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EA Games or worship of an old deity?

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posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 03:23 AM
Why would EA games bother with a deity? The "Electronic Arts" corporate logo had the name written in full, the original one, and the symbol was more like E0A. Now it's not a deity, it's a Greek Symbol no?

Everything seems to be a conspiracy... I don't know how some people don't believe we live in a reality TV show.

PS: Cannot post pictures now.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by JameSimon
Why would EA games bother with a deity? The "Electronic Arts" corporate logo had the name written in full, the original one, and the symbol was more like E0A. Now it's not a deity, it's a Greek Symbol no?

Everything seems to be a conspiracy... I don't know how some people don't believe we live in a reality TV show.

PS: Cannot post pictures now.

Because on the top of everything, the ones who truly owns the planet are worshipers of dark entities, users of black magic. John Dee, 007 his secret signature was Queen Elizabeth secret informant. Aleister Crowley, was contacting the Lams, entities similar to the greys and doing sacrifice to receive privileged information from pan-dimensional entities.

A conspiracy going on worldwide possibly.


posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 10:59 AM
Man some of the people who post on this forum need to get out more. Not everything in life is a conspiracy. I mean I know EA is a crappy company that makes crappy games, but man this is absurd.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

John Dee, 007 his secret signature was Queen Elizabeth secret informant.

John Dee was not a "secret informant" for Queen Elizabeth I.

He was an astrologer, mathematician, geographer, and theologian who, working with Edward Kelley (formerly Talbott), was put in contact with both classical Judeo-Christian archangels (Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel) as well as a family of benign spiritual Intelligentsia (Galva'h, Nalvage, Illemese, Mapsama, Madimi).

The Judeo-Christian archangels delivered a Grimoire, called De Heptarchia Mystica (the Heptarchic Mysteries) that focused on the Heavenly associations of planetary magical practices.

The Intelligentsia delivered two things: (1) Liber Loagaeth, a prayer-book and hymnal containing 49 tablets of mystical incantation; (2) Gebofal, a system of cleansing, prayer, and ritual to be adhered to when constructing the Holy Book or reading from it.

While Dee was a strict nationalist, who loved England and wanted to see her imperial vision recognized, he was hardly the shady character your grossly uninformed statement portrays him as. Enochiana and all the practices associated with it, are divine, and holy, and benign to the world.

Aleister Crowley, was contacting the Lams, entities similar to the greys and doing sacrifice to receive privileged information from pan-dimensional entities.

Aleister Crowley contacted the Æthers, pan-dimensional Enochian spiritual forces who exist between the Outer Reality, and the Inner Mind. They weren't extraterrestrials, or related to them in any way. They are pure spiritual entities. Crowley summoned the Æthers in a spiritual practice similar to the Judaic "Counting the Omer", where one meditates on the Fifty Gates of Binah (the sephirot) and receives abundant wisdom and insight into the spiritual realm. By calling the Æthers Crowley was doing the same thing.

Crowley was also contacted by Aiwas, a discarnate spiritual force who utilized Crowley's Scarlet Women (holy female magical practitioners) to deliver Liber Al vel Legis (the Book of the Law). The Book of the Law was a mystical treatise on the New Age (a process represented by the precession of the zodiac around the solar ecliptic). Crowley believed that the New Age belonged to the Egyptian neter Horus, and that the religion of Thelema was the chosen faith for Horus' followers; just as Christianity had been for those of Jesus, and Judaism for those of Moses.

Crowley was a lot of things: occultist, poet, writer, drug-user, bisexual, magician, teacher and philosopher, and on and on. What Crowley wasn't, was a Satanist, a UFO cultist, or an evil overlord of the world ruling alongside a hidden cabal of Illuminated Ones that everybody knows about, but nobody can prove exist.

Guess what? Ea is the name of a around (with reserve of course) 4000 years old deity named in modern language Enki.

Enki is the older of the two deities.

Enki is the Sumerian-Akkadian god of fresh water, the Earth and its bounty, wisdom, law, magic, procreation, and invention.

He was responsible for creating the first humans out of clay with his wife Ninḫursag, for establishing the routes of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, for introducing sexual concepts to living beings, for the creation of vegetation, and a whole host of other things.

The city-state of Eridu in southern Iraq, home to Enki's É-Abzu temple, is a wealth of archaeological evidence. Most of the evidence points back to 6000 BC, among the Ubaid peoples, as the origin of his cult, religion, and worship.

Ea (pronounced either E-ya or simply Yah) is a Babylonian-Assyrian reinvention of Enki.

Ea was the Babylonian god of wisdom, healing, magic, and invention. He fathered, and taught, the god Marduk, who then usurped many of his fatherly roles. Ea's importance was diminished by Marduk, the Babylonian state-god whose mythology largely overshadowed the earlier Sumerian myths.

Ea's worship begins between 2700 BC and 2500 BC with the collapse and integration of the non-Semitic Sumerians by their conquerors, the Semitic Akkadians. This absorption of culture resulted in the rise of the city-state of Babylon in southern Mesopotamia, and the nation of Akkad in northern Mesopotamia with its capital city-state, Agade.

Ea is based on the Sumerian Enki, but they are not the same mythological figure. Regardless, neither Enki nor Ea are evil.

Your entire argument has therefore been completely deflated.

~ Wandering Scribe

edit on 7/8/13 by Wandering Scribe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:14 PM

John Dee, 007 his secret signature was Queen Elizabeth secret informant.

John Dee was not a "secret informant" for Queen Elizabeth I.

He was an astrologer, mathematician, geographer, and theologian who, working with Edward Kelley (formerly Talbott), was put in contact with both classical Judeo-Christian archangels (Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel) as well as a family of benign spiritual Intelligentsia (Galva'h, Nalvage, Illemese, Mapsama, Madimi).

The Judeo-Christian archangels delivered a Grimoire, called De Heptarchia Mystica (the Heptarchic Mysteries) that focused on the Heavenly associations of planetary magical practices.

The Intelligentsia delivered two things: (1) Liber Loagaeth, a prayer-book and hymnal containing 49 tablets of mystical incantation; (2) Gebofal, a system of cleansing, prayer, and ritual to be adhered to when constructing the Holy Book or reading from it.

While Dee was a strict nationalist, who loved England and wanted to see her imperial vision recognized, he was hardly the shady character your grossly uninformed statement portrays him as. Enochiana and all the practices associated with it, are divine, and holy, and benign to the world.

According to a book I read entirely dedicated on the topic of Enochian Magick and focusing in the introduction on the lives of John Dee and Edward Kelley but more specifically on John Dee's life, the fact that John Dee was a "secret informant" for Queen Elizabeth was explained in great details. How he signed using the 007 signature which has a hidden meaning by the way it is again symbolic.

Here is the link to the book I read on the topic, sadly on previews are available, you might need to buy it to see it's entirety. The name of the book is Enochian Vision Magick by Lon Milo Duquette.


posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

I've come across the volume before. I'd highly recommend, instead, that you give these two a try:

Angelical Language Vol. 1
Angelical Language Vol. 2

The author, Aaron Leitch, is likely the world's foremost authority on Enochian magic, the life and times of Dee and Kelley, and all things associated with the men. The double volume linked above is the result of a decade-long study of Dee's actual manuscripts, as well as a thorough cross-referencing of the majority of other works available on Enochiana, or Dee and Kelley.

Leitch spends time on both the personal lives of the men, as well as their cultural and religious influences concerning why they undertook the practice of Enochian magic.

As for Dee's contribution to England, it is widely known (and covered in Leitch's first volume) that Dee was a patriot, with intense love and loyalty for his country, and his Queen. Unfortunately, outside of cryptic signatures, which could be just as related to his interest in numberology, Kaballah, and Gnosticism as to "spying", there is no evidence that Dee was a nefarious man with infernal plans connected to dark overlords who used evil magic and rituals.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:29 PM

Aleister Crowley, was contacting the Lams, entities similar to the greys and doing sacrifice to receive privileged information from pan-dimensional entities.

Aleister Crowley contacted the Æthers, pan-dimensional Enochian spiritual forces who exist between the Outer Reality, and the Inner Mind. They weren't extraterrestrials, or related to them in any way. They are pure spiritual entities. Crowley summoned the Æthers in a spiritual practice similar to the Judaic "Counting the Omer", where one meditates on the Fifty Gates of Binah (the sephirot) and receives abundant wisdom and insight into the spiritual realm. By calling the Æthers Crowley was doing the same thing.

Crowley was also contacted by Aiwas, a discarnate spiritual force who utilized Crowley's Scarlet Women (holy female magical practitioners) to deliver Liber Al vel Legis (the Book of the Law). The Book of the Law was a mystical treatise on the New Age (a process represented by the precession of the zodiac around the solar ecliptic). Crowley believed that the New Age belonged to the Egyptian neter Horus, and that the religion of Thelema was the chosen faith for Horus' followers; just as Christianity had been for those of Jesus, and Judaism for those of Moses.

Crowley was a lot of things: occultist, poet, writer, drug-user, bisexual, magician, teacher and philosopher, and on and on. What Crowley wasn't, was a Satanist, a UFO cultist, or an evil overlord of the world ruling alongside a hidden cabal of Illuminated Ones that everybody knows about, but nobody can prove exist.

First, as I said concerning the pan-dimensional entities, I did not said they were actually aliens, I said they were similar to the greys in the depiction that were made of them. Here is a link with a depiction of them, you might see that they clearly are similar to the greys.

Aleister Crowley was an O.T.O. active member if not the most know member of it. If you know what is the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis) You will know the reason why he was bisexual it is part of the initiation in sexual magick rituals. He had a certain link with freemasonry too, but that was not the basic objective of the thread so I will not go any further with this guy.


posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by thruthseek3r

I've come across the volume before. I'd highly recommend, instead, that you give these two a try:

Angelical Language Vol. 1
Angelical Language Vol. 2

The author, Aaron Leitch, is likely the world's foremost authority on Enochian magic, the life and times of Dee and Kelley, and all things associated with the men. The double volume linked above is the result of a decade-long study of Dee's actual manuscripts, as well as a thorough cross-referencing of the majority of other works available on Enochiana, or Dee and Kelley.

Leitch spends time on both the personal lives of the men, as well as their cultural and religious influences concerning why they undertook the practice of Enochian magic.

As for Dee's contribution to England, it is widely known (and covered in Leitch's first volume) that Dee was a patriot, with intense love and loyalty for his country, and his Queen. Unfortunately, outside of cryptic signatures, which could be just as related to his interest in numberology, Kaballah, and Gnosticism as to "spying", there is no evidence that Dee was a nefarious man with infernal plans connected to dark overlords who used evil magic and rituals.

~ Wandering Scribe

Dee, again according to the book I mentioned to you, predicted a spanish invasion by sea to Queen Elizabeth and urged her not to send the British navy at that time which was much smaller and predicted there would be a storm which would destroy the spanish fleet which happened.

There are numerous examples but i am citing only one of them. I understand that the volumes you are presenting might give some interesting insight, but with the current situation i do not have enough time to read them but I am very sure they offer plenty of interesting information. That being said, it is not because it was not mentioned in the volumes you said earlier that what i just said is rubbish, nor that you are wrong. Further investigation would be needed on his life and I consider this to be very irrelevant considering this is not a master degree thesis on Dee, simply a thread on ATS.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

You left out the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Astrum Argentium as well. Crowley was a very egotistical individual, and therefore his membership among magical fraternities was quite well known. He liked the limelight. The more infamous his name seemed the more pleased he was. Not because he was actually evil, but because he was an attention-whore. At a time when membership to these secret societies was tantamount to mystical and spiritual prowess, Crowley adopted the mentality of "go big, or go home".

As for his sexual practices... no, no, that's not the reason.

There's a great biography on Crowley, A Magick Life, which details his entire life, from the perspective of a skeptic. Crowley's sexual liaisons began long before he joined/helped found the O.T.O. He was experimenting in college, and even during his time with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, with bisexual practices. He had several male-partners before he branched out to the O.T.O., or the A.A., and decided that sex-magic was an inherent element of spirituality.

As for Lam, there's a very thorough article right here that deals with Ken Grant's alien theory, as well as explaining virtually all the known information concerning the Lam "guru". There's also some stuff about Aiwass mixed in there too, because apparently Aiwass has been confused with an extraterrestrial as well.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:48 PM

Guess what? Ea is the name of a around (with reserve of course) 4000 years old deity named in modern language Enki.

Enki is the older of the two deities.

Enki is the Sumerian-Akkadian god of fresh water, the Earth and its bounty, wisdom, law, magic, procreation, and invention.

He was responsible for creating the first humans out of clay with his wife Ninḫursag, for establishing the routes of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, for introducing sexual concepts to living beings, for the creation of vegetation, and a whole host of other things.

The city-state of Eridu in southern Iraq, home to Enki's É-Abzu temple, is a wealth of archaeological evidence. Most of the evidence points back to 6000 BC, among the Ubaid peoples, as the origin of his cult, religion, and worship.

Ea (pronounced either E-ya or simply Yah) is a Babylonian-Assyrian reinvention of Enki.

Ea was the Babylonian god of wisdom, healing, magic, and invention. He fathered, and taught, the god Marduk, who then usurped many of his fatherly roles. Ea's importance was diminished by Marduk, the Babylonian state-god whose mythology largely overshadowed the earlier Sumerian myths.

Ea's worship begins between 2700 BC and 2500 BC with the collapse and integration of the non-Semitic Sumerians by their conquerors, the Semitic Akkadians. This absorption of culture resulted in the rise of the city-state of Babylon in southern Mesopotamia, and the nation of Akkad in northern Mesopotamia with its capital city-state, Agade.

Ea is based on the Sumerian Enki, but they are not the same mythological figure. Regardless, neither Enki nor Ea are evil.

Your entire argument has therefore been completely deflated.

~ Wandering Scribe

edit on 7/8/13 by Wandering Scribe because: (no reason given)

The reason I started this thread at the beginning was not to describe if something is evil or not, but simply because i found it odd that such a big company as Electronic Arts ( who owns al the major companies by the way? ) had a logo which was exactly the same as the name of a today dead or name changed deity, this being Enki which was later renamed Ea, but which is still more than 4500 years old.


posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by thruthseek3r

You left out the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Astrum Argentium as well. Crowley was a very egotistical individual, and therefore his membership among magical fraternities was quite well known. He liked the limelight. The more infamous his name seemed the more pleased he was. Not because he was actually evil, but because he was an attention-whore. At a time when membership to these secret societies was tantamount to mystical and spiritual prowess, Crowley adopted the mentality of "go big, or go home".

As for his sexual practices... no, no, that's not the reason.

There's a great biography on Crowley, A Magick Life, which details his entire life, from the perspective of a skeptic. Crowley's sexual liaisons began long before he joined/helped found the O.T.O. He was experimenting in college, and even during his time with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, with bisexual practices. He had several male-partners before he branched out to the O.T.O., or the A.A., and decided that sex-magic was an inherent element of spirituality.

As for Lam, there's a very thorough article right here that deals with Ken Grant's alien theory, as well as explaining virtually all the known information concerning the Lam "guru". There's also some stuff about Aiwass mixed in there too, because apparently Aiwass has been confused with an extraterrestrial as well.

~ Wandering Scribe

It is funny to see how Aiwass ressembles the rune name Ehwaz, different spelling but the same pronunciation. I just want to make it clear before any conclusion might be taken, this is totally outside the realm of the initially intended purpose of the thread.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by thruthseek3r

You left out the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Astrum Argentium as well. Crowley was a very egotistical individual, and therefore his membership among magical fraternities was quite well known. He liked the limelight. The more infamous his name seemed the more pleased he was. Not because he was actually evil, but because he was an attention-whore. At a time when membership to these secret societies was tantamount to mystical and spiritual prowess, Crowley adopted the mentality of "go big, or go home".

As for his sexual practices... no, no, that's not the reason.

There's a great biography on Crowley, A Magick Life, which details his entire life, from the perspective of a skeptic. Crowley's sexual liaisons began long before he joined/helped found the O.T.O. He was experimenting in college, and even during his time with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, with bisexual practices. He had several male-partners before he branched out to the O.T.O., or the A.A., and decided that sex-magic was an inherent element of spirituality.

As for Lam, there's a very thorough article right here that deals with Ken Grant's alien theory, as well as explaining virtually all the known information concerning the Lam "guru". There's also some stuff about Aiwass mixed in there too, because apparently Aiwass has been confused with an extraterrestrial as well.

~ Wandering Scribe

In no way if Lam's and I said IF Lam's are the greys we so often speak about, they can come from Sirius, the aliens which are residing there are surely not greys, they are better know as the fish people by many Africans tribe but here again it is outside the initial goal of the thread.


posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r

Originally posted by JameSimon
Why would EA games bother with a deity? The "Electronic Arts" corporate logo had the name written in full, the original one, and the symbol was more like E0A. Now it's not a deity, it's a Greek Symbol no?

Everything seems to be a conspiracy... I don't know how some people don't believe we live in a reality TV show.

PS: Cannot post pictures now.

Because on the top of everything, the ones who truly owns the planet are worshipers of dark entities, users of black magic. John Dee, 007 his secret signature was Queen Elizabeth secret informant. Aleister Crowley, was contacting the Lams, entities similar to the greys and doing sacrifice to receive privileged information from pan-dimensional entities.

A conspiracy going on worldwide possibly.

Why is everything a conspiracy? Why do you say we are being run by those who worship dark entities/users of black magic? The world is run by money, not black magic. EA games is not a conspiracy, it's a company that wants to make a profit, like every business.

If you told me that the world is run by a bunch of sociopathic CEO's and bankers then I would have to agree. Stop reading conspiracy books and go outside for a change.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 06:15 AM
I like the premise but sadly the evidence was lacking.
There could well be something valid in the idea but it should have been better researched

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Phoenix267
It looks like you're trying to make something out of nothing. To be honest I never understood how companies like EA could be Satanic or evil.

That second logo looks damn evil to me.

Do you understand those occult symbols? I sure don't.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 07:59 AM
I think the thread the OP is referencing linking magic practices to internet technology was by ByByots: Welcome to Salem, or along those lines, the title, that is.

As for OP's premise, I find it quite interesting, especially having read the above thread I referenced. And it does provide a "link" in the OP's premise that many find missing here.

Think about this: there's a lot of talk about "ascendency." But what does this mean in realistic, physical terms? Pardon me, just going with the premise proposed here. A lot of people also believe that ascendency is a carrot being held out as a reward which really is about the harvesting of soul for energy to forge another reality. And certainly, the internets are rife with the idea that you can create your own, if you wish, and are "ascended," i.e.wise enough.

Now, think about the game "sims." Or second life. The concept being sold here is you creating your own life, being your own god, transcending the circumstances and day to day realities of this life, which many would prefer to escape. These games have a tendency to draw you in, do they not? Recreate yourself, what you look like, the others you meet and how you interact with them. Whether you have the funds or not, what you will look like, and how plush your abode is. The energy you expend "playing," contriving and creating within that framework does seem, indeed, to be harvesting some of your energy.....which might otherwise be spent actually doing the same in real life.

OP, I encourage you to read the Welcome to Salem thread, and see the extrapolations, given your own idea at work here. If "dark forces" (for wont of a better phrase) were about needing energy to forge another reality, this would be a perfect way to harvest it, convert believers, get people to invest their belief and energy in such a thing. The problem is, if it were true, it's only their energy they would be after, not their individual personalities living within some "new reality." Their energies would be tapped to make this new reality, but only for themselves to live within as sentient beings, having become "gods" of their own new reality.

Just some thoughts.
Enjoyed the thread. And I think worthy of further investigation, if you are so inclined.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by JameSimon

Originally posted by thruthseek3r

Originally posted by JameSimon
Why would EA games bother with a deity? The "Electronic Arts" corporate logo had the name written in full, the original one, and the symbol was more like E0A. Now it's not a deity, it's a Greek Symbol no?

Everything seems to be a conspiracy... I don't know how some people don't believe we live in a reality TV show.

PS: Cannot post pictures now.

Because on the top of everything, the ones who truly owns the planet are worshipers of dark entities, users of black magic. John Dee, 007 his secret signature was Queen Elizabeth secret informant. Aleister Crowley, was contacting the Lams, entities similar to the greys and doing sacrifice to receive privileged information from pan-dimensional entities.

A conspiracy going on worldwide possibly.

Why is everything a conspiracy? Why do you say we are being run by those who worship dark entities/users of black magic? The world is run by money, not black magic. EA games is not a conspiracy, it's a company that wants to make a profit, like every business.

If you told me that the world is run by a bunch of sociopathic CEO's and bankers then I would have to agree. Stop reading conspiracy books and go outside for a change.

My friend, i have to sadly inform, as an old practitioner of magick, I was nearly coming to a point where i would engage in invocation of spirits before stopping everything. It led me to understand the world as it is today and the reason why there is a so small elite which runs the world today might be in part because of this.

Here is a thread describing what partly happened during WW II and the occult implicated during this war. Here is a second thread on the topic much more precisely on the Hitler's involvement with the occult, Thule society and more.

Maybe I am right, maybe I am wrong on the topic of Ea, an old deity named Enki, but there is no question on my part as to if or not the world leaders are involved in the occult, dark occultist definitely are doing their evil deeds being the scene.


posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul

Originally posted by Phoenix267
It looks like you're trying to make something out of nothing. To be honest I never understood how companies like EA could be Satanic or evil.

That second logo looks damn evil to me.

Do you understand those occult symbols? I sure don't.

I cannot explain these symbols in much details, but I can tell you that they are related somewhat to a magick writing of some sort it could be rune symbols or something else, but it definitely is related to the occult.


posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by tetra50
I think the thread the OP is referencing linking magic practices to internet technology was by ByByots: Welcome to Salem, or along those lines, the title, that is.

As for OP's premise, I find it quite interesting, especially having read the above thread I referenced. And it does provide a "link" in the OP's premise that many find missing here.

Think about this: there's a lot of talk about "ascendency." But what does this mean in realistic, physical terms? Pardon me, just going with the premise proposed here. A lot of people also believe that ascendency is a carrot being held out as a reward which really is about the harvesting of soul for energy to forge another reality. And certainly, the internets are rife with the idea that you can create your own, if you wish, and are "ascended," i.e.wise enough.

Now, think about the game "sims." Or second life. The concept being sold here is you creating your own life, being your own god, transcending the circumstances and day to day realities of this life, which many would prefer to escape. These games have a tendency to draw you in, do they not? Recreate yourself, what you look like, the others you meet and how you interact with them. Whether you have the funds or not, what you will look like, and how plush your abode is. The energy you expend "playing," contriving and creating within that framework does seem, indeed, to be harvesting some of your energy.....which might otherwise be spent actually doing the same in real life.

OP, I encourage you to read the Welcome to Salem thread, and see the extrapolations, given your own idea at work here. If "dark forces" (for wont of a better phrase) were about needing energy to forge another reality, this would be a perfect way to harvest it, convert believers, get people to invest their belief and energy in such a thing. The problem is, if it were true, it's only their energy they would be after, not their individual personalities living within some "new reality." Their energies would be tapped to make this new reality, but only for themselves to live within as sentient beings, having become "gods" of their own new reality.

Just some thoughts.
Enjoyed the thread. And I think worthy of further investigation, if you are so inclined.

Thank you for your contribution to the thread Tetra50. What I find interesting is the fact that energy leeching could be an intended purpose by the ones doing the games, the big corporations. I totally felt it could be possible because being in touch with my soul/spirit I found out that what you just mentioned could really be true as I already felt like being drained while playing "duality" games. The kind of games in which there are two factions and each of them must defeat the other in order to win, so many of these games are available today, it has to be noted.

How could it work ? The emotions being felt while playing these games are low vibrational emotions of hate, anger, vengeance, etc. I think it would suit very well the ones in control behind the scene to have such addictive software among society to keep us divided in the most possible ways it can be.

As for the thread you referenced me, I will take a look on it thank you again. Funny coincidence I just realized while writing the post, do not you think it is weird the Jerusalem ---) Jeru-salem, contains the word salem in it? I find it odd but I am getting ahead of myself, will look into the thread.


posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 01:40 PM
Very interesting points you make here....especially about Jerusalem, although I tend to think we draw connections, even verbally, based on paradolia (sp.) Language has changed, evolved, I believe to lead us in this direction.

As to your other points, about negativity when engaged in these "games," I don't believe this is an accident. We are constantly under a divide and concquer paradigm, to turn us against one another, and thereby justify overarching control, for we are just to primitive as a species to do without it...../sarcasm. We are fed, and led down this road, in my belief. Take competitiveness, for pits us against one another, and is an "energy sucker," and puts our minds in a certain state, ripe for attacking our fellow man.

Please, do check out the thread: the Salem one. I think you will find information there to broaden the scope of what you are looking and expressing here.
Thanks for your OP; I find it very important.

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