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While Celebrities Beautify .. Babies Die

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posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:33 AM
Basically ... Babies in hospitals need certain drugs and nutrients to survive. Premature babies especially. Hospitals are having a hard time finding these drugs and nutrients, but the big money celebrities have no problem getting them for their beauty treatments. The most commonly-depleted drugs include calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium.

While Celebrities Beautify .. Babies Die

"You'll hear about this trend called the vitamin drip, where celebrities, models, musicians and athletes are getting IV nutrition delivered intravenously because it's supposed to reenergize them, it's supposed to beautify them," says Robbins, who traced where the nutrients are coming from and found that in some cases, they are coming from the same limited pool used to supply hospitals.

"So essentially, premature babies are suffering because they can't get access to the same nutrients that some celebrities are using to pretty-up before a photo shoot," says Robbins, who adds that people are also using the drugs for a hangover cure.

Why are celebrities getting the drugs, and not the infants in critical condition? Robbins explains there is no centralized database to direct the nutrients to the people who need them the most.

Washington Times - Children Are Dying

Special report: Because of nationwide shortages, Washington hospitals are rationing, hoarding, and bartering critical nutrients premature babies and other patients need to survive. Doctors are reporting conditions normally seen only in developing countries, and there have been deaths. How could this be allowed to happen?

"Exhausted" Celebrities Deplete Nations Supply of Vitamin IV Drip

Premature babies across the country are allegedly malnourished because some of the nutrients they need are being sucked up into celebrities freshly botoxed mugs via a trendy vitamin drip.

Famouses like Simon Cowell, Madonna, Cindy Crawford, and the Miami Heat’s Rashard Lewis are allegedly huge fans of these nutrient drips that make you feel and look like a sexy baby vampire. They take them before big events, photo shoots, or just when they just need a little kick. Rhianna even started a craze when she tweeted a photo of her IV line in 2012 — now “party-girl drip” is being used as a hangover cure and there are even vans in Las Vegas that can run as many as 14 IVs at a time

Information on Vitamin IV Drips ~ $300 a drip

Daily Mail UK - Celebrity Trend Vitamin IV Drops Sparks Critical National Shortage of Medical Supplies Used to Treat Malnourished Babies

Live Science - Celeb Trend of IV Vitamin Drips is Not a Good Idea (the dangers)

ABC News - Celeb Vitamin IV Drips

"I.V. is pretty much instant gratification," Dr. Kamau Kokayi said.

So do we rush to make these things illegal for people outside of hospitals? Isn't that giving more government control over vitamins and supplements? That's spooky. Is it a matter of who can afford the vitamin IV drips get them and forget who actually needs them? Is it a matter of spoiled celebrities and other rich folks who do this needing to quit being so vain ... or to learn basic human compassion (real compassion, not the kind that they make sure the cameras see) ... and since that probably won't happen we'll have to just put up with it?

I don't know. But the situation is there.

So how do the celebrities manage to get their hands on this stuff while hospitals can't???

ATS .... Discuss as you wish ....

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:44 AM
It's really sad that such is so, but, people are selfish, and whatever 'MORE' is, they typically want it, especially as it applies to being popular, adored, wealthy, and influential.

There's people on this planet worth $50 BILLION.
What the Hello Kitty is anyone going to DO with private control of $50 Billion?
Who the Hello Kitty NEEDS $50 Billion?

I think I could manage, maybe just barely to scrape by with $1 Billion.
The rest could certainly go to making the world a better place.
Unfortunately, that don't really happen.
All those billions go into making more billions.
Money for the sake of money. It's ridiculous.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:52 AM
The only real answer will be increasing the supply. Supply and demand. The rich and famous wipe their arse with what many need to survive. So what's new?

Charlie Sheen has probably sucked up more than 10 celebs put together for hangover cures.

Because you know WINNING.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Hey Flyer, nice thread

I think this story highlights the flaws in the US medical system and emphasizes the notion that healthcare/health management is still a business.

It is truly a shame that life and vitality are up for sale if you have the money, just so someone of means can look 3 months younger, while a child loses out on 80+ years of life.

Capitalist tendency drive the prices of those nutrient therapies through the roof, as more and more demand from willing consumers increases.

I would say this arrangement is just another example that illustrates that class division that exists. Whether you agree with the economics behind this or not, its still a shame that those who struggle for life are beaten out with those with money and their struggle to maintain a slightly prolonged time of beauty.
edit on 1-8-2013 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:01 AM
So .. are the resources out there but mismanagement by drug companies or by hospitals is just causing the shortages where they are needed most? I don't know. We can't legislate compassion ... So I'm not saying to make this illegal for people with money ... but 'someone' (that elusive 'someone') in the drug business should be pushing shipments to hospitals with at least the same vigor that they are pushing them towards the celebrities. Maybe the celebrities are a bigger market so they get more of the Vitamin/Drug IV drip?? Dunno ... I just dunno ...

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:05 AM
Capitalism in the medical field is a bad thing IMO. I was going through some medical bills for my father of when he was in the hospital and they charged $60 for one tylenol. Honestly WTF.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:07 AM
It's sorta like having someone chew up your food for you so you don't have to do the work yourself. I can see these IV drips for people whose bodies aren't functioning at capacity but other than that our bodies are designed to do the work for us. If you really want to help it along there are liquid versions of most of these nutrients. It's sort of shocking that there are short supplies of these IV vitamins given the vit industry is so big. If it comes down to who gets what little there is need should always come before want. When you thought you had heard it all....

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:33 AM
Blame the FDA!!!!!

The shortage is not caused by celebrities getting hangover cures, that's a bunch of BS. (However Vitamin C does cure a hangover).

This is the real reason of the shortage:

A 2012 report by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform places much of the blame on the FDA.

The report says that because the agency ramped up inspections and sent a flurry of warning letters, “four of America’s five largest manufacturers of generic injectable products” simultaneously shut down 30 percent of their manufacturing capacity. [\size]

FDA officials have responded that the increase of warning letters was only a “modest fluctuation” that didn’t correlate with the dramatic increase in shortages.

But records show that the number of warning letters related to drugs and biologics nearly doubled between 2009 and 2010, from 34 to 60, before falling to 48 the next year. The recent surge in shortages began in 2010.

Manufacturers are reluctant to talk. APP Pharmaceuticals, which produces calcium gluconate, sodium phosphate, and magnesium sulfate, and American Regent, which makes several IV nutrients currently in shortage, both declined to comment for this article.

“There’s no upside to our guys talking about that,” says a spokesperson for a manufacturers’ association. “Even if the FDA’s doing something terrible, we can’t criticize them. They regulate us. There’s not one cause of drug shortages. But if you call the FDA, they’ll say it’s our fault.”

Indeed, in a July 2012 letter to Congressman Elijah Cummings, a ranking member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, FDA assistant commissioner Jeanne Ireland passed the buck. “The root causes of drug shortages . . . lie largely outside of FDA’s purview,” she wrote. “During 2011 nearly 70 percent of all drug shortages were related to manufacturing production problems, including quality-related issues and delays. . . . In 2012, quality-related problems and delays have continued to account for the majority of shortages, especially those involving sterile injectable drugs.”

However, it is complicated by the production problems. The FDA has been coming down hard on these companies especially after the "steroid" story broke and people died from contaminated steroid injections.

“It appears that FDA failed to properly balance regulatory benefits and regulatory costs when the agency took actions that effectively shut down a significant amount of manufacturing capacity at most of America’s major producers of generic injectable drugs,” the congressional letter states.

The letter echoes an accusation in the original report that the FDA knew as early as mid-2011 that its enforcement measures might lead to shortages. That’s when FDA warning letters began to mention shortages, instructing manufacturers to contact the agency before making a decision that would result in a drop-off in production.


posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 09:23 PM
It's really sad, but predictable, that the media ignores the true cause of the problem.

This problem lays at the feet of the FDA.

I don't have the links in front of me at the moment, but came across this problem when putting together my thread on Vitamin C.

Several of the producers of IV Vitamin C were shut down for the only reason that they mislabeled the product.

We are at war with the FDA and the USDA as they are aligned with people who do not support us, but support big Pharma.

Big Pharma doesn't want us to be healthy, you see we can be much healthier with access to good vitamins.

The rabbit hole is much deeper.

Who is running the FDA - someone should do a thread about that. I've already discovered the corruption in the USDA. I should do a thread about that... but just don't have the time right now as my mother fell and broke her neck again and I'm providing 24/7 care. But maybe another day.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 11:54 PM
If there is a shortage of these nutrients, then it is because someone wants there to be shortage.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Its my intuitive feeling and observing celebrities in Media there is Vampiric qualities which govern their behaviour and nature. They are feed off the human races energy and don't give it back. Therefore no surprise OP of them deny the essential nutrients of life from the young babies born.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:13 AM
For whatever reason the OP decided to point the finger at 'celebrities' I have no idea nor do I wish to try and understand that kind of mindset.

Facts are - those preemies and babies in need who’re supposed to live? Their parents have the cash to get what they need.

The 'other babies'? The ‘poor’ ones? Well, it sucks to be them now doesn't it.

Where’s the conspiracy in that, lol.


posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by silo13

For whatever reason the OP decided to point the finger at 'celebrities' I have no idea nor do I wish to try and understand that kind of mindset.

Facts are - those preemies and babies in need who’re supposed to live? Their parents have the cash to get what they need.

The 'other babies'? The ‘poor’ ones? Well, it sucks to be them now doesn't it.

Where’s the conspiracy in that, lol.


You didn't get the premise. Ill explain it to you Supply and Demand. There is limited supply and great demand. An area of great demand is for the unfortunate babies. Its unfortunate for them because the price of the nutrient is so expensive because celebrities are using their money to buy up the limited market which drives up the price to a region no ordinary person can afford.


posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:23 AM
Sounds like a government problem - the FDA is being slow of the dime.

How many celebrities are there really 10K worlwide & there is no shortage of vitamins?
Walk in any drug store, supermarket, Walmart or Target - there are aisle's of cheap vitamins in pill form.

The FDA needs to approve more companies to produce vitamins in IV form - problem solved - no?
Government bureaucracy at it's finest...imo

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

What part of 'those who can afford it will get what they need' didn't you comprehend?

Point being - the poor will die. The rich, will not.

Nothing new here.


posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

This is saddening news. I daresay I harken back to the good old days when Celebrities would go out of their way to raise awareness and solicit campaign drives for children in need, if not outright donate to the cause themselves.

This new breed of Celeb needs to live it's lifespan and die off already....looks like they're fighting the inevitable every step of the way though....and for what? Sex tapes, bad situational comedy, "reality shows" and tabloid dramas?

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by silo13

What part of 'those who can afford it will get what they need' didn't you comprehend?

Point being - the poor will die. The rich, will not.

Nothing new here.


The OP set the stage for the argument and I followed her argument.
Excuse me that I didn't choose to comprehend your logic it bored me.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 02:42 AM
I dont believe it!

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