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Do NOT allow your elderly loved ones or children to fly on airplanes!

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posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Hi Boymoneky,

That's what this site is built upon, opinions. It's his opinion that older folks and children shouldn't be overly exposed to flying because of increased radiation exposure. It's his opinion. This whole site is filled with opinions! He/she is not the first to sensationalize titles, or bring out the doom, to get flags and stars. It's common and rudimentary here. This is a conspiracy site!

Also, I'm a girl. A dudette. Pleasure conversing with you.


posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 07:08 PM

edit on 31-7-2013 by Rikku because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Rikku

He's talking about radiation exposure levels during the flight. It's the equivalent of a full body x-ray, which is far from enough to make you sick.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 07:19 PM

edit on 31-7-2013 by Rikku because: edited for zaphoid (ty) dont know anything about radiation and didnt read the op. : )

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Rikku

You are exposed to higher levels than on the ground, but nowhere near high enough to drive plane loads of people crazy or kill the elderly or children as claimed. About the only way that would happen is a terrestrial gamma ray burst hitting directly on your flight. That's about a one in a million chance.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

That's what this site is built upon, opinions. It's his opinion that older folks and children shouldn't be overly exposed to flying because of increased radiation exposure. It's his opinion. This whole site is filled with opinions! He/she is not the first to sensationalize titles, or bring out the doom, to get flags and stars. It's common and rudimentary here. This is a conspiracy site!

You are absolutely correct....but there are forums within ATS for posting unsubstantiated opinions, and there are forums that a little bit of proof or evidence is expected...the OP'er has proved that he/she has no intention of providing any documented evidence for his/her threads and is merely posting to be controversial and for trolling.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 07:27 PM

edit on 31-7-2013 by Rikku because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:07 PM


posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by GBP/JPY
Actually, the op is good.
Did you know in the 60's, pilots weren't living past 60.....then in 76 or so they protected the flight deck from the radar with more shielding....didn't work by the 1980 mark....
plus stewardesses had 7 times the normal miscarriage rate...

The 60s and 70s those were the days....The smoking, drinking all night parties with flight attendants that actually liked pilots...30 years of that would kill anyone!!

On a more serious note....there was a study done on the life span of pilots and it might have been produced by ALPA? (airline pilots association) that basically said for every year a pilot works over the age of 55 by the numbers available it took 2.5 years off from the life expectancy....was the study bias to get the old guys out and newer guys promoted to Captain or was there truth in the study...Maybe a little of both I dunno. I have friends who are 65 and still working!!! 3 wives to pay for and several kids to put through colledge will do that to you no doubt.......

However, 8, 10, 12 hour a day in a seat bored to tears 3 to 4 days a week with minimal sleep and airline food or fast food can not be all that healthy for those over 55 IMO. When I was a young buck many of the Captains I flew with died in their 60s seems like 64 was some kind of magic number...But again life styles for aircrews are not the same today as they were in yesteryear. I would not trade my occupation and life style during those years with anyone I can think of...

Sleep was always important to me and I always tried to get at least 6 to 7 hours (if not more) when on a trip's layover..Most of the guys had stopped smoking and there were very few drinkers that I met during my time at the Airlines I worked for....There was still some partying going on but the EEOC and a sexual harassment suit filed could end a carear so most guys I knew thought it was not worth the possible trouble; to hard to get an airline job to throw it away on partying....It happend but not very often..... Besides most were married and devoted to their kidding

I actually saw a Captain who asked for some water three times in a little over a two hour flight get a sexual harassment suit filed on him...The flight attendant had filed 3 other suits and was finally terminated..... she then went to American airlines and started the whole thing over again from what the rumors said...Money baby..pilot hater? I saw this happen with my own eyes and there was no sexual innuendo IMO...This was the second day of a 3 day trip where the cockpit never saw a flight attendant useless it was someone from the back (economy class) who would bring food or water to the pit; not their job but the job of the first class flight attendant...I was first officer and when we would land I would buy a snack and a bottle of water so in a 3 or 4 hour flight I would have something to drink....Captain decided he had enough of her B.S. and told her if she can not come to the cockpit and bring the scheduled crew meals or at least bring something to drink once an hour he would have her removed at the next crew base.....Well that did not go over very well in her non functioning brain so with all her practice of filing an EEOC complaint she hit him with one......By my written statement and 3 of the other flight attendants reporting on her attitude with regards to her job the captain was exonerated...She was fired and life went on....

It takes us 33 hours of travel with about 23 hours of flight time when we go to the farm or return to the states and I know that all those hours sitting in that environment takes a toll; but it sure beats walking. After a 3 day trip I would not play a sport for money because your body took at least a day to recover and be back at your peak...The dry (ACM Air cycle Machine) air has allot to do with it IMO plus the lack of movement the job calls for. I am so old now that going to a movie and sitting for a couple of hours makes me stiff and I wanna grab something when I stand because I can remember when that was not the case..

We are all gonna die every last one of us so IMO do not try to speed the process along and enjoy life without being stupid...Pilots do not want to die either so as I told someone long ago who was wandering if carrying all those people onboard an aircraft bothered me?.....I told them then and I will say it again...If I make it to my destination then you can assume the passengers will too...

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by GBP/JPY
Actually, the op is good.

No, actually the op isn't. He's trying to say that the people that died in a heatwave in France died because of radiation poisoning. If you look at the figures from that period (August 2003) that doesn't make sense. The mortality numbers were higher in women than men (70% increase for women, compared to a 40% increase for men). If you break it down by age, then there was a 20% increase from 45-74, a 70% increase from 75-94, and a 20% increase over 94. What about everyone younger than 45? What about children? People with compromised immune systems? People predisposed to cancers? Did it somehow bypass all of them?

Did you know in the 60's, pilots weren't living past 60

Neither were a lot of people. How many of those pilots died of cancer, or other radiation related illnesses? How many had heart attacks, strokes, or other natural causes? Or even accidents or suicides?

plus stewardesses had 7 times the normal miscarriage rate...

How many induced miscarriages, or went to abortion clinics, such as they were, because they were in fear for their job, or how they were going to be treated? A number of airlines would fire them if they were single and came to work and announced they were pregnant, and good luck getting a job with another airline after.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 09:17 AM


posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by CircleOfDust

my science

There is the issue people,

We can never understand this posters science,

You can ask for clarification of "their" science as they welcome in some posts and then be baited with trolling.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by CircleOfDust

You're not hiding the fact that you can't debunk my science,

No one wants to look at unsupported science and call it science, so no one wants to debunk your speculation until you support your speculation.

it's just more evident with every post you make.

Expect a lashing from your boss tomorrow for your terrible performance.

Are you actually a paid troll by some of ATS s rivals?

Are you going to get a dock in pay for this weeks performance and exposure of being a .......?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:22 AM
My dad was long haul cabin crew for just under 40 years, he's fine so are all his cabin crew buddies, some of whom are still flying long haul into their 60s.

Surely if what the op was saying is true. There would be a cancer epidemic among cabin crew and long haul pilots. There isn't though.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 03:23 PM

...and more than enough.

The personal back and forth between some members in this thread is going to stop. You know who you are...

If you can't interact in a polite manner, quit responding to each other.

As I said, this stops right now.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

Oh I know all about the exploits of airplane crew, from my ltcol friend at PAFB, while going to an Irish pub

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

There's no such thing as hush hush I suppose. And they pick the healthiest pilots to begin with like in the AF.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by CircleOfDust

No, they don't. You just have to be able to pass a standard FAA physical. As long as you can read the eye chart, hear sounds, and don't have an underlying heart condition, etc, you can be an airline pilot or flight crew.

As for "hush hush" the number of people that would know about this would be incredible. You're saying that not one has ever talked? Out of the millions of pilots, air traffic controllers, flight crews, no one has ever talked?
edit on 8/1/2013 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by CircleOfDust
reply to post by woodwardjnr

There's no such thing as hush hush I suppose. And they pick the healthiest pilots to begin with like in the AF.

Yes, your right there isn't any hush hush on this issue, because it doesn't exist.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by CircleOfDust

I know when I'm out in the sun for a long period of time after a long winter, I feel sick. Never thought about it being radiation.

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