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Will we ever get justice !!!

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posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:50 PM
Politicians and leaders stealing from the poor , punishing honest people , greed....
breaking all Moral values and spying on people ...

You know what am talking about...all i want to know is will there be justice ? what will happen to them after death ? Will there be Karma ? Will they have a special place in hell ?

Am just really tired of it .... These people seem to just get away with anything ....

edit on 1-8-2013 by maddy21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by maddy21

As much as I hate corruption, I cannot bring myself to wish harm or retribution upon the corrupt. Don't get me wrong, if they all fell into a pit of vipers I wouldn't at all feel bad for them. I would probably even find pleasure in it... but it would be guilt free pleasure - knowing that I did not explicitly want for it to happen.

As for justice? That is different than payback or come uppence... and I do believe that there will be justice. The current landscape is not tenable... it cannot last. It has to change and, when it does, the pendulum will be forced to swing back to a more equitable and fair condition. So in that sense justice will be had.

Sadly that leads us to the next reality... Eventually the pendulum will swing, again, back to bad.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:35 AM
We're toast. Its as simple as that.

The poor has been squeezed into submission, the middle-class still believing it's not happening to them, and refusing to entertain the topic of global corruption, hold pretty much the fate of us all. But greed and the pursuit of wealth no matter the trickle down consequences holds the majority of them back.

By the time the middle-class is ready to act, they will be as powerless as the rest of us.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 02:49 AM
Morality be damned...... am going use the Law Of Attraction now ..if it works it works..if not i don't know..ill leave it up to god all mighty ...and what ever consequences may it put on my soul so be it.... Am just tired of it

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by maddy21
Politicians and leaders stealing from the poor , punishing honest people , greed....
breaking all Moral values and spying on people ...

You know what am talking about...all i want to know is will there be justice ? what will happen to them after death ? Will there be Karma ? Will they have a special place in hell ?

Am just really tired of it .... These people seem to just get away with anything ....

Yes, it is exhausting.

But before I answer, I'd like to ask, what do you mean by "we"?

Do you mean "we" as in "the people currently incarnated on Terra"?

Do you mean "we" as in "humanity in general, no matter who is incarnated at any given moment"?

Do you mean "we" as in "me specifically, and my group of people"?

Do you mean "we" as in "me specifically, and whoever else is incarnated right now?"

And what do you mean by "justice"?

Do you mean "justice" as in "what seems to be right from the Earthly perspective"?

Do you mean "justice", as in "cosmic, karmic, long-term justice, extending to multiple incarnations"?

(I know you mentioned Karma, but your perspective didn't seem to be clearly a "multi-incarnation" one)

Do you mean "justice", as in "you reap, what you sow, but for certain people and actions, it may take millenia"?

Think about your life before you incarnated here. Everything was well, you were feeling good, you didn't need food, clothing or shelter for your body that you couldn't instantly create. You had no needs that you couldn't immediately satisfy.

And yet you wanted to incarnate into a clumsy, uncomfortable, tight, physical body, that could be used to extort you to work for a sick system that oppresses others the same way. Why was that?

Why did you come here? Why did you incarnate into an imperfect, unjust world instead of a perfect, just world?

Have you lived in a perfect, just world at some point? If you have, then you did have your 'justice'. You just chose to not have it during THIS incarnation. If you are going to incarnate into another perfect, just world, would you consider that "justice"? I mean, it would be justice for you, even though others might still suffer here. But then, isn't that always the case?

I mean, if Terra would suddenly become perfect and just, there would be other worlds where similar injustice and imperfection is happening. Why wouldn't you feel just as bad for those people, and want justice for them also?

I am trying to enlarge the perspective here, from a puny Terra-ant narrow view into a larger, more timeless, more cosmic view where reasons and actions can be seen from further away.

Did Terrans -ever- have justice, after Atlantis sank? Why do you think the situation is so horrible and unjust nowadays? What would BE your idea of 'justice' anyway?

Let's take an individual, who is suffering from poverty and being a social outcast, as an example. What and who could that individual have been in his previous incarnation? Why, he could have been someone rich, who had plenty of social life. He may have abused his wealth and social network to oppress poor outcasts, so now he is learning what it feels like. He is gaining valuable understanding, he is fulfilling his life plan and lightening his Karmic load. His suffering has meaning!

Now, you would want this experience to end prematurely, him to be back where he started from (after all the trouble he went through to incarnate, grow up and get poor and 'anti-social')! You would nullify the meaning of his incarnation, you would set him back Karmically, and cause perhaps horrible damage, for now he might be karmically much worse than he was before. Which means that he must now suffer even more in the next incarnation!

What you call justice, might actually just create more suffering!

People made such atrocities and sins during the Atlantis phase, that they are now being exposed to a horrible, seemingly unfair and seemingly unjust system that oppresses the heck out of them. Because they were the oppressors previously, or mass-murderers (I am not going to get into the history of Atlantis in detail here, but some day I might, if someone wants me to - suffice to say that the slaves killed their masters utilizing their lower spiritual abilities to wish for death for all, and so the impact of Terra and its bigger moon happened - right above Atlantis - coinciding with the explosion of the other planet that helped to push the moon against Terra's magnetic field in an angle where the particles were in direct opposition)..

.. they finally have the opportunity to learn how it feels to be oppressed, to lighten their Karmic load, and so on.

My char limit is approaching, so I am ending this post. Although I didn't even manage to properly scratch the surface on what I really wanted to say.

But .. perspective. What IS justice - what if this injustice IS karmic justice? The oppressed were previously oppressors?
edit on 22-8-2013 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)

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