say that they do this or that, they are wrong, and they must be fought against.

He lives in the "House of the Gathering." Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day." -Carl Jung

edit on 15-8-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:12 PM

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

See my avatar for clues in regards to the resurrected life of Jesus, and I've considered this also and maintain that Jesus didn't "twin" at the cross or when one got "beamed straight up", and instead lived out the remainder of his human life in balance and harmony with everything in moderation, including moderation.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Ha! The imagery of Steven at the beginning of the vid is an apt depiction of what I was saying in my last post.

Nice find.

"We have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us — the labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only to follow the thread of the hero path, and where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence.

And where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world." -Joseph Campbell

edit on 15-8-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

Wait until you hear about my laundry room spiritual experience! To this day, looking back on it in hindsight I still to this day like to think that it might have been a well-placed Death Star shot.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by BlueMule

Wait until you hear about my laundry room spiritual experience! To this day, looking back on it in hindsight I still to this day like to think that it might have been a well-placed Death Star shot.

Can't wait to hear it, Luke!

And I wholeheartedly join you in recommending to God that He re-institute the karmic wheel with the cross of Jesus Christ as the resolution to it's own paradox so that it might only function as a formative, evolutionary process, and not a degenerative one.

But perhaps paradox is our home... not something to be resolved.

"The words of truth are always paradoxical." -Lao Tzu

"Live at the empty heart of paradox. I’ll dance there with you – cheek to cheek." -Rumi

edit on 15-8-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

That's an easy thing to say, but I think you've shown otherwise Agent.

"The secret of artistic creation and the effectiveness of art is to be found in a return to the state of 'participation mystique' – to that level of experience at which it is man who lives, and not the individual..." -Carl Jung

You have made it clear that you don't understand the secret of artistic creation, that you don't grok 'participation mystique', so if someone out there is paying you for art, they are getting ripped off.

There's a difference between creating something new and painting over something and calling it new. I think you're guilty of the latter, which is apparent when you run to find quotes from anyone other than yourself. You utilize someone else's art and call it your own. No one would spend a dime on what you've "created".

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
What is the last lie of the "devil"?

"April Fools"

That I will manifest shortly, while you are asleep; (or too busy to pay attention) and show you whom I actually am.
edit on 15-8-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne
reply to post by BlueMule

That's an easy thing to say, but I think you've shown otherwise Agent.

"The secret of artistic creation and the effectiveness of art is to be found in a return to the state of 'participation mystique' – to that level of experience at which it is man who lives, and not the individual..." -Carl Jung

You have made it clear that you don't understand the secret of artistic creation, that you don't grok 'participation mystique', so if someone out there is paying you for art, they are getting ripped off.

There's a difference between creating something new and painting over something and calling it new. I think you're guilty of the latter, which is apparent when you run to find quotes from anyone other than yourself. You utilize someone else's art and call it your own. No one would spend a dime on what you've "created".

You're determined to land a punch on me, aren't you Agent Smith?

Well that's cool. I can take it. I have an inner Agent Smith. So I appreciate your efforts. I learn a lot from our little games. If it wasn't for the Agent Smiths of the world, there could be no Neo. If it wasn't for manure, there could be no rose.

Party on, you steaming pile of obsessive subversion.

edit on 15-8-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Do you like to dress and feel you look your very best in all-black?

And btw, what did you end up doing with that magnificent alter cloth that materialized in your pantry, only to serve it's purpose in your baptism of the resurrected Mary Magdelene who appeared at your door and told you what and how to perform the sacred ritual?

Glad you've come to join us in this thread, which I suspect may be the only such thread in the entire history of ATS that God Almighty Himself might be paying attention to.

Best Regards to you VHB, you're in the right place.


posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by BlueMule

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by BlueMule

Wait until you hear about my laundry room spiritual experience! To this day, looking back on it in hindsight I still like to think that it might have been a well-placed Death Star shot.

Can't wait to hear it, Luke!

I have this on my office wall (to keep me coming back to work each day, lol).

Laundry room episode and much more, coming soon..

Best Regards,


posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by akushla99
The devil of detail...

The One and only lie is this...

That an OMNIPOTENT (etc) God has produced a creation that could in any way challenge...

This is the biggest lie...believing it is doubting the so-staunchly held position of almightiness...rejecting the mightiness, and having doubt...that is Origami at its finest...


Ah but consider that the true definition of virtue is - power, restrained.

Such a thing is a challenge or a fear only to what doesn't belong or isn't worthy to begin with.

It's a "we" thing, always was from the very beginning, and we are co-inheritors of the entire kit and caboodle made even to stand next to the very Godhead.

One was simply jealous.

But let us not doubt, or underestimate the power and breadth and reach and sympathetic understanding and comprehension of a fully informed, infinitely wise and eternal creative power and creative agency who it pleased to share his kingdom with all his children, with mankind in mind from the very get go - that's pretty powerful, but it only becomes totally awesome when we see and recognize the true nature of the setup where we are called to work with God, in partnership to do the otherwise inconceivable and almost unfathomable thing imaginable, to lay down the "kingdom of heaven" on earth in a "participatory eschatology". Now that's beautiful and funny, even playful and creative, joyful and worthy of appreciation even celebration.

God played the fully informed love card right out of the gate.

My hope and aim is that the only "devil" we're left dealing with, is our own damn self whereby what we're dealing with isn't as much a permanent reality, since everything eventually changes and rights itself in the fullness of time and history even cosmic history, but powerful archetypes worth considering from a Jungian perspective, particularly if reality is in fact set up the way I think it is with an open frame.

I've never really had a problem with God, and have come to deduce as well as intuit his omnipotence but not as we would understand it, no, only from the POV of an infinite and eternal, fully informed, self aware wisdom of super-intelligence and creative power as a first/last cause or Alpha and Omega of existence, at all levels (as the objective truth and reality, and the Spirit).

But the problems I DID once have with the devil I've come to see looking back in hindsight were largely generated from my own limited perception and conceptualization of the strong duality and problematic paradoxes of good and evil, you know as if >I< could actually think it all the way through on my own and perform some sort of heroic feat for God on the spiritual battlefield of a great cosmic drama of vast proportion, and while it may be true that at some level this IS our actual predicament, LOL! (or.. OH $HIT!), our TRUE condition actually transcends the duality and then, as a formative causation, the "devil" is processed until your left with nothing and no rebellious challenger except your own personal satan (with a small s), who is you!

Only when, after an intense struggle I made the final difficult and even tearful confession to God that I had my own devil either inherent in my own psyche or, compliments of some bad spirit when I reached out to forgive "the evil one" without (it's possible who knows) anyway, only when I recognized that the mere possibility of separation from God as the center and source of life and love, and light (information and knowledge), combined with my "ego-inflation" (I now call it "popping", because it cannot be sustained) was enough to drive me to my knees, in that laundry room, asking God to go ahead and make me the devil myself now so that I might accept full responsibility for my ego-driven needs and/or devlishness (desire to be or replace God, to rise up, to be king and top of the hell, that idiot ego-persona) and get the whole thing over with while still "on the way" begging God for just one thing and one only, because of my love for God and people, and everything (the heart of my inner child and true person), and that is - don't ever, under any circumstances allow me to be separated from you oh God who I love. Therefore make ME the devil, now, and allow me to also be your good son, in/through the person of Jesus.. makes me cry even now, thinking about it (both the God and the devil in me is brought to tears)
but then... my oh my if it isn't the hand that also wipes away the tears from my eyes, lifts me back up to my feet again and shares laughter and communion (koinonia) with me, ME of all things, a wrech, a devil, a lost child of God.

That's probably why I heard the angels singing, and the great cheer go up in (from who knows where..?) at which point I figured it might be best to just lay right down, face-down, flat, on the laundry room floor as I was reminded of a passage in the Book of Revelation about the washing of our clothes and our robes!

That was the well placed "Death Star" shot, and the reason ah "everyone" seemed to be so joyous was because I am a devil they can all live with! LOL!

It's all about TRUST.

God can be trusted, and as it turns out, so can I.

But I tell you that HE is the funny one, where I have been given the gift to receive the joke and get to laugh right along with God but for all the right reasons, and trust me on this, I wouldn't be laughing to know that I'm only in heaven by virtue of the fact that most everyone else went to hell, nor would you ever hear me laughing AT you with that deep hollow devil laughter.

No, we will laughter together with God, even if it means that the joke is on ME.

Originally posted by apushforenlightment
I think I will answer the post with this video. It seem fitting;

“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city."

~ Revelation 22:14

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

~ Revelation 22:17

/The End. (that was the last line of the Bible, before the final warning and salutation).

Best Regards,


P.S. Sorry akushla99, for rambling on, I hope you'll forgive me, too. This wasn't all in reply to you post, obviously but I needed to say something so that you won't think I'm crazy. Yours truly, NAM.

edit on 15-8-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Do you like to dress and feel you look your very best in all-black?
And btw, what did you end up doing with that magnificent alter cloth that materialized in your pantry, only to serve it's purpose in your baptism of the resurrected Mary Magdelene who appeared at your door and told you what and how to perform the sacred ritual?
Glad you've come to join us in this thread, which I suspect may be the only such thread in the entire history of ATS that God Almighty Himself might be paying attention to.
Best Regards to you VHB, you're in the right place.

The altercloth is in a good place folded neatly and within reach of my bedside (the really Good News is the Magdelene did not freak out from this occurance [understood the need for the babtism] and is very much in my life) even though knew beforehand what to do with it; as I was mystified until she showed up (4 hours notice from the east coast planewise) . OH yes this thread IS being paid attention to. Actually I appear very well in black or white, its the simplicity you see. You would be surprised at a completely different preference on more celebratorious occasions.
edit on 15-8-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by vethumanbeing

Actually I appear very well in black or white, its the simplicity you see. You would be surprised at a completely different preference on more celebratorious occasions.

Yes, I suppose even dazzling all-white would look very nice as appropriate under the right circumstances, like at a wedding celebration.

The woman I have my eye on these days, she's dark skinned (East Indian) so it would make for a nice contrast, a much better composition in regards to pairs of opposites.

Yes, if/when I do get married (I need more guts in some areas now, having already done the good vs. evil thing), it will be ALL-WHITE, dazzling white, like those two men (likely friends of the wealthy tomb owner, Joseph of Arimethea) who were seen standing near the opened tomb by the women who came to anoint Jesus' "dead" body, and who said (with a big smile) "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here!".

So this Mary Magdalene is still in your life did you say? How's she doing, and if you don't mind me asking, what does she do for a living now?

Best Regards,


edit on 15-8-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by akushla99
The devil of detail...

The One and only lie is this...
That an OMNIPOTENT (etc) God has produced a creation that could in any way challenge...
This is the biggest lie...believing it is doubting the so-staunchly held position of almightiness...rejecting the mightiness, and having doubt...that is Origami at its finest...

Maybe not so much a lie, but a mistake; an inadvertant lack of the understanding of what it (OR WE) created in its imaginativeness, genious and strength of being, too powerful (unexpected). See it from the creators realm, it made a child 50 times fold smarter (allowed it to progress and became jealous of its creation). This eventuality was destined as all things are known in linear history from the perspective of a god entity able to see all things at once backwards and forwards. God is just not talking right now; maybe to some, not all.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 08:23 PM
Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Originally posted by veteranhumanbeing

I am a huge fan of Joseph of Arimethea (Jesus's Godfather), and like the beauty of "why do you look for the living among the dead, He is not here".

So this Mary Magdalene is still in your life did you say? How's she doing, and if you don't mind me asking, what does she do for a living now?

Yes she is. Deep thinker: she is fine considering she lives with the reincarnation of Judas Iscariote (karma correction big time). She is in self study (introspective thoughtfullness) regarding her place,(too smart for others good), value and reason to exist. She is in a position to do these things as her husband Judas is very successful and allows/can then devote much time to these self examinations- studies, shennanigans, prank pulling and party planning; and as she is probably reading this, (wink).

edit on 15-8-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

You DID marry her then, just as I suspected, just like Jesus did, but in your case um, as Judas.. er.. yeah, makes sense that eventually Judas too got his reward at last! I'll bet she's cost you more than 30 pence of silver, but instead is of incalculable value! Way to go Judas, my brother..

So she's almost the "Bride of Christ" then, not unlike me, in so many ways albeit I'm a man and no that doesn't make me gay. Joyful, though that's for sure.

Here in Canada as children, everyone wanted to be Gretzky, so there's no reason why you can't be Judas, and she, Mary Madelene.

Ironic or paradoxical though that I'm also the Bride of Christ (post devil) so maybe at "the end of time" where we reach the living water of the eternal "river" of the evolutionary, non-dual free flow of life as it IS, at that very moment in time and history (now) when the "devil" is overcome by the revelation of the sons of God that the whole of all creation has been groaning in travail, to realize at last, like the inevitable birth pangs of the new creation - all that remains and will remain when everything is said and done, is a dramatic, synchronistic, serendipitous, remarkable and extraordinary bifurcation of "Christ-Brides". Therefore, the last lie of the devil isn't that he doesn't exist, it's the lie, that he still does as the arch enemy and rebellious betrayer of God. We're all friends here, so it's all good as they say "no worries".

Now of course some of my "Christian" brethren will be quick to point out, right here, often with a certain overly enthusiastic vigor.. that the devil isn't so easily done away with or dissolved and they will remind us with pre-living water scriptural references how "he" manages to pop back up for a moment again like some grotesque jack-in-the-box only to get bopped in the head like a whack-a-mole and rendered down for the count, permanently, and so some of you might perhaps trouble yourselves, unnecessarily, pondering over just where "he" will be hiding out for the next 1000 years.

But maybe that's the wrong way to look at it and that, with God's help we'll simply end up having to finally work out this devil business, yet again, which just so happens to be precisely the type of thing that I myself would be interested in reincarnating, again, 1000 years hence (oh oh..?) to help bring to fruition in the best possible way for the sake of one and all in "the house".


X-devil, & present, & future, Bride of Christ. (however poor a "wife" I may have been and perhaps still am, to a greater or lessor degree).

P.S.: So what do you think Mr. TheSubversiveOne? Does that maybe qualify for the blue armchair ribbon

award/prize for the best Internet-based, ATS launched true Armchair Spiritual..piece of creative "directorship" (hard to call it mere "gibberish"), in your own not-so-humble if not cynically sarcastic, and of course "subversive", opinion?

NAM aka Rob or Bob as in "what about Bob?"

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 03:09 PM
So if I'm to take on full responsibility for my own "devil", while maybe impinging on the devil without, under God's watchful eye of course, then the last lie of the devil as far as I can tell, is that he isn't still madly in love with God for being God the all-in-all and even for creating mankind, including Bob. Would that be the funniest thing you ever saw, and then the wedding. And what's "the devil" to do in the face of absolute love and goodness and kindness, who's justice is met only by his mercy? Are we not all "royally screwed" with God as the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last getting the last laugh, but as a shared joke that just couldn't be told any other way. Therefore he's either forgiven and reintegrated or flush down the drain into the abyss which means oblivion, to the gales of everyone's laughter, even whatever devil might have remained or been transformed at the final epiphany.

Then there can be no "double dealing", no inverse lies upon lies where even the final lie appears to be true simply because of the duality itself. Thus no inversion of God by the devil is possible since the devil is and can be neither God nor at eternal odds with God being something contained, something "double-bound" in the perfect knowledge of true understanding which is repentant, joyful and humorous and very loving. Love can kill cruelty, relentlessly and without compromise.

Therefore let us begin by assuming the end state, as the new beginning and the new creation.

Best Regards,


posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 03:34 PM

"There's nothing the Universe loves more, than courage."

~ Terence McKenna (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000)

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