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Extinction event! what like last time?

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posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 03:39 AM
The last time we had a major extinction event was about twelve thousand years ago, when it seems a significant genetic bottleneck occurred. The Human Genome shrunk significantly, about ten thousand years ago The City in the Gulf of Cathay, off of India went under the waves. The Antarctic ice melted and sea levels rose about 2 meters higher than they are today. But on the plus side Someone mapped an ice free Antarctica and Greenland. It struck me that the average Urban human in this so called developed age, wouldn't stand a chance. So if the same scenario develops again what might we be in for?
edit on 2-8-2013 by anonentity because: missed dot

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:40 AM
Any idea where I can find these maps? One likely location of Atlantis is on Antarctica itself...
edit on 2-8-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:48 AM
I have my own theory...but higher up scientists debunk me.I know they are wrong because I am not dumb.All these year's of disinformation stupified a lot of people.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:01 AM
Actually the last "near" mass extiction was in 535 (1,500 years ago)

It some parts of the world it wiped out 80% of the population some think it might have been a comet impact similar to the one that got the dinosaurs.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:25 AM
Fantastic thread and such a good read. I have the O"Brien book and his follow up book both of which are well researche.

O'Brien always took Atlantis to be in the Atlantic Ocean and the Azores the remaining part above water.
Why people seem to hate this idea amazes me when they fish around elsewhere grabbing at straws. Atlantis was sitting on a 'T' junction of jtectonic plates and the grinding of the plates alone would have made it an interesting place to live.

It was also the mid stop off between Europe, Africa and the Americas.

The northern hemisphere was under a lot of ice so man would have been considerably busier and living in the southerm hemisphere. We know that the Polynesians were terrific sea-faring people, Nan Madol is an island that needs explanation for its construction which we probably also cound not manage even today. The actual height of its rise is mind bogglingj. In the UK our most expensive real estate is on Sand Banks and that is supposedly currently threatened by global warming and higher sea levels, yet houses go for millions and if the sea rises the investment

The point about people chosing to live near the sea is something that I had taken for granted but not considered in the light of the disappearance of so many different cultures when the sea level rose. The actual height of its rise is mind boggling, especially if you add the natural sinking of land into the equation as possibly with Atlantis, where also vulcanoes played their part. There is no sense to where people chose to live. In the UK Sandbanks is built on sand and is one of the most expensive real estate areas in the world. So with global rising is it wise to invest there
well the wealthy are - reminds me of King Canute 'Up came the tide and away went he'

I have never accepted the idea that ancient man was stupid in any way he had to be clever to survive and we know lived in groups which shows social order.

I do hope that our real history gets written and think that dna which is so fascinating also is our best hope to discovering who we are and our past ancestors.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:41 AM
If such a thing were to happen again now a days, you're absolutely right, the typical human would NOT be able to survive. They wouldn't have any idea what to do, besides follow what their country's government suggests for survival plans..

People don't even know how to cook something without a microwave, survive what people of the ancient times went through? LOL please.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by anonentity

But on the plus side Someone mapped an ice free Antarctica and Greenland.

Originally posted by darkbake

Any idea where I can find these maps? One likely location of Atlantis is on Antarctica itself...

I believe the Op may be speaking about the Piri Reis map. It has been used quite a bit recently in the "media".

Maybe it's the Orontius Finnaeus.

Some interesting stuff.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Shiloh7
Fantastic thread and such a good read. I have the O"Brien book and his follow up book both of which are well researche.

O'Brien always took Atlantis to be in the Atlantic Ocean and the Azores the remaining part above water.
Why people seem to hate this idea amazes me when they fish around elsewhere grabbing at straws. Atlantis was sitting on a 'T' junction of jtectonic plates and the grinding of the plates alone would have made it an interesting place to live.

It was also the mid stop off between Europe, Africa and the Americas.

The northern hemisphere was under a lot of ice so man would have been considerably busier and living in the southerm hemisphere. We know that the Polynesians were terrific sea-faring people, Nan Madol is an island that needs explanation for its construction which we probably also cound not manage even today. The actual height of its rise is mind bogglingj. In the UK our most expensive real estate is on Sand Banks and that is supposedly currently threatened by global warming and higher sea levels, yet houses go for millions and if the sea rises the investment

The point about people chosing to live near the sea is something that I had taken for granted but not considered in the light of the disappearance of so many different cultures when the sea level rose. The actual height of its rise is mind boggling, especially if you add the natural sinking of land into the equation as possibly with Atlantis, where also vulcanoes played their part. There is no sense to where people chose to live. In the UK Sandbanks is built on sand and is one of the most expensive real estate areas in the world. So with global rising is it wise to invest there
well the wealthy are - reminds me of King Canute 'Up came the tide and away went he'

I have never accepted the idea that ancient man was stupid in any way he had to be clever to survive and we know lived in groups which shows social order.

I do hope that our real history gets written and think that dna which is so fascinating also is our best hope to discovering who we are and our past ancestors.

The Science says that in one mans lifetime, he went from being able to walk across from Britain across the Dogger bank , which was land then, into Europe. To looking at the waves, where he once sat. One lifetime was all it had taken. Now the number of humans on the planet have reached staggering numbers compared to back then. If the climate change is a cyclical thing, and remembering that we went from being medieval idiots, to the Jumbo jet in such brief period. I keep thinking that we might have reached this stage of technology before. Just one instance is an aluminium belt buckle found in a tomb in China. Aluminum wasn't smelted until 1890. Our written History hardly covers a relevant timespan to acertain very much at all, and when something comes up which contradicts the Dogma, it seems to suffer denial, and gets placed in the to hard basket. All our major cities are on the waters edge, all our knowledge is in a digital format, and the Antarctic ice shelf is melting again. As the weight of ice, leaves the poles, we get a rebounding effect (more earth quakes ?) as the tropics reset.
The fact is that hungry people in times of stress, will not be interested in the finer points of humanity. The Andes plane crash, the siege at Stalingrad, had nice urban civilised people eating each other. Then as societies continue to collapse , those on top will take slaves to make there lives better. The weakest by nature, will be the most vunerable. In fact a very similar situation that persisted at the dawn of written history, and existed in isolated pockets of humanity up to a brief period ago. Control would be by means of the natural superstition of humans by means of various religions. We could be looking at humanities natural fall back position. That takes thousands of years to get out of, before we reach a moment in time like the last few centuries where we can actually get the knowledge again to better our otherwise miserable lives.
The fact that there is world seed bank on Spizbergen tell me that someone knows something and is hedging their bets.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 04:14 AM
I agree with you and would open it a bit further in that the Indian records which go back thousands of years and are not that widely read show details of planes they reputedly built and flew. They also mention a terrible war, which, if I am right in thinking they were not involved in but either saw the flashes or watched from a distance. (Often the glass in the Sahara is mentioned as a part or place this war occurred.

The fact we have been wiped out to near extinction is something our planet goes through periodically surely because I think we have had three diffferent times when scientists thought life had started. We also have lived in a time of very calm weather, up to a few years ago, but if you look at the past ice record, this planet likes to freeze over and defrost periodically.

I think religious conditioning colours our thinking but until recently scientists of different specialities did not really mix with others so we did not benefit from the geologist mixing with the archaelogist etc but today due to the net and better cooperation we are beginning to get a better picture of the past.

I also wonder if due to a number of things, such as the methane buildup of population and its needs etc coupled with deforestation, etc etc etc a number of things accumulating together, we don't actually when the earth is fully populated simply reach a tipping point when 'no more', means No More. I remember reading that 'the earth shook' that is the description I dread to hear again.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by darkbake
Any idea where I can find these maps? One likely location of Atlantis is on Antarctica itself...
edit on 2-8-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

The Piri Reis map:
Piri Reis map

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by anonentity
The last time we had a major extinction event was about twelve thousand years ago, when it seems a significant genetic bottleneck occurred. The Human Genome shrunk significantly, about ten thousand years ago The City in the Gulf of Cathay, off of India went under the waves. The Antarctic ice melted and sea levels rose about 2 meters higher than they are today. But on the plus side Someone mapped an ice free Antarctica and Greenland. It struck me that the average Urban human in this so called developed age, wouldn't stand a chance. So if the same scenario develops again what might we be in for?
edit on 2-8-2013 by anonentity because: missed dot

If it's anything like the event you mention, then we are in for nothing at all.

The examples you cite never occurred.


posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Harte

I think its accepted that the layer of Tritium, came from meteorite activity. The Great Pyramid has been underwater at some time . Lake Titicaca was a seaport which isn't underwater, but got elevated to 12000 feet. Which only goes to prove that an ancient seaport existed for Trade. All of humankind have tales of flooding which seem to be at the end of the ice age. Seems to me that ancient people had it well organised, then it all went pear shaped.
Plato stated quite clearly what it was like, Science backs him up, But the denial is expected. History wise change is the only sure thing

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Shiloh7
I agree with you and would open it a bit further in that the Indian records which go back thousands of years and are not that widely read show details of planes they reputedly built and flew. They also mention a terrible war, which, if I am right in thinking they were not involved in but either saw the flashes or watched from a distance. (Often the glass in the Sahara is mentioned as a part or place this war occurred.

The fact we have been wiped out to near extinction is something our planet goes through periodically surely because I think we have had three diffferent times when scientists thought life had started. We also have lived in a time of very calm weather, up to a few years ago, but if you look at the past ice record, this planet likes to freeze over and defrost periodically.

I think religious conditioning colours our thinking but until recently scientists of different specialities did not really mix with others so we did not benefit from the geologist mixing with the archaelogist etc but today due to the net and better cooperation we are beginning to get a better picture of the past.

I also wonder if due to a number of things, such as the methane buildup of population and its needs etc coupled with deforestation, etc etc etc a number of things accumulating together, we don't actually when the earth is fully populated simply reach a tipping point when 'no more', means No More. I remember reading that 'the earth shook' that is the description I dread to hear again.

The Earth seems to be set up as a self balancing system, Geologicaly its natural state is Ice age. We are in an "interglacial period" with good weather that's let us grow crops and have the leisure time to get some knowledge together. But the records show a fluctuating climate system that isn't interested in our personal comfort.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by anonentity
reply to post by Harte

I think its accepted that the layer of Tritium, came from meteorite activity. The Great Pyramid has been underwater at some time . Lake Titicaca was a seaport which isn't underwater, but got elevated to 12000 feet. Which only goes to prove that an ancient seaport existed for Trade. All of humankind have tales of flooding which seem to be at the end of the ice age. Seems to me that ancient people had it well organised, then it all went pear shaped.
Plato stated quite clearly what it was like, Science backs him up, But the denial is expected. History wise change is the only sure thing

None of the above is factual.
Tritium means what? Not a worldwide catastrophe.

No bottleneck 12kya.
The great pyramid was never underwater.
There is no seaport at Titicaca.
"All" of humankind does not have a flood myth, though it's true that floods happen everywhere.
There is no such thing as the Gulf of Cathay. Cathay is an old name for China. You mean the "Gulf of Cambay," actually the Gulf of Khambat, and there's no city there and the only thing dated was a dredged up piece of driftwood.
Antarctic ice hasn't melted in a at least half a million years.
There exist no ancient maps of an "ice free" Antarctica. Greenland was basically ice free when the Vikings got there (during the Medieval Warm Period.) The little ice age, which only ended during the American Civil War, put an end to the ice free status.

Perhaps you could come up with something that actually happened?

edit on 8/3/2013 by Harte because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Harte

Just stopped by - I'll be able to respond Monday or Tuesday in detail

One addition to Harte fine post

The 'seaport' is actually a river port that leads to the lake. You can look at it on goggle earth if you want.

Congrats on the aluminium find few ever mention it. Two points there are two known places on earth where natural occuring aluminum may be found both are in ......wait for it.................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................China

Link to naturally occuring Aluminium
Please note that this is an initial study and has not - as far as I know been confirmed by another source.

You can also read more about it here
Read the second post

Man there is awhole lot of old debunked fringe in this thread
edit on 3/8/13 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune
reply to post by Harte

Just stopped by - I'll be able to respond Monday or Tuesday in detail

One addition to Harte fine post

The 'seaport' is actually a river port that leads to the lake. You can look at it on goggle earth if you want.

Congrats on the aluminium find few ever mention it. Two points there are two known places on earth where natural occuring aluminum may be found both are in ......wait for it.................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................China

Link to naturally occuring Aluminium
Please note that this is an initial study and has not - as far as I know been confirmed by another source.

You can also read more about it here
Read the second post

Man there is awhole lot of old debunked fringe in this thread
edit on 3/8/13 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

If that's so what are all the marine molluscs doing all over the lake Titicaca area? .I'll check out naturaly occurring aluminium. But the ooparts are legion Bhagdad batteries, Antikythera mechanism, to name a couple.
If there was no world wide trade going on why are there African genes in the native people of the Amazon. Cocaine and Tobacco in Mummies. American genes in Welsh Basque and Irish people. Did Plato just think up an Island that would have been where he said it was with Ice age sea levels. He is quite specific with regards to Atlantean outposts at Gades, (Cadiz) and on Islands on the far continent. The Fact that Cro Magnon came to Europe from the west is established. Cro Magnon being O negative, and very large,was dammed. If the males bred with other females Childbirth would have killed them, and if the females bred outside the tribe the offspring would be Rhesus negative.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune
reply to post by Harte

Just stopped by - I'll be able to respond Monday or Tuesday in detail

One addition to Harte fine post

The 'seaport' is actually a river port that leads to the lake. You can look at it on goggle earth if you want.

Congrats on the aluminium find few ever mention it. Two points there are two known places on earth where natural occuring aluminum may be found both are in ......wait for it.................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................China

Link to naturally occuring Aluminium
Please note that this is an initial study and has not - as far as I know been confirmed by another source.

You can also read more about it here
Read the second post

Man there is awhole lot of old debunked fringe in this thread
edit on 3/8/13 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

But all it says is that Aluminium cant exist in nature because it oxidises. Every place i've looked backs this up.The first thing about the metal is that it cannot exist naturally because it cant exist in an oxygen environment.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune
reply to post by Harte

Just stopped by - I'll be able to respond Monday or Tuesday in detail

One addition to Harte fine post

The 'seaport' is actually a river port that leads to the lake. You can look at it on goggle earth if you want.

Congrats on the aluminium find few ever mention it. Two points there are two known places on earth where natural occuring aluminum may be found both are in ......wait for it.................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................China

Link to naturally occuring Aluminium
Please note that this is an initial study and has not - as far as I know been confirmed by another source.

You can also read more about it here
Read the second post

Man there is awhole lot of old debunked fringe in this thread
edit on 3/8/13 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by anonentity
reply to post by Harte

I think its accepted that the layer of Tritium, came from meteorite activity. The Great Pyramid has been underwater at some time . Lake Titicaca was a seaport which isn't underwater, but got elevated to 12000 feet. Which only goes to prove that an ancient seaport existed for Trade. All of humankind have tales of flooding which seem to be at the end of the ice age. Seems to me that ancient people had it well organised, then it all went pear shaped.
Plato stated quite clearly what it was like, Science backs him up, But the denial is expected. History wise change is the only sure thing

None of the above is factual.
Tritium means what? Not a worldwide catastrophe.

No bottleneck 12kya.
The great pyramid was never underwater.
There is no seaport at Titicaca.
"All" of humankind does not have a flood myth, though it's true that floods happen everywhere.
There is no such thing as the Gulf of Cathay. Cathay is an old name for China. You mean the "Gulf of Cambay," actually the Gulf of Khambat, and there's no city there and the only thing dated was a dredged up piece of driftwood.
Antarctic ice hasn't melted in a at least half a million years.
There exist no ancient maps of an "ice free" Antarctica. Greenland was basically ice free when the Vikings got there (during the Medieval Warm Period.) The little ice age, which only ended during the American Civil War, put an end to the ice free status.

Perhaps you could come up with something that actually happened?

edit on 8/3/2013 by Harte because: (no reason given)

Yeh it was the Gulf of Khambat I missed the edit time. Greenland ice free? No sunken city under Khambat? If I said Aluminium occurred naturally , you would say it dosn't.
This thread is an opinion that humanity has reached sophisticated levels of civilisation in the past, and that natural disasters have wiped it out. In our brief time we have witnessed the Boxing day earthquake which via a tsunami killed 200k people, and another that destroyed, a good area of Japan. That's just in a moment of geological time. : (no reason given)

edit on 3-8-2013 by anonentity because: adding support

edit on 3-8-2013 by anonentity because: adding sentence.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by anonentity

You are correct pure aluminium like pure iron corrodes away in the atmosphere but alloys do not. If you would read the links you would find that the material found was an alloy. An alloy of aluminium can exist and guess what the only two known ones are in China. Unfortunately the information at the second link is in Mandarin.

The problem with your overall idea is that you do not realise the extend and magnitude of the archaeological impact a civilization has and how long it lasts in the archaeological record.

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