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Merry morn, happy eve, or wherever the sun be at

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posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 01:46 PM
Hello there, pleased to speak with you all after being another one of those lurking in the shadows feasting my mind on the banquet of information and opinions around here, but never taking the step to contribute. Been looking for a forum to participate in for a while but always felt something was lacking out there (or with I) and this place has forever come back around in my searches and what not. So yeah... hello

Do buzz a bit off some of the stuff here, as always the internet just sort of says 'here, here's that stuff you can't seem to get a flowing conversation out about', and now to actually participate that of my own mind instead of just taking that from others. Felt like I had this partial revelation the other night that yeah, we are all individuals and no matter how closely our hearts, our minds or our souls are aligned they are still all completely individual matter that matters, participating in the grand fabric of the all.

Anyway, a bit closer to the ground i'm a pretty creative bean, and my hands are always at work with bits of all sorts. Working on a drawn/painted piece right now that's going quite well, and been working with vectors in inkscape since last year - still a bit of a seedling though and don't tend to venture much further than the pen tool. Other than that I enjoy delving into psychology and the metaphysical. Good old fashion books form my alter to which I pray to the vast expanse of the all with offerings of nothing more than enhancing the mind.

I feel as humans we have continuously limited ourselves with any dogmas we can lay our hands on, and that we've reached some pinnacle point where we may be able to get past this stage, and live in peace and unity, where every body is clothed, fed, watered and sheltered and has the basic right to inhabit the earth freely. I also feel that a wealth of knowledge and shared ideas is the ultimate foundation to build this on. But as with everything, this is no fixed ideology.

So, I feel my fingers may have danced the ramble dance long enough so I bid you good day, good night or wherever your spirit takes flight. Peace.
edit on 7-8-2013 by melancholiflower because: ack, typos...

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:41 PM
Welcome! Glad you decided to join the discussions
After reading your introduction I think you will find this Forum to your liking Enjoy!

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Iamschist

Hello there, thanks for the welcome and also for the link!
Sure i'll find myself happily wasting thyme away in there.

On another note, could anyone help me understand more about this points system and flagging? I've looked around and done a search but can't seem to find anything other than a brief post outlining that there is a points system. What does it mean to 'flag' something? And what do the letters stand for below people's names?

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by melancholiflower
reply to post by Iamschist

Hello there, thanks for the welcome and also for the link!
Sure i'll find myself happily wasting thyme away in there.

On another note, could anyone help me understand more about this points system and flagging? I've looked around and done a search but can't seem to find anything other than a brief post outlining that there is a points system. What does it mean to 'flag' something? And what do the letters stand for below people's names?
Near the top of the page there is a "flag it" button, you flag a thread if you think it should get more attention.
In the upper left hand corner of each post there is an outline of a star, click that if you agree with a post. I star post anytime it makes me think, or is compelling in any way, whether I agree with the post or not.
The "W" index has something to do with your Flag to Thread ratio, the "K" index has something to do with your Star to Post ratio. Your "points" seen on your profile page is a cumulative activity index.

P stands for post
F stands for flags
S stands for stars
W stands for way above
K stands for karma

There is no star option for post in certain forums such as this one.
You can not flag your own threads, you can not star your own post.

Welcome and post photos of your art!

edit on 8-8-2013 by tanda7 because: eta

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by melancholiflower

Here is a handy link to answer pretty much any question you have about the nuts and bolts of ATS and another one:
edit on 8-8-2013 by Iamschist because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:34 PM
Aha! Thank you both for the information. Makes much more sense now

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 10:20 AM
Sorry to regurgitate here, but couldn't post this question in the freshers forum and didn't know where else to pose it. Could anyone help me understand the ATS censor rules a little better?

Does it mean that you can use words that the censor will actively censor but not allowed to use words that circumvent this tool? Or that you're not allowed to use words like this at all? Just with it saying "embrace the censor" and the thread on vulgarity left me a bit confused.

Also what if you are using words that are similar but different? I've a tendency to use words such as 'shiz' or 'flurking' in an attempt to curb my own use of profanities, but is this deemed circumventing the censor?

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