posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 07:05 PM
i'm looking for it sooner then later, factor in the affordable care act, which hasn't got a chance in hell of getting off the ground, but they will
sink more money into that than meets the eye and it still will fail miserably. more part time jobs and far less full time jobs coming our way, less
jobs all together, more people on welfare and disability because the unemployment ride will be running out even more then it has.
more pensions in the larger cities will be evaporating, which means less disposable income which we all know what that brings. with the current
scandals being aired i see more people believing in less hopium and spending less of their credit, which also is running dry since mom n dad have been
tapping the line of credit and raping the 401's just to maintain status quot.
Fukushima should bring it's share of scare and misery as well and that aint gonna make people feel like buying a new tv now is it.
nah i don't see it going too much longer, despite what the ass whole bernanke want's he aint getting it, people are getting damn tired of the DC
shuffle and when we reach a threshold, which should be soon, then all bets are off. in my opinion anyway.